Full of Grace: Chapter 4
by: Tina and Danielle
Rated: R (adult stuff, ya know?)
copyright: 1999
This part written by : Tina

It all started with the Transcon party for the release of Millennium, our new record, at an Orlando Nightclub called, "The Beat". Seems like forever ago.

The guys and I were sitting at our table drinking and laughing and watching the crowd of people dancing and mingling with one another. People were stopping by and congratulating us on the new record.

Everyone was drinking but Nick. He had a coke in front of him. When I saw Brian pouring some of his coke & jack daniels into Nick's glass I said, "Careful there, cousin. I don't want him getting drunk with all these people around." Nick laughed, "Chill out old man. Tonight is for fun. Just kick back and enjoy it, Kev. Stop worrying about us."

I turned away from them. Nick was right. I should just kick back and enjoy things - for tonight only. But honestly.........I had no idea how to just kick back and enjoy things.

All of a sudden the guys got very quiet. I looked at them and they were staring at something, with their mouths hung open. I laughed, "You guys are drooling!"

AJ pointed and said, "Look, Train." I turned around and time stood still. She was exquiste. The blonde hair (think Jennifer Anniston haircut). Even from this distance I could see how deep blue her eyes were. She wore a blue leather mini skirt with a matching blue tank top.

"Oh, damn," was all I could mutter as I watched her swaying hips as she walked towards our table.

Brian said, "Kev, she's got your eyes on you bro. She wants you something bad." "Oh please", I mumbled. But her eyes had never left mine. She looked like an hunter stalking it's prey. I shifted in my seat, trying to ease the the uncomfortable "pain" I was now feeling in my groin.

The she was at the table and staring me right in the face. She was perfect. Not much make-up but then she didn't need it. Her skin was flawless - creamy and smooth.

Howie elbowed me and whispered, "Who is drooling now, Kevvy Kev?" I shot him a dirty look and turned back to the beauty in front of me. I held my hand out to her, "I'm Kevin Richardson. And you are?" She took my hand and smiled, "Stefanie Thomas. Would you care to dance, Kevin? " I stood up and smiled, "I'd love to, Stefanie."

As we walked out onto the dance floor I glanced back at the guys. They all were giving me thumbs up signs. I chuckled to myself.

On the dance floor, I guess it would be accurate to say Stefanie pulled me into her arms. Our hands were on each other's waist and she pulled me to her so that my leg was wedged in between hers.

I couldn't control the groan that escaped from my lips as Stefanie rubbed her hands up and down my hips and over my buttocks as she ground her crotch up and down my leg. She looked up at me and a devilish smiled played at her mouth, "I love to dance, Kevin."

"So I can tell, Stefanie. You're very "bold." She laughed a laugh that sent tingles down my spine. "No, Kevin, I'm not bold. I just know what I want and am not afraid to go after it. And I want you. Now."

"I, um......you're very attractive, Stefanie, but we just met and everything. We should get to know each other better." "That's what I want to do, Kevin. Get to know you a whole lot better."

She took my hand and pulled me off the dance floor. Though I was protesting this to her, my body seemed to have amind of it's own as it followed her willingly. She opened the ladies room door and peeked in. It was empty so she pulled me in and locked the door.

"Stefanie, this isn't such a........" My words were cut off as her lips crushed mine. When I felt her teeth on my tongue, pulling it, I groaned and wrapped my arms around her, my fingers entwining in her hair.

She suddenly pushed me away from her, causing my head to hit the wall. "Ouch!" I hollered as I rubbed my head. "Oh be quiet", she hissed, "You know you love this, Kevin. Your "friend" here gives you away." She squeezed my package and I leaned my head back and closed my eyes.

I felt my shirt open and then her soft kisses on my chest and nipples. Then there was a burning sensation going down my chest. My eyes flew open and I looked. She had raked her nails down my chest, drawing blood.

"Damn", was all I could hiss as she dropped to her knees and undid my pants. My member was already oozing precum. Stefanie spread the sticky substance up and down my shaft with her fist, then she took my length in her mouth.

She sucked hard and fast, using her teeth to pull and bit the sensative skin. Never before had I expereinced such feelings of pleasure and pain all rolled up into one. "I'm cummin, Stefanie. Damn." She got up to her feet and lifted her leg up around my hips. Somehow I was not surprised to find she didn't have any panties on. I thrust into her hard and just moments later we both cried out as we climaxed.

Afterwards she calmly pulled away from me and fixed her clothes. She smiled at me and said, "I need a drink." and she walked out leaving me standing there stunned and wondering what the hell I had just done.
