You Do What You Have To Do: Chapter 2
by: Tina and Danielle
Rated: R (adult stuff, ya know?)
copyright: 1999
This part written by : Tina

Warning: This and some following chapters contain sexual material. Be warned and if you read, it is at your own risk and by reading you accept that we are not responsible for your reaction to it or the legalities in your city/state/country.


It took 20 minutes to get to the house. It was out of town and back off the road on the beach. There were two cars parked in front of the house when we pulled up.

"Oh my God", I said as I gazed out the window of the little cottage. It was painted a sea blue color with white trim. The porch wrapped around the whole house. There was a deck at the back of the house where the pool and jacuzzi were and then there were stairs leading down to the beach. Hell, I could already see the boat I was planning on buying tied to the dock.

I looked over at Kevin and he was grinning like a fool. I laughed, "We haven't seen the inside yet."

"I know but this place says home to me."

I looked back at it and said, "Yeah, it does. Come on let's check it out."

We got out and headed towards the front door as Howie walked out and greeted us. Kasey stepped out as well and I introduced her to Kevin, since she hadn't met him before.

Kevin and I followed Howie and Kasey through the house as they took us through it room by room. There was a den, which would make a perfect office. The living room was incredible. Very big and open with huge bay windows that looked out over the ocean. I sighed as I took in the fireplace. You wouldn't think fireplaces were needed in Flordia but it got a lot colder here than what people think especially when you're right on the water. There was a kitchen and dining room. Two bedrooms. Two bathrooms. The view from the balcony from both bedrooms was breathtaking. And there was the artist studio out back adjoining the house. Kasey was right when she said it would make a perfect recording studio.

Kevin and I looked at each other. We didn't have to say it. This was our new home. It felt like it had been made for us.

Kevin turned to Kasey and said, "We want the house. I can give you a check right now for it. We want to move in today."

Howie's eyes widened in surprise but he didn't say anything. Kasey was beyond estatic, "Oh, I knew you guys were gonna love this place. I'm so glad. There is no electricity but the water is still on. I don't see why you can't move in today. Get you some candles, a battery operated radio, and some take out and you're all set."

She handed Kevin the keys and said, "Come to the office Monday about 10 and we'll do everything then." Kevin smiled, "Thanks, Kasey." Kasey then turned to me and asked if I had the keys to my old house. I more than gladly handed them over.

A few minutes later Kasey left, leaving us alone with Howie. For the first time I noticed how tired and down he looked.

"Hey, D, you ok?", I asked him.

He said, "Yeah, just a lot on my mind. I'm glad you guys are happy with this house. I hope this will give you the chance to put everything behind you and get on with your lives."

Kevin patted him on the shoulder and said, "Thanks, Howie. It's just gonna take a lot of time, love, and patience."

Howie headed for the front door and said, "I'm gonna go guys. It's been a long day. Call me if you need anything and I mean ANYTHING at all."

After he left, Kevin pulled me into his arms and hugged me long and tight.

"How are we gonna tell them, Kev? When are we gonna tell them?"

"I don't know, Nick. I don't guess there is a good time for something like this. We'll just take it as it goes and see how it works out."

Kevin surprised me when he took me by the hand and led me over to the front of the fireplace. He pointed up to the empty spot above the mantle and said, "I want you to paint a picture to hang up here. I don't care what it is of. I just want your beautiful artwork up for everyone to see."

I blushed and felt tingly all over, "Yeah, I can do that babe. Anything to make you happy." I leaned over and deeply kissed him. He moaned and pulled away from me.

"It's gonna be dark soon, Nick. We need to hit the store AGAIN and get supplies. Then we can settle in for the night."

Two hours later we were back home. We had gone to the hotel and got our stuff and checked out. Then we hit Wal-Mart and got candles, matches, flashlights, sleeping bags, pillows, some towels and washclothes, soap, and a battery operated radio, with batteries. Then we swung by Pizza Hut and got a big pizza and some drinks.

