Full of Grace
by: Tina and Danielle
Rated: R (adult stuff, ya know?)
copyright: 1999
This part written by : Danielle

I hugged him back, "Thanks Nick. I love you too, you know that."

Nick nodded, "How about some breakfast?"

I nodded, "That sounds great. I'm starving."

We both headed down the stairs and went to work in the kitchen. Actually, I should say Nick went to work. I was on toast duty. Which consisted of me dropping a pile of bread on the counter and using my palm to scoot them piece by piece to the edge of the counter so I could push them over the edge into my other hand and then holding the bread between my hands while I positioned it over the toaster and then dropped it in. I missed the days of not having to think about how to do everything without my fingers and wrists.

Nick smiled when he saw my system for getting toast in the toaster and then turned back to the eggs he was frying up. I started humming waiting for the bread to brown and Nick looked up at me and smiled again, "It's amazing what a night of good sleep does for you. All these years we just thought you were an ogre. You really were sleep deprived."

I shot him a look and stuck my tongue out at him. Mature, I know, but I seem to naturally regress in age around Nick.

He smirked at me, "Yes, Kevy, I know you know how to use that, now put it away at the breakfast table." He said it in such a mocking motherly tone that I immediately turned red. That set him off even more. Soon he was clutching his sides and using the counter to hold him up as he laughed. I rolled my eyes and shook my head, muttering "Kids." under my breath.

When the toast popped up, I took it out of the toaster between my palms and tried not to burn myself, laying the toast on a plate. I saw the butter and a knife laying there and without a thought went to pick up the knife. My fingers hit the countertop and splayed out, nearly bending themselves backwards. I tried again, same result. Then I remembered. I couldn't.

I got so mad. Can't and couldn't were becoming words I was using way too often now. Words that had never been in my vocabulary before. Words that were practically my entire vocabulary now. The butter went flying across the kitchen after I straight armed it of the counter along with the knife and the toast. The plate shattered and the knife made a clattering noise as it bounced off the floor.

Nick spun around to see me looking at the mess I made on the floor, my breathing ragged and tears sliding down my face. Before he could say a word I bolted up the stairs and into my room.

He knew I needed some time alone, so he carefully cleaned up the mess I had made and finished breakfast before coming up the stairs. He knocked and when he didn't get an answer from me, he just came in. He saw me lying on the bed, moping. There was no dignified word for it, it was just being a sucky and moping.

He set the plate of food down on the bed and looked at my back. "Sit up!"

His voice nearly barked at me and I jumped, astonished at his tone. I figured I had really made him mad, making a mess of his kitchen like I had. I slowly sat up, and swung my legs over the side of the bed so I was facing him. He nodded, "Better. Now eat."

He loaded up a fork and put it in front of my lips, I hated this most of all, I couldn't even feed myself. My useless hands couldn't even feed me. I shook my head, hanging it low, "I'm not hungry."

He frowned, "Open your mouth. The only way you are going to get better is if you take care of yourself. Open!"

I shook my head and he grunted in frustration. Next thing I knew he had my nose pinched closed and my mouth was open, gasping for air. He used the opportunity to shove the forkful of food into my mouth and closed my mouth, making me chew and swallow by still holding my nose. He finally let it go and I glared at him. He glared right back, "Well if you would just eat and stop moping we wouldn't have this problem would we?"

I sighed and stubbornly kept sulking.

He filled the fork again, "Are you going to eat it or do I have to humiliate you and do the airplane?"

I just looked at him, he wouldn't dare.

He knew what I was thinking, "Just try me, Kev. You know I'll do it, complete with engine noises."

My mouth opened faster than the speed of light. There was no way in hell he was going to do the damn airplane. I wasn't a toddler for cripe's sake!

He smirked in victory, "I thought that would work."

I dutifully ate the rest of breakfast, I wasn't happy about it, but I did it.

Nick was just finishing his, which was probably cold thanks to me, when his cell phone rang. He picked it up and I could hear the person on the other end of the phone talking loud and fast, obviously upset. Nick held the phone away from his ear, "Brian! BRIAN!!! Woah, slow down! I can't understand......what?! ......oh my god.....are you.....fuck!.....oh shit......oooooh shit.......Howie?......is he ok?........jesus....what about AJ?" He looked up at me. "Kev, sit down."

