You Do What You Have To Do: Chapter 2
by: Tina and Danielle
Rated: R (adult stuff, ya know?)
copyright: 1999
This part written by : Danielle

Brian looked over the table and saw a manila folder and another video tape
sitting there. He took them in his hands and looked up at AJ, "Where did
you get all this stuff AJ?"

AJ looked up and saw the file in his hands, "Trey. Since they brought the
swat team and police into it, they had to keep meticulous records of
everything incase something ever went to court."

Brian looked at the thick folder, "So this is the police file?"

AJ nodded, "Yes. Trey thought it might help us to understand a little more."

Brian cleared the newspaper file to the floor and opened the police file
setting it in front of the three of them. They flipped through the notes of
who had the file and when. Then they came to the pictures of the house where
Stefanie had lived before murdering her family and they saw a picture of a
television with a note attached to it. Beside the picture was a reference
note. See video tape KRNC737283. Howie looked at the video that was laying
on the table and the same reference numbers were on it.

He looked at the other two and they nodded, so he popped it in. The screen
came to life with video of an old rundown house out in the country around
Orlando. They could hear Kevin's voice in the background arguing that he
was going in too and that he didn't care if they had a problem with that.
The person holding the camera spoke now, "Home of suspect. Dade County." He
went on to give the date and time of the taping. The next shot was inside
the house, where remnants of police tape still remained and taped outlines
of evidence and body placement were still visible under the layers of dust
in the house.

The camera work was a jerky as the video person wandered the rooms of the
house, all normal looking except for the dust and look of abandonment over
everything. The sound of Kevin's name being called was heard on the tape
and you could see the back of Kevin's head as the camera followed him to a
front room in the house.

The camera took in the only piece of furniture in there. A crate with a
television on top. The camera followed a wire that went to the television
as Kevin walked to it and pulled a note off the front of it. Then his eyes
fell on the image on the screen.

Howie, Brian and AJ all jumped at the sound that came out of Kevin's mouth
when he looked at whatever was on that screen. He looked like he had been
sucker punched with the force of a Mack truck as he fell to his knees and
the awful sound continued. When it finally stopped, he looked down and read
the note, going more white than any of them had ever seen before.

AJ paused the tape, "What does the note say?"

Brian flipped the page and saw the note there. He read it out loud,


You have four 3 hours to find me. I liked burning your house down so much I
think I want to try something else. Notice what's at the bottom of the


Below it in a bag was a lighter stapled to the sheet. This time Howie was
the one to make a dash for the bathroom and the sound of him wretching made
the other two cringe.

A minute later, Howie came back into the room with a cup of tea and sat back
on the sofa, "Sorry, it just all caught up to me." They both gripped his
shoulders and nodded understandingly. Howie looked at the picture of Kevin
reading the note on the television, "What was on that tv that made him
scream like that?"

Brian picked up the remote slowly, "I'm guessing the answer to that will be
on this tape." He looked at the other two, "Ready?"

They both shook their heads, "No, but we need to do this. If it's this hard
to watch, it must have been a million times worse to live through."

Brian hit the play button again and they saw Kevin run out of the room and
the unmistakable sounds of him throwing up violently. Brian shuddered,
"It's bad. Nothing makes Kevin sick. This is the same guy who watches
horror movies while eating."

The voice of the person holding the camera came on again, "I think I can
feed this right onto the videotape. We'll need it. My she even

The video cut out for a minute and then came back. The picture on the
screen brought forth screams from the three men sitting on the couch. All
Brian could do was scream "Turn it off! Turn it off!" over and over, huddled
into a ball on the couch, the picture burned into his mind.

AJ managed to slap the tv in the right place, running past it with his mouth
covered. He barely made it to the bathroom before the bile spilled out of
his mouth and into the awaiting water.

Howie could only stare forward blankly, his mind unable to wrap itself
around the horrific image it had just witnessed, instead trying to reject
it. Tears slid down his face, unnoticed as he just kept staring ahead.

All three of them couldn't erase the picture of what they had just seen from
their minds. The image of Nick tied to a cross, bruised, broken and
unconscious covered in blood and his own waste, with his side gaping open
was something they would bring with them to their graves.


I stretched lazily and my eyes fluttered open slowly, finding the room
filled with soft light from the windows. I turned onto my side carefully
and smiled at the sleeping face of Kevin, his body still in the spoon
position that they had slept in all night.

I slid away slowly, trying not to wake the angel sleeping next to me and got
out of the bed. I walked the other room and grabbed some clothes, making
sure to mess up the bed like I had slept in it and picked up the phone in my
room to order some breakfast for the both of us. While I was waiting for
it, I used the shower in "my" room and changed, finishing just as the soft
knock sounded at the door.

I signed for the food and carefully rolled it into our room, taking the lid
off and finding the bowl of fresh fruit salad and putting the lid back on
soundlessly. I crept back over to the bed and popped a strawberry in my
mouth, keeping half of it out beyond my lips and sat on the bed facing

Then I slowly leaned foreword and rubbed the tip of the strawberry over his
lips. It wasn't long before the combination of the smell and sensation of
the sweet fruit woke him up and he opened his sleepy eyes to see me looking
down at him, half of a strawberry poking out of my mouth.

He smiled and lifted his hand to rest on the back of my neck and pulled me
down to him, opening his lips to grasp the other half of the strawberry.

Our tongues met and exchanged the juices of the half of the strawberry we
each had in our mouths. Breakfast was forgotten for the moment as we kissed
ourselves into the day.

When we finally parted lips, Kevin smiled up at me. "Can I just make one

I nodded as I finished chewing the strawberry and swallowed.

He smiled even more, "Just wake me up like that every morning. With a nice,
long kiss. That's all I'll ever need to get me into the day."

I smiled back at him, leaning down to kiss him again, "Your wish is my

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into the bed with him, the two
of us snuggling under the covers and breakfast forgotten.
