Full of Grace: Chapter 6
by: Tina and Danielle
Rated: R (adult stuff, ya know?)
copyright: 1999
This part written by : Tina

That ruined my whole afternoon right there. I kept praying for Stefanie to call back. Maybe she didn't hang up on me. Maybe she was just having telephone problems.

I called information looking for her number. But she was not listed.

Dammit, please call back Stefanie.

I couldn't concentrate on anything the guys were telling me and I had no interest in the movie they chose to watch. Unconciously my fingers stroked my chest where there were scars now from Stefanie's fingernails.

Finally AJ said, "I'm going. Kevin you are as much fun as a wet noodle today." I mumbled, "I'm sorry. Just a lot on my mind. You guys want to go down to the arcade and goof around for awhile?"

Nick jumped up and all but ran for the door, "Let's go!"

So we all went to the arcade down on the boardwalk and spent the evening playing games and racing go-carts. For those four short hours I had fun and enjoyed myself.

If time could only go back to that afternoon. That was probably the happiest I had been in my whole life. So much changed after that.

Brian dropped me back off at my house later that night after we went and got pizza after leaving the arcade.

I saw the light on my answering machine blinking when I came in so I walked over to the table and hit play.

There was no mistaking her voice. "Oh yes! Fuck me harder. Come on you stud ram your cock in me. GOD YES! YES!" I cringed at her words. Actually it was more at the tone of her words. She sounded like she really enjoying herself.

Suddenly her voice spoke again, "Kevin, that could have been you. You missed out darling. But I'm willing to give you another chance. I'm gonna call back. I don't know when. It might be today. It might be tommorrow. It might be next week. I expect you to answer the phone, Kevin. If you don't I will be highly disappointed in you. And you don't want me disappointed darling because I will make your life hell."

I stood there unable to move as I replayed her message over and over again. It was almost a week later before I left the house again.