Everything was dumped in the living room. We took the sleeping bags, pillow, flashlight, radio and some candles upstairs to our bedroom. It was the bigger room out of the two bedrooms. I lite some candles and spaced them around the room while Kevin spread the sleeping bags out on the floor. I got the radio cranked up while he ran downstairs and got our food and came back up. He opened up the doors to the balcony so we could look at the moon and the stars and we sat and ate.

We talked about the house and how we wanted to decorate it.

"Nick, I want a piano in the living room."

"That's fine, Kev. I'm gonna buy a boat later on. The dock is big enough to handle a decent size boat."

"I'd like that. One thing though. No fishing whatsoever."

I laughed, "Fishermen we are not."

I leaned closer to him and said, "I want a big water bed in here so we can roll all around and fuck."

Kevin's eyes got big and I couldn't help but laugh at his reaction to my boldness. He grinned, "Anything my Nickers wants, he gets."

I licked my lips and said, "I want you, Kevin."

We had finished eating by then. Kevin gazed at me. He wanted to be sure. We'd managed to not have sex all this time, both of us wanting it to be right and to be perfect. I for one couldn't take any more of making out and getting hot and bothered and then having to stop. I wanted Kevin inside me. I wanted his hands and lips all over my body and I wanted to do the same to him. I was scared. I wasn't a virgin but I wasn't that sexually experencied either.

My blue eyes met Kev's green eyes, "Kev, make love to me tonight."

He slid a hand behind my head and pulled me to his warm, waiting mouth. His tongue invaded my mouth and I began sucking on it, causing Kevin to moan. He pulled me closer to him and situated me so that I was sitting in his lap facing him - never once did we break our kiss during that time.

I felt his hands slide underneath my shirt and he began caressing my bare back. His mouth moved to my chin and then down to my neck and after a moment his lips were on mine again.

I felt my shirt being tugged upwards. I pulled back and raised my arms up as Kevin slid the shirt up over my head and threw it aside. I did the same to him. Our bare skin pressed together as our lips locked again.

After a bit, I scrambled out of Kevin's lap and stood up. He whimpered in protest but I put my finger to his lips and "sshhed" him. We had kicked our shoes off before we sat down to eat. My eyes never left Kevin's as I undid my jeans and slid them off. There was no hiding how "aroused" I was from the "tent" that was in the front of my boxers. My heart was pounding and my pulse was racing as I slid my boxers down. When I stood back up and met Kevin's gaze his face was flushed. I took a deep breath and just stood there like a fool, not knowing what to do now.

Kevin whispered, "My God, you are beautiful." He slowly got to his knees and held his arms out to me. I came over to him. His mouth covered my belly button and his tongue darted in and out.

"Oh, damn, Kevin," I gasped, as I stroke my fingers through his spiky hair and held him close. His hands rubbed over my hips and thighs, then they moved around and cupped my buttocks, gently kneading them with his long fingers.

Kevin blinked his eyes rapidly. He was here with Nick. Not with Stefaine and Frank. Nick loved him. Nick wanted him to touch him.

As Kevin continued to drop kisses over Nick's abdomen and thighs, he kept remembering being tied to the bed and Frank's mouth on him and then Frank's cock in him. How bad it hurt. How awful and disgusted it made him feel.

"No,No, I can't do this!"

Kevin didn't realize he was crying till he backed away and looked at Nick ashamed. The shocked look on Nick's face broke his heart. He curled up in a ball on the floor and cried, "I can't do it. I can't make you feel like the worthless piece of dirt I was made to feel."

I just stared dumbfounded at Kevin. What the hell was going on? But when he told me he couldn't make me feel like the worthless piece of dirt he had been made to feel like I knew what he was talking about.

The rape. Him being tied down and raped by Frank while Stefaine fuckin laughed her ass off at him.

I got on my knees beside him and tried to pull him into my arms but he fought my screaming at me to leave him alone.

"God dammit, I won't leave you alone, Kev. You're stuck with me. Now deal with it."

He looked up at me surprised but he stoped fighting and allowed me to gathered him in my arms and hold him against my chest.

I stroked his hair and kissed his forehead over and over again. "I love you, Kevin. I love you so god damn much. You are not worthless or a piece of dirt. You are kind, sweet, loving, beautiful, and sexy as hell. You are my best friend and lover so that makes you mighty god damn special, Kevin Richardson."

