You Do What You Have To Do: Chapter 2
by: Tina and Danielle
Rated: R (adult stuff, ya know?)
copyright: 1999
This part written by : Danielle

Warning: This and some following chapters contain sexual material. Be warned and if you read, it is at your own risk and by reading you accept that we are not responsible for your reaction to it or the legalities in your city/state/country.


Brian walked out of the door and closed it behind him, leaning against it
with his eyes closed. He tried to ignore the gnawing of his conscience in
his gut. He knew this had to be done. He knew that he was doing the right
thing, even if no one else did. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly,
"I'm sorry." With that he stood back upright and walked down the hall and
out into the dawning morning.

I woke up to the bouncing patterns of sunlight reflecting off of the ocean
and splattered around the walls of the room. The tangy sea air was blowing
softly and I shivered a little.

A pair of muscular arms wrapped more tightly around me and instinctively I
snuggled into the embrace, still half asleep. I closed my eyes again with a
long, sleepy sigh and tried to go back to sleep.

That plan, however, was thwarted when a pair of warm, soft lips started
kissing the back of my neck and to that spot right behind my ear that just
curled my toes. He knew when he hit it, because my whole body stiffened and
then stretched languorously "Mmmmmm."

I heard a chuckle in my ear, "I'm going to have to remember that spot!"

I smiled and put my arm over his on my waist and tangled our fingers
together. I turned my head towards him and he leaned down at the same time,
our lips meeting in a soft kiss. We took our time, letting our tongues dip
in the other's mouth, before pulling away reluctantly.

Kevin nibbled softly on my earlobe, "Good Morning, my love."

My Love. Damn, I liked that. I'm sure my smile was rivaling the sun for
brightness when I turned around. "It is any morning I wake up naked next to
the love of my life."

He smiled brightly also and chuckled, "We are going to have to watch this,
Nick. We are going to make others gag from the sweetness."

I laughed softly, "They are going to get contact diabetes from us, aren't

He nodded, "But do we care?"

I looked in his sparkling eyes and we both answered in the same instant,

We both laughed and Kevin mussed my hair before sitting up, "Well Nickers,
we should get moving. We have to get cleaned up and changed and stop for
some breakfast before hitting Orlando for the meeting with The Firm guys."

I groaned and buried my head in his chest, "Promo stuff, right?"

He tangled his fingers in my hair and kissed the top of my head. "Nick?
Thank you for last night. For not getting mad."

I looked up at him and kissed his chin, "I understand, Kevin. If there is
anyone who understands what you were going through, it's me."

He kissed over my forehead, wringing a sigh from me. God, his touch felt so

"It still meant a lot to me." He tilted my head back, tracing my lower lip
with his thumb. I caught it between my lips and slid it into my mouth,
sucking on it.

He whimpered a little, "God, Nick, that mouth should be registered as a
lethal weapon. My god, you nearly killed me last night."

I smiled a little around his thumb and sucked harder on it, running my
tongue over every part of it. That brought another moan out of him and when
I felt him trying to pull his thumb out of my mouth, I dug my teeth into the
skin slightly with a stubborn look on my face.

He chuckled and leaned close, his lips heading for mine. I released his
thumb and he slid it away just as his lips crashed onto mine. I couldn't
help but whimper myself when he curled his tongue around mine and sucked
gently on it.

We lost ourselves in the kiss and when we pulled away, we both were a little
breathless. I closed my eyes, just savoring the lazy moments we were
spending together when I felt the warm solidness of him leave me.

I opened my eyes and yelped in shock when I felt myself lifted off the floor
and hauled over Kevin's shoulder. I tried to get loose, but all that did
was rub rather sensitive areas on his shoulder, giving me one hell of a
problem. He felt the problem poking him solidly in the shoulder and smacked
me playfully on the rump, "Stop moving and you wouldn't have this problem."

I shot my hand downwards and gave him a smack of his own, "Well if someone
didn't throw me over their shoulder, none of this would have happened, would

He chuckled and set me down in the bathroom, turning on the shower. I
plastered myself to the back of him as he adjusted the temperature to get it
just right and dragged the both of us in.

We were good little boys in the shower, realizing how late it was and how
little time we had before our meeting. I wanted to say damn the meeting,
but I was persuaded to be patient with a whisper in my ear that my patience
would be rewarded handsomely later that night.

So I settled for ogling Kevin's wet body in the shower. It was a sacrifice,
but I'm just a saint that way.

After we had gotten ourselves cleaned, shaved and dressed, we stopped at a
diner to grab some take out breakfast and coffee, then made our way back to

We got into the conference room just as the others showed up. I threw Brian
and grin and sat between him and Kevin.

AJ was still half asleep and looked at our breakfasts in envy, "You didn't
bring any for the rest of us?"

I sighed and gave him a piece of bacon and a triangle of toast, "Will this
shut you up?"

He took it and grinned widely, "For now."

I stuck my tongue out at him and made a point of slurping some of my egg
into my mouth just to piss him off. He shot me the finger for my trouble.

A throat clearing snapped both of us back to attention and I groaned
inwardly, I hated these meetings. Hours of boring stuff to get to the five
minutes of stuff I wanted to hear at the end of the meeting.

This one was no difference. I just quietly ate my breakfast and drank my
coffee. Until I saw an elbow starting to get within nudging distance to me.
I nearly dropped my coffee in my haste to get to the elbow before it hit my

I managed to grab Brian's arm just before it nudged me. He looked at me
strangely and I mouthed the words "Broken ribs" at him and he winced
sheepishly, mouthing "Sorry" back at me. I smiled and reached my hand out
to flick his ear before going back to my coffee.

He clapped his hand over his ear and shot me an "I'll deal with you later"
look. I just smiled innocently and tried to look like I was paying

Finally after staring blankly at the wall above management's head, something
interesting came up. He started to talk about the promo press tour we were
doing for Millennium before going to Europe, where we would be when it came

"Every indication is that the demand for this album is going to be through
the roof. There are already 6 million copies pre ordered worldwide. That
number is only going to grow the closer to release we get.

Now you know about the press promo tour we've been planning. We've firmed
up all the dates now and the plans for the best coverage. We tried to keep
all of you together as a group, but the demand is too great and the time
allowed for the promo tour too little to cover everything with all of you as
a group going to each spot. "

I had a sinking feeling in my gut. I just knew something bad was going to

"We've decided to split you up in two groups. One will do the east coast
and Montreal and Toronto, the other will do the west coast. Kevin, Howie
and AJ, you are on the east. Nick and Brian, you are on the west. We have
your tickets and packages ready now. We start the tour the day after

I felt my head shaking and the words coming out of my lips before I knew
what was happening. "No fucking way!"

Management looked at me like I was crazy and maybe I was, but no way were
they going to separate us. No way in hell. Sometimes Kevin was the only
thing holding me together and vice versa. God, I just got used to being
with him and now he was being ripped away for a whole fucking month. This
was not fair. Hadn't I already been through enough?!

Management looked at my red face and clenched fists and tried to calm me,
"Nick, it's the only way to get what needs to be done, done. I know you and
Kevin are still recovering from your...ordeal, but things need to go ahead

I didn't want to hear this. I didn't want to be here. I didn't want to
know that I only had one more night to sleep in his arms before we were in
cold, impersonal hotel rooms on opposite sides of the fucking country.

I stood up and took the glass of water that was laid in front of where I had
been sitting and hurled it at the wall, making management have to duck to
get out of it's way before it shattered on the wall. Without another word, I
walked out.

I needed out of there. If I had to walk back to the house I would, but I
needed to out of there.
