Full of Grace: Chapter 7
by: Tina and Danielle
Rated: R (adult stuff, ya know?)
copyright: 1999
This part written by : Danielle

The shrill screech of the phone screamed through the air, waking me from my sleep. The same little prayer went up, like every time I had picked up the phone this week, please please god, let it be her."

I lifted the receiver, my voice still groggy, "Hello?"

There was silence and I thought it was another industrious fan who had gotten hold of my number. But then her voice came over the line. "1425 Lanebrook Avenue."


The dial tone was back in my ear as I stared down at the phone. Then I scrambled to find something to write on, finding a golf pencil and a scrap of paper I scrawled the address down and looked at the clock. 3:47a.m.

I sat on the edge of the bed and thought about why I was running around. Did I want to be at the beck and call of this woman I didn't even know? Unfortunately my secondary brain kicked into gear and made it's presence known, screaming for the relief only she could bring.

I sprang off the bed, not knowing how long she was going to give me to get there, but I knew I did not want to be late. I groped around in the dark for my clothes, nearly blinding myself when I turned on the lights in the bathroom.

I managed to get myself presentable in under five minutes. I almost wished the guys were there, they would have been so proud. Usually I am only second to Nick for being slow in the morning. I had no more time to think on it though.

I literally ran out to my car and slid behind the wheel of my 4runner, easing it onto the deserted streets and towards the address on the paper in my hands.

My sense of apprehension went up the closer and closer I got to the address on the list. I had went from my upscale neighborhood, to suburbia, then to a neighborhood that even my car was afraid to drive into. It seemed to hesitate as I pushed on the gas, asking me silently if I was sure about what I was doing. I pressed harder on the gas and slowed a few blocks later as looked for the address that I had been given. 1423....1427. I reversed down the street again. No 1425. Then I saw the abandoned lot. On the curb was spraypainted the numbers 1425. I pulled over and looked at the dark lot.

Suddenly, out of the darkness she emerged. Walking over to my car, she stopped at the edge of the weedy lot and beckoned me closer with her finger. I put the keys in my pocket and got out of the car, locking it behind me. In the time it had taken me to do that, she had disappeared back into the inky darkness of the lot and I wandered blindly squinting, looking for some clue of where she might have been. After hitting and nearly tripping over a tire and a hunk of something or other, I righted myself and continued searching. Out of the blackness something connected with my lower stomach, blasting into the same area that sported the scar from having my appendix removed.

Fire raced up my side as my breath left me in a startled yelp. I doubled over, trying to regain the use of my lungs, coughing in my effort to get air. A hand grabbed my hair and yanked me upwards, the warm breath of my attacker on my cheek, "You made me wait Kevin, I don't like to be kept waiting."

It was her. She had done this? I choked down the nausea that was threatening to spill out of me from the pain roaring through my side, "I...I'm sorry."

Her hand released the tight grip she had on my hair and her lips grazed over my cheek and sought out my lips, "Sorry works this time. Just don't let it happen again, ok?"

My mind was reeling at the sudden change in her demeanor, all I could do was nod. She took me by the hand, leading me further into the darkness, with me limping along holding my side.

She apparently had found what she was looking for, because she sat on something and pulled me to sit beside her. I felt the softness of a blanket covering something hard and unyielding below us. She laid me back and I felt her pulling my shirt out of my jeans on the side she had hit. Her fingertips grazed softly over what would most likely be a nasty bruise in the morning, then she leaned down and softly kissed over the throbbing flesh. Her touch seemed to calm the hurt as she kept kissing and licking over the tender skin.

Her hands wandered upwards under my shirt, stopping to pinch and roll my hardened nipples with her fingers. She moved her hands back downwards, leaving my shirt bunched up above my chest. Her hands found the waistband of my jeans, the bulge clearly apparent. She rubbed over it with her hand, the friction nearly making my eyes roll back into my head. Before I could react, she had the front of my jeans open, and them and my boxers slid down nearly to my knees.

I gasped and started to sit up, "What in the..."

She clapped her hand over my mouth, "Don't tell me you've never done it outside before."

Since her hand was still over my mouth, I just shook my head.

She laughed, a beautiful throaty laugh, "Well then. It's just a day of firsts for you, isn't it?" Before I could do or say anything, she impaled herself on me. I groaned from the wonderful feeling of her surrounding me as she rose and fell on top of me. My groin was on fire as I thrust my hips up to meet her. She kept her hand clamped over my mouth, grinding down on me. More than once she squeezed her knee into my side, sending a jolt of pain through me, but strangely it only made the sensations that much more intense.

Before I knew it, she moaned on top of me as she clamped and spasmed around me, causing me to arch my back with a moan and I knew my release was not far off. A grunt of surprise left my lips as Stefanie hopped off of me and straightened her skirt like nothing had happened. I sat up and looked at her, my loins throbbing visibly, still covered in her wetness, screaming for release from the pressure.

I was about to say something when the sound of screeching tires filled my ears. I snapped my head in the direction of the street just in time to see the tail lights of my car rapidly moving away.

I didn't even think of where I was or what had just happened. I yanked up my boxers and jeans, grimacing as they slid painfully over my member. I looked in panic from Stefanie to where my car had been and back. Where to stay? I looked at the street and realized that the car was gone and my chances of getting it back were slim to none. I turned back around and the spot where Stefanie stood was now empty.

I looked around frantically for her, but there was no evidence she had ever been there. The blanket was gone and only the cold metal of an abandoned car lay where we had previously been. I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration.

Now I stood in a god forsaken lot in a god forsaken part of town, my car had been stolen and to top it all of, my crotch was on fire it wanted release so bad. I looked at my watch, the dial illuminated in the dark, 4: 32. Not bad for less than an hours work. Fuck. Fuck on a fucking stick.

I jumped when a pair of arms came around me from behind. I knew it was Stefanie. Her hand slid to my jeans and opened the fly, going into my boxers and pulling letting my aching member free. Her hand slid over the hard skin and muscle, closing around me. I felt her lips pressing on my back as her hand slid over every inch of me, working it like a pro. Within thirty seconds I bit back a groan as my hips bucked forward and my seed spilled all over her hand. She kissed my neck and waited while I straightened myself around.