Kevin turned his head to look at me. The tears on his cheeks were still wet. "Nick, I felt so awful when he did that to me. I hated it. It made my skin fuckin crawl. I was so sick I wanted to die."

I kissed him again, "Oh my poor baby. I'm so sorry he did that to you. I wish I could take it away. But what he did to you had nothing to do with sex. That was a terrible act of violence. This is love. This is sex. This is making love. I promise you, Kevin, this will be beautiful, loving, and breath taking."

He sniffled and said, "I don't want to make you feel the way I felt, Nick."

A familiar song came on the radio then. A song I thought couldn't describe how I felt any better:

You've got a way with me
Somehow you got me to believe
In Everything that I could be
I've gotta say - you really got a way

You've a way it seems
You gave me faith to find my dreams
You'll never know just what it means
can't you've got a way with me

I gave Kevin featherlight kisses all over his face. My tongue slid over his lips. He sighed and closed his eyes.

"Open your eyes, Kevin, and look at me."

He did and I said, "Don't take your eyes off me. I don't want you to doubt for a second it's me doing this you - loving you, ok?"

He nodded his head okay and I kissed his mouth, sucking his tongue before kissing a trail down his neck and chest.

It's in the way you want me
It's in the way you hold me
The way you show me just what love's made of
it's in the way we make love

You got a way with words
you get me smiling even when it hurts
There's no way to measure what your love is worth
I can't believe the way you get through to me

My tongue played over his nipples, teasing them until they were hard. I kept glancing up at him to make sure he still had his eyes on me. He did. I'd smile at him and go back to kissing my way down his chest to his abs, nibbling the tanned skin along the way.

I got back up on my knees and undid his jeans. Kevin's eyes on me. "I love you, Bumpkin. Remember that I love you."

I got his jeans and boxers off. I took a moment to drink in his amazing body. I slid a hand up his thigh and said, "Oh baby, you are magnificant. You are my angel."

I kissed an ankle and then a knee. I kissed my way up one thigh and then moved to the other one and did the same thing.

It's in the way you want me
it's in the way you hold me
the way you show me just what loves made of
It's in the way we make love

My eyes kept glancing up to meet Kevin's. I turned my attention to his cock. It was standing proud, beads of precum gathered already at the time. I blew on it and watched Kevin shudder all over.

"Oh, Nick," I heard him moan.

My tongue flicked out over the tip and he jerked.

"It's okay, Bumpkin. It's just me."

He relaxed somewhat and I flicked my tongue back and forth over the tip and ran it up and down the side. I marveled at how sweet and salty he tasted at the same time. I took him all the way in my mouth then and began working him slowly in and out of my mouth.

I had every intention of taking this nice and slow. I stretched out on my stomach in between his legs and cupped my hands underneath him and held him tight to me. I felt his hands in my hair.

Kevin began rockin his hips against me and his breath was labored. Hearing him call my name as he approached his climax set me off. My cum sprayed the floor beneath me and a split second later, Kevin's cum filled my mouth. I continued sucking till I felt Kevin relax beneath me.

I moved my way up his body and lay down half on top of him and half to the side. I wonder if I looked as flushed and satisfied as he looked at that moment. Hell, he looked half delerious to be honest.

I captured his lips and we kissed for the longest time. Kevin's tongue probed my mouth, tasting himself on me.

We broke apart to catch our breath. "Wow", Kevin said and closed his eyes.

"Yeah, wow," I said as I kissed the tip of his nose, "Go to sleep, Bumpkin. You need your rest."

His eyes flew open and he said, "No, you didn't get yours."

I smiled and pressed my lips to his, "It's okay. As you told me, all in good time. All in good time, Bumpkin. Now go to sleep."

He closed his eyes and I reached over and grabbed a sleeping bag, pulling it over us for cover.

Oh how I adore you
like no one before you
I love you just the way you are

It's in the way you want me
it's in the way you hold me
The way you show me just what love's made of
it's in the way we make love

it's just the way you are....

*Song used: You've Got A Way Way (Notting Hill Remix)by Shania Twain*
