You Do What You Have To Do: Chapter 2
by: Tina and Danielle
Rated: R (adult stuff, ya know?)
copyright: 1999
This part written by : Danielle

Warning: This and some following chapters contain sexual material. Be warned and if you read, it is at your own risk and by reading you accept that we are not responsible for your reaction to it or the legalities in your city/state/country.


Kevin fell asleep almost the instant I pulled the sleeping bag over us.

I looked down at him thinking if Stephanie and Frank weren't already dead, I
would have went to the ends of the earth to kill them both with my bare
hands just for what they had done to Kevin that one night alone, never mind
all the nights before that and after.

When I looked down at Kevin snuggled up in my arms, all my anger evaporated.
He looked so peaceful bathed in the moonlight streaming in through the
balcony doors. He truly looked like what he was to me, an angel. I stroked
the side of his face that wasn't nestled into my chest with my fingertips,
watching a sleepy smile form on his lips and a content sigh fall on the
heels of a whispering breath.

I knew without a word from him that he needed to be held all night and he
knew without a word from me that I would do just that.

It's amazing how you speak
right to my heart
without a word you can light up the dark
Try as I may, I can never explain
what I hear when you don't say a thing.

I kept looking at him, mesmerized by the way he seemed to almost glow in the
moonlight, his hair taking on the color of the inky blackness of the night
just outside the balcony doors. Never, in all my life, had I ever felt
something like this.

At first I thought it was just a reaction to the intense situation we were
going through, but even the first time we kissed, out on the lake, though my
mind tried to fight it all the way,, everything, just fell
into place. We were in the most horrible situation ever imaginable and
through the chaos and pain I just knew that if we had each other at the end
of it, we would make it through.

I thought about all we had been through, things that would have destroyed
anyone, yet somehow we walked out of it stronger. In one of the stupid
textbooks my tutor made me read for one of my high school credits, I
remembered reading that in every person's life, there is a crossroads
moment. The moment when something happens to you that changes your life
forever, when the path you were on suddenly crumbles beneath you and you
fall onto another path. I didn't understand what I was reading then, but
now I knew that Stefanie and Frank were the crossroads for both Kevin and I.

Some people give up, curl up and wait for the world to swallow them as they
mourn for what was in the wake of their crossroads. But then there are
others who stop for a second, look around at the havoc around them from
everything in their world changing and shifting and start the hard work of
letting the past go and moving on.

I looked around the room in the new house. Our house. We were trying to
move on. We were trying so hard. We both knew that the work had only
begun, that it was going to get harder before it got easier. I bit my lip
and started chewing on it nervously, would we be able to make it through
this? What if one of us got lost in the past? What if it was so hard that is
tore us apart? What if.....

Kevin seemed to snap wide awake and raised his head off my shoulder, looking
me right in the eyes. He cocked his head to one side and seemed to see
right into my soul. He leaned closer and kissed me softly on the lips and
reached his hand back to mine that was resting in on the small of his back.
He wrapped his fingers around my wrist and held it up, then slid his hand
up, tangling his finger with mine. He squeezed tightly looking me directly
in the eyes the entire time. He looked to looked to our intertwined hands
and back into my eyes. Then he smiled.

The smile on your face let's me know that you need me
there's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me
the touch of your hand says you'll catch me wherever I fall
You say it best when you say nothing at all.

Then I knew. I knew that if it got too hard for one of us, that the other
would be there to carry him. That if one of us fell, the other one would be
there to catch him. That if one of us was weak the other would be there with
him and, together, we would be strong. That if one of us got lost, the
other would be there to lead the way home. I knew that if we had each
other, we could get through this, no matter what.

Kevin leaned close again and kissed over the bridge of my nose and then on
each eyelid when I closed my eyes. I sighed at the what he inspired in me.
I never knew what it was like to be in awe of something. But now, every
minute, every second, I was in awe of us and how we had never realized what
had been there in the other all along.

I opened my eyes and looked up at Kevin's green eyes sparkling in the
moonlight as they looked down into mine. Suddenly all the thoughts and
voices and ghosts in my head quieted and all I could hear was his breath,
all I could feel was his love, all I wanted to do was stay here forever.

All day long I can hear people talking out loud
But when you hold me near you drown out the crowd
Try as they may, they can never define
What's being said between your heart and mine.

I smiled sleepily and felt my eyes getting heavier and heavier. Kevin
softly and slowly kissed every part of my face, holding me close to him.
With a sigh of contentment, I gave in to the siren song that Kevin was
silently singing to me and drifted to sleep, a smile on my face, our hands
still entwined.

That smile on your face
The truth in your eyes
The touch of your hand
Lets me know that it's me
When you say nothing at all

*Song used is When You Say Nothing At All by Ronan Keating (gotta love the Notting Hill soundtrack huh? It's pretty much the soundtrack for this sequel. ;-)*
