Full of Grace
by: Tina and Danielle
Rated: R (adult stuff, ya know?)
copyright: 1999
This part written by : Danielle

A cold slash snapped Nick's head upwards. The side of his head was on fire. He opened his eyes, squinting in the bright light. When his vision cleared he realized his hands were tied above him and fastened to something so his feet were barely touching the floor. Then Stefanie came into view. He realized this is how Kevin must have felt when this bitch had him tied to the shower rod.

Stefanie ran a fingernail across the band of Nick's stomach that was revealed with his hands being stretched so high above his head, "So, Nick. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. The easy way is you tell me where Kevin is and I let you live. The hard way is you keep telling me to fuck off and I get impatient with you. You don't want to see me impatient, Nick."

Nick's flesh seemed to recoil from her touch on it's own, his stomach jumping inwards to get away from her vile touch.

Stefanie grabbed his chin and made him look at her, "So, which one is it, Nick? The easy way or the hard way?"

Nick looked her right in the eye, "Fuck off."

He never saw her move, only felt the pain of his gut being paralyzed by her fist. He wanted to curl in a ball by instinct, but he was unable to move. He wanted to throw up, but never would he give her the satisfaction. Instead he just stared straight ahead, clamping his lips shut so tightly they felt as if they were going to bleed.

"I can keep this up all day, Nick. Where is he?"

Nick kept staring forward. "Fuck off."

Her fist slammed into his stomach again, this time causing a grunt to shoot out of his lips before he could bite it back. Damn, he thought, for such a tiny woman, she was strong. Then again, he thought, the insane ones usually are. His eyes kept staring ahead at the stark white wall until he could see every imperfection in it, every chip or dent in the paint, every fingerprint.

"I don't want to have to kill you, Nick. But I will. Tell me where he is."

There was no answer from Nick, he just kept staring forward, which infuriated her even more. With a cry, it seemed as if her fists were everywhere. They pummeled his stomach, his chest, even his throat and groin. He was in more pain than he thought he could ever be in and still be conscious.

The bile that was raising in his throat was unstoppable now. Without any warning, his mouth opened and the contents of his stomach hurled out of him, spraying over the both of them, but mostly onto Stefanie who was right in front of him. When he was done gagging, he saw her dripping with his vomit and couldn't suppress the smile.

Stefanie just looked at him in a mixture of rage and repulsion. The smile is what clinched it for her though. With a wild cry, she lifted a knife off of the counter beside her and held it above her head.

Nick saw the glint of the knife and closed his eyes. He knew that if he died now, Stefanie would never find Kevin and as long as his friend was safe from her, his life was a small price to pay. He kept the smile on his face just to spite her. If she was going to do him in, he was gonna go with a smile on his face knowing that she would never find Kevin and never get her claws into him ever again.

Nick felt his hands drop, they were still tied together, but they were no longer secured above his head. He opened his eyes in surprise, but before he could react, she sent a swift kick to his midsection and he went tumbling backwards into nothingness. Suddenly there was no floor beneath him, nothing on either side of him. He was suspended in mid air. Then he began to free fall backwards through the void.

A cry left his lips as his head struck something and he started rolling awkwardly downwards. Every part of his body seemed to hit some sort of sharp corner as the world spun crazily around him. As he kept rolling he realized that he was falling down a stairway. He came to the bottom and his head hit the floor first, with a loud crack, then the rest of him followed.

And then he was still.
