Full of Grace
by: Tina and Danielle
Rated: R (adult stuff, ya know?)
copyright: 1999
This part written by : Tina

Every step of the way to the car Stefanie had the gun in Nick's back. They got into the car and Stefanie jabbed the gun in Nick's ribs, "Start driving Blondie."

Nick maneuvered them out of the parking lot, towards the interstate heading towards Miami. She had no idea where Kevin was so she had no idea they were heading further away from him.

"Where is he, Nick?"

"Fuck you bitch."

Stefanie jabbed the gun into his ribs again, "Tell me or I will shoot you, Nickolas." Nick laughed, "No you won't because I am the only one who knows where he is. You shoot me and you never find him. "

"I have ways of making you talk, Nick. Just make it easier on yourself and tell me where my Kevin is."

"Fuck you bitch."


Nick smirked, "You'll never know, Stefanie. I'm not telling you." "I can make you talk. I have ways." "Dream on bitch."

Stefanie fumed. Nick was suppose to be the weak one, the one who would break with the least amount of pressure. She was going to have to go all out on him apparently. After all this trouble, when she got Kevin back she was going to make him regret this immensely.

"Nick, pull over up there." Nick looked at her. "What are you dumb? Can't understand English? I said pull over, Nick!"

Nick pulled the car over and put it in park. Stefanie looked around and at that time the traffic was very sparse. When she was sure that no one was coming up on them she raised the hand she was holding the gun with up and brought it down on the side of Nick's head.

He let out a surprised gasp and slumped against the door unconscious. Stefanie got out and reached across the seat. She grabbed Nick by his shirt and pulled him over until he was half in the passenger seat and half on the floor. She then got in behind the wheel and started driving.

The banging at the door scared me half to death. I quickly slipped upstairs and got the gun out of Nick's nightstand. I groaned when I remembered my fuckin fingers wouldn't work. Well, if this was that crazy bitch she was gonna have a fight if she wanted to finish what she had started before.

I tucked the gun in my jeans in the small of my back and headed down to the door. My heart jumped up into my throat when I saw the Georgia State Trooper standing there. I opened the door and said, "Oh God, what's happened to Nick?"

"Mr. Richardson?", he asked in a thick southern accent. "Yes, that's me. What about Nick? Nick Carter? Did something happen to him? Why are you here?" The man said, "I'm Officer Wallace. As far as I know Mr. Carter is fine but he made arrangements if we received an SOS on the emergency line he set up we were to get you out of here immediately."

I closed my eyes and swallowed down the bile that had rose in my throat. Something had happened to Nick.

"Mr. Richardson, we have to go. Mr. Carter left instructions just to bring the cell phone and gun with you. You'll be taken care of where I'm taking you to."

I grabbed the cell phone off the table and locked the door behind me.

Some four hours later I was in my new "shelter". A houseboat in Pensacola, Fla. I found it stocked with food, clothes in my size, and all sorts of little goodies that could come in handy. I came across an envelope with my name on it laying on the middle of the bed. I recognized it immediately and opened it.


If you're reading this, then that means the worst has happened. Stefanie has me. Don't worry I will be okay. And you will be too because she will never find out where you are.

Mama and Aaron are safe and with dad and the others now. They're not in California. Brian and Kel and Howie and Kat have all left where they were at and are somewhere new. AJ and Denise were flown to another hospital in the US.

I don't know where anyone is now. I don't even know where you are at reading this. This way no matter what she does to me I can't tell her something I honestly don't know.

You said you had to get back to standing on your own feet. This is the time to do it. You are strong, Kev. You can do this. I'll be back to you as soon as I can.

And remember this...

I love you.


I sat on the bed and buried my face in my hands. I wasn't strong. Not at all. How could Nick be so wrong about me?
