You Do What You Have To Do: Chapter 2
by: Tina and Danielle
Rated: R (adult stuff, ya know?)
copyright: 1999
This part written by : Tina

The three men sat in stunned silence for what could have been hours. Or it could have been minutes. None of them could have told you how long it was. Time had no meaning as they sat and thought about what they had seen. They were trying to comprehend everything they had witnessed on the video tapes but how could one comprehend such horror?

"This is like some horror movie gone really, really bad," Howie finally muttered.

AJ said, "The true horror of it is that Nick and Kevin had to live through it. My God. There was no way that chick was human. I'll tell you one damn thing. I'll never take my friends and family for granted again. But as far as new people coming into my life - I'm not sure I'll ever trust anyone 100% again."

Howie said, "I think that is probably true for all of us, AJ. But we have to get back to as normal as we can. If we all hide out and are scared of everyone and everything, then Stefaine's reign of terror will go on and on. I can almost hear that bitch laughing at us from the gates of hell."

AJ nodded his head in agreement.

Brian remained strangely quiet. He was laying down on the couch, on his side, just staring blankly at the tv screen.

Images of a 13 year old Nick were running through his head. All their game sof Nintendo and basketball. Nick had grown up before his eyes and Brian hadn't realized it until now.

And then there was Kevin, who had been apart of his life since the day he was born. Brian thought about growing up beside Kevin in Kentucky and all the good times they had. He remembered when he was sick in the hospital and no one thought he was going to live. Kevin stayed by his bedside, holding his hand and telling him over and over he would be okay.

Brian sighed. All that innocense and hope gone now.

AJ touched Brian on the arm and said, "Bri? Are you ok? Talk to us man."

It was a moment before Brian even turned his gaze towards AJ, acknowledging AJ was even there.

"No, I'm not okay. How could God let this happen to them? They are the two sweetest, kindest people in the world. What did they do to piss God off so bad that he let this happen? And all human beings are suppose to be God's creatures. If that woman was God's creature, then I don't want to praise God anymore because he brought such a vile, cruel person into this world."

Brian softly began to cry again. AJ and Howie looked at one another, even more stunned now than before. Granted, Brian was no saint but he was perhaps more religious than any of them. He readily admitted that if he hadn't gone into music, he probably would have been a minister now. If Brian lost his faith in God, then this whole thing was even worse than they thought.

Howie's cell phone rang - the sudden noise causing all three of them to jump. Howie answered it and Kasey said, "Howie, I have the perfect house for Nick and Kevin. It's in a private cove. Has a boat dock. Swimming pool. Basketball court. It's small but it's two stories - has a balcony overloocking the cove. There is even a studio in it. The lady who lived here was a painter so she had it built but Nick and Kevin could easily convert it into a recording studio. It's beautiful Howie. Simply beautiful."

Howie sighed. It sounded beautiful. It sounded peaceful. Just what Kevin and Nick needed. Beauty and peace in their lives.

"Give me the address, Kasey. And I'll call Nick and Kevin and we'll meet you there."

"Oh, God, my feet hurt," I exclaimed as Kevin and I made our way inside our hotel room, our arms full of shopping bags.

I dropped everything on the floor of our room and sat down on the foot of the bed, rubbing my calves.

Kevin placed is stuff in the chair in the corner of the room and turned around and looked at me.

I teased, "You shop like a damn woman, Kevin. Have to stop and look at everything and then spend 10 minutes deciding if you want to buy it or not."

Kevin pouted, "Hey, I work hard for that money. I'm not gonna spend it on some half-assed made stuff. You're just pissed cause I wouldn't let you shop for Nintendo stuff."

"Damn, right, I'm pissed! Tha was down right mean of you."

Kevin smirked and walked towards me. "Nickers, when we get our house and get settled in, I promise you can drag me to every Electronics Store in Orlando."

I gave him the big round sad puppy dog eyes and asked, "Promise?"

Kevin got down on his knees in front of me, his lips quickly brushing mine, and said, "I promise. Cross my heart."

We had been out much of the day at the mall shopping for new clothes, shoes, and oher personal items like cologne, aftershave, and so forth. And we'd bought a couple of more suitcases to pack the new stuff in when we left here and got our own place.

I liked ragging Kevin for being such a concienious shopper. He was one to shop around for a bargin let me tell you. He liked buy the "good" stuff but he didn't believe in paying a fortune for it. I, on the other hand, liked to spend money especially on things that I really didn't need such as Nintendo stuff. I guess that goes back to my early childhood. My parents had been on welfare and we had actually been homeless - living in a van that we had, the only thing we owned at the time. Now, that I had money I wanted to buy all the stuff I'd missed as a kid. I wanted something to hang on to in case something happened and I woke up tommorrow and all the money was gone. Probably doesn't make much sense does it? Call it my security blanket I guess.

"Hey, babe, where did you go?"

Kevin's husky voice and his fingers stroking my cheek shook me from my thoughts.

I smiled, "Oh nowhere. My mind just wondered for a second I guess. Can I ask you a question, Kevin?"

"Sure, Nickers, anything."

"Today at the mall I was watching people as they walked by and there were a lot of couples. They were holding hands. Some were even kissing. Does it bother you that we can't do that?"

Kevin sighed, "Yeah, it bothers me. A lot. I love you. And I'm so proud of you, Nick. You've grown up and become such an amazing, beautiful man and I want people to know you're mind and I'm yours. I want to tell the world that I love you."

I cursed myself as I felt tears prick my eyes. I use to never cry very much, keeping my feelings bottled up inside me. Now, I was starting to feel like a big cry baby.

Kevin cupped my face in his hands and made me look at him, "We're never going to have a "normal" relationship, Nick. But I would bet all the money I have in the bank right now we're gonna be happier than most boy/girl couples in the world."

I smiled and leaned my forehead against his, our noses touching, "I just want you to know I love you so very much, Kevin. I'd die for you."

Kevin froze and it was then I realized what I had said. He own eyes watered and he said, "You almost did, Nicky."

I pulled Kevin in between my legs and held him to my chest. We held each other and cried. For all that we had lost and for all that we had gained.

The ringing of Kev's cell phone broke the silence that had settled over the room.

I muttered, "If that's Howie, I'm gonna personally kick his ass. His sense of timing sucks."

Kevin answered the phone and said deliberately for me to hear, "Hi, Howie." I rolled my eyes and started laughing. I watched Kevin get up and write something down on a sheet of paper. He finally hung up and turned to me grinning, "Howie found us a house. He's gonna meet us there."

I jumped up hollering, "Woo-Hoo!" I grabbed Kevin's hand and began pulling him towards the door, "Get your ass in gear old man. I wanna see our house."