I sat on the edge of the bed and Nick looked at me, his eyes filled with tears. "Stefanie had some fun last night...."

I closed my eyes, "Who did she kill?"

Nick looked surprised, "Uh, well...Brian woke up this morning to find.....Tyke....he was hanging from the ceiling fan by a noose with a knife stuck right through him and a knife stuck in the mattress right by Brian's neck. He's pretty hysterical right now."

I felt my breakfast rising up inside me. This was all my fault. I caused all of this. I opened my eyes and looked at Nick, "What about Howie?"

He swallowed, "She got into his place too. She....He woke up with his hair scattered around him. She cut it off and the scissors were stuck into the mattress right between his legs. A little too close for comfort if you know what I mean."

I felt my breakfast hitting the back of my throat, the image of poor Tyke stuck in my head. "AJ?"

Nick shuddered, "She tied him to his bed and dumped peroxide all over his stomach and thighs. He didn't wake up until it started burning and he couldn't move his hands to get it off. They are second degree burns, Kev."

That was it for my breakfast. With a gagging noise, I ran to the bathroom just in time to spill everything from my stomach into the toilet. When I had nothing left to throw up, I collapsed onto the floor.

This was all my fault. All of it. Oh my god. Poor AJ, she burned him because of me. It was like she knew just what would hurt them the most. What they valued the most. Brian treated Tyke like his kid. Howie had been growing his hair for so long, was so particular about it and now it was gone and the scissors between his legs was a clear threat to his masculinity. And AJ. Oh my god. AJ. She burned him. She probably scarred him. He worked so hard at his body, so insecure because he was so small. She burned him.

It was then that I knew she would never rest until she had me. She would not give up until I was dead.

I got up off the floor. If it was a choice between me and my friends. Well the choice was easy. I snuck out the other door of the bathroom, the one that led to Nick's room and went down the stairs to the kitchen. I knew what I needed.

Nick was still sitting on the bed, trying to calm Brian down. He was getting concerned. I had been in the bathroom too long and it was too quiet. He walked in and saw it empty. He closed his eyes and heard a noise from downstairs. "Oh shit! Oh Brian, I think he's going to hurt himself!"

Brian's voice got even more panicked on the other end, "Oh shit! Did you find him?"

Nick ran down the stairs as fast as his legs would move him and found me in the kitchen, the biggest knife he had in my hand. Through adrenaline alone, I managed to get my fingers curled around the thick handle enough to grasp it. Nick skidded to a stop, "Kevin, drop the knife."

I just looked at the light glinting off of the blade, transfixed.

Nick stepped closer, "Kevin, drop the knife now. It's not going to help anyone if you do this. Please Kev, don't."

I looked up at him, "She wants me dead. She won't stop until I am. Don't you see that? She's going to hurt everyone around me. If she can't kill me herself, she'll let the guilt do it. It's better this way Nick. Everyone is happy." I raised the knife and brought it over my heart, the tip sticking into my shirt a little. "Go Nick. I don't want you to see this."

Nick dropped the phone to the floor, "No. Drop the knife, Kev. I mean it."

I shook my head and pressed the knife closer to me, feeling the end going through my shirt and straining the skin underneath to the breaking point. "Nick go. Tell Brian I'll fix this right here, right now. Tell them all I'm sorry."

I could hear Brian screaming into the phone. Yelling at me to drop the knife, that he didn't blame me for this. That none of them did. Lies. all lies. I knew it was my fault.

Nick grabbed a knife from the drawer that lay open and placed it over his own heart, "You go, we go. You remember that? You go, we go. You do it and I'm right behind you, Kevin. The only one who is to blame for this is Stefanie. No one else. So if you want to do this, I'm ready whenever you are. "

The silence in that kitchen was deafening. Then from nowhere a voice started singing. It was Brian. His voice rose out of the cell phone singing a song that my father had sung for me whenever I was scared or hurt when I was a child. How did Brian even remember? He knew the power that song had over me. I felt my fingers start going numb again and the knife wavered in my hands.

Nick took the opportunity and dropped his knife to the floor and before I could even react, had the knife pried out of my hand and thrown across the kitchen, out of my reach. I collapsed into his arms, too stunned to say or do anything but stare blankly ahead. He brought us both to the floor and wrapped me in his arms as he picked up the cell phone. "Brian? I got him. It's ok. I got him."
