You Do What You Have To Do:
by: Tina and Danielle
Rated: R (adult stuff, ya know?)
copyright: 1999
This part written by : Danielle

Warning: This and some following chapters contain sexual material. Be warned and if you read, it is at your own risk and by reading you accept that we are not responsible for your reaction to it or the legalities in your city/state/country.


It seemed to take forever to walk to him, but my patience was rewarded when he stood on his knees and held his hands out for mine. I placed them in his and he pulled me forward, his hands releasing mine and putting his arms around my waist, pulling me close to him and burying his face in the silk robe that covered my stomach. He rubbed his face over the soft material, "Mmm, so soft."

I closed my eyes and concentrated everything I had in not having my knees turn to mush. I felt his fingers sliding over the silk cord that kept the robe closed and in a few seconds, the tie loosened and the robe fell open. The next thing I felt was the side of his face rubbing on the sensitive skin of my stomach, raising goosebumps. "Hmmm, even softer. I like this better."

The only thing I could get to come out of my mouth was a little whimper of a sigh as my fingers curled in his thick, dark hair. I could feel his shoulders shake a little as he chuckled against my skin, causing me to shiver.

He took that as a good sign and turned his head so his lips were against my stomach and his goatee was tickling the hell out of me. I bit my lip to keep from laughing, but it just tickled so damn bad. I couldn't help the way I was shaking from pent up giggles and Kevin's green eyes looked up my torso at me, "And just what is so funny, Nickers?"

I ran my hand down the side of his face in a caress and rubbed the pad of my thumb over the bristles sprouting out of his chin, "They tickle."

He smiled and rubbed his face over my scar, where it was even more sensitive and I gasped before I could stop it. He chuckled himself and then kissed over my scar, dragging his tongue along the raised skin like he had done before. It had the same results as I nearly died from how good it felt. I felt myself coming back to reality when I heard Kevin talking to me.

"I love that."

I looked at him curiously, "What?"

He smiled before running his tongue over my scar again. This noise left my lips that was something I had never heard before, it was a cross between a whimper and a moan.

He smiled again, "That noise. I love that noise."

I smiled back, "Well ya know, I'm nothing if not vocal in my appreciation."

He shook his head and rolled his eyes as I laughed, but the laugh died on my lips when his tongue started to circle around my belly button. I gasped and a much louder moan echoed in the room as he plunged his tongue inside the dimple of skin and french kissed my belly button.

His hands slid down over my hips and down my legs to my knees, which were barely keeping me upright at that point and traveled over the back of my knees, then his fingertips slid up the inside of my thighs.

My mouth fell open, but not a sound left it. I don't even think I was capable of breathing at that point. Oh god did that feel good. He was tracing designs on the silk that covered my skin sometimes with four fingertips, sometimes with only one. My knees were shaking so badly now that I knew one more touch was going to send me right over the edge and I would be going down to meet the floor.

It took a few attempts at actually getting air in my lungs before it was moaned out, but I finally did it, " If you don't stop, we are never going to get to dinner, because I may very well die of pleasure before the first course."

He smiled and pulled away from my stomach only enough to talk, every word sending a rush of hot breath over my skin and a fresh crop of goosebumps rising. "Have I told you the menu?"

I shook my head, ""

He placed little butterfly kisses all around my belly button, "We're going international for dinner. We have Italian for the main course, Greek for dessert and for the appetizer...."

He took the drawstring on my pajama bottoms and loosened it until the silk fell to a pool around my ankles, revealing everything to him, "I'm going to sample the local cuisine of London and France like I promised."

Before I could utter a word, or even get the thoughts together to form a sentence, I felt his lips kissing a trail downwards from my belly button.

Thought and speech after that moment was not something I was even capable of. All that existed was his mouth and his hands and the thousands of nerves that were on fire all over my body. My hands tightened in his hair as his mouth breathed on an area that made my nerve endings scream in ecstasy and nearly brought my vocal chords with it.

When his tongue reached out to touch the very end of me with the tip of his tongue, that was it for my poor knees. With a strange little noise, I started to fall backwards, but I didn't even care as long as his tongue stayed right where it was.

I heard Kevin yelp in surprise and his hands shot out to steady me. He gently moved me over to the blanket and carefully lowered me until I was laying down and then his wonderful mouth went back to work.

His tongue didn't miss a single spot as it traced over every ridge, every crevice, every vein. I was in heaven, I was so gone that I think world war three could have knocked at our door and I wouldn't have heard or much less cared as long as he didn't stop.

In the back of my mind, a voice was saying 'This! This is what it is supposed to be like! This is what the big deal was about!'

I tried to keep quiet, wringing the blanket in my hands as I bit my lip. My eyes opened when his mouth left me and I could feel his breath on the inside of my thigh, "Baby, let me hear you. I want to hear you calling my name. Let me know I'm pleasuring you like you want." He kissed my thigh, nipping slightly with his teeth, wringing a low moan from my lips followed by a gasp for air. "That's it, baby. Let me hear you."

His mouth closed over me, slowly taking me in inch by inch into his mouth. The cries that left my lips probably could have been heard in downtown Orlando. I didn't even know what was coming out of my mouth, moans, incoherent words, gasps, all of it flew out of my lips with no attention by me, I was too caught up in the ecstasy of what his mouth was doing to me.

All too soon, I felt a pulsing knot of tension starting between my shoulder blades, and with every retreating motion of his mouth on me, the suction seemed to draw the sensation lower. And then suddenly I knew I was beyond the point of control.

My hips started arching upwards, driving me deeper into his mouth with each stroke. I couldn't even warn him that I was close, by the time I realized it, all I could do was arch my back until my heels and my shoulders where nearly the only thing on the floor.

Kevin's hands came under my hips and held me steady as his mouth started to withdraw, scraping his teeth just enough to make me holler from the feeling of pain and unbearable pleasure combined. When his teeth caught the ridge just under the head and gave it a gentle tug, I couldn't hold back.

There was so much tension in my body that I felt like an over wound spring and suddenly I felt it start to release, "Oh shiiiiiiit. KEVIN!"

I felt his mouth milking me dry as the stars faded from my eyes, I honestly thought I had died for a second until I realized being dead could never feel this good. I was shaking. I was breathless, like I had been run through a marathon. I had never felt better in my life.

TBC tomorrow with part B. Right now I'm too tired to write more. and second, I'm just a tease that way. lol
