Full of Grace: Chapter 8
by: Tina and Danielle
Rated: R (adult stuff, ya know?)
copyright: 1999
This part written by : Tina

Kevin whimpered as Nick stood up and helped him over to the bed. "It's ok, Kev. I'm coming right back."

Nick went to the bar and started to make Kevin a drink but the said, "Dammit, last thing you need is booze. Too easy to get addicted." Nick looked in the mini fridge and poured some coke in a glass brining it to Kevin.

"Here drink this Train." Kevin took a sip and took a deep breath. "Thank you Nick."

Nick sat down on the bed and lay back against the headboard, pulling Kevin into his arms. "That was the night I found you walking down the road wasn't it?" Kevin nodded, "Yeah it was........"

Stefanie whispered in my ear, "Lay back down there Kevin. Face down and put your hands behind your head."

Panic gripped me and I froze. I never saw her fist coming when it connected with my sore, aching side. I gasped and doubled over.

"Lay down Kevin. Now." I looked at her with tears in my eyes but I lay face down and put my hands over my head.

I felt Stefanie kneel down beside me. She patted my head like a dog and said, "Good boy. Now I have a question for you, Kevin, and you better answer now."

She laughed at the lame joke in reference to our song, "Everybody". Then she said, "Am I the best fuck you have ever had, Kevin?"

I didn't answer her. My side was killing me and it hurt to breathe. I cried out as she pulled my hair, pulling my head back so far I thought she was going to break my neck.

"Kevin, I asked you a question. Don't fuck with me you stud. I can cut your balls off and have them breakfeast later this morning. Now, I'll repeat the question. Am I the best fuck you have ever had, Kevin?"

"Yes", I hoarsely answered. She slammed my head down and said, "Good. Now you lay there and don't move. "

I felt her get up and leave my side. I lay there. I don't know how long. I was exhausted but I was too scared to sleep.

The sun began to rise and a light drizzle began to fall. I eased my head up and looked around. Stefanine was no where to be found.

Slowly I got to my feet. I was in extreme pain. I walked out to the street and looked both ways. No one, no where. Maybe that was a blessing in disguise. The way my luck was running I'd probably run into someon and get shot.

I stepped out into the street and started the long walk home. In a matter of moments, I was soaked to the skin and shaking.

I heard the car come up behind me and kept walking. I hoped it was Stefaine but I was too scared to look.

"Kevin, what the hell are you doing?" I closed my eyes and groaned to myself when I heard Nick's voice. I looked at him but I had no idea what to say. "Get in out of the rain Kevin." He opened the passanger side door.

I got in and closed it and we took off towards my house. "Kevin, what's going on? Are you ok? Do you need to go to the hospital?" I growled, "You ask a lot of questions, Nick."

"Well excuse me but I found one of my best friends walking down the street in the rain miles away from his house looking like he got the shit beat out of him. What am I suppose to do, Kevin?"

I glared at him when he said I looked like I had gotten the shit beat out of me. I could never tell him the truth. God, how did I get into this mess? Had I lost what common sense I had?

"I'm fine, Nick. Just take me home please." We drove home in silence. I went to get out of the car when Nick's hand on my arm stopped me, "Kevin, if you're in some kind of trouble, you can tell me. I'll do anything in my power to help you man."

I stared at Nick for a moment and said, "You can help me by forgetting about this little incident, Nick. Thank you for the ride home. Bye." I left Nick staring at me in shock, disblief, fear. But I couldn't let him know what happened.
