You Do What You Have To Do:
by: Tina and Danielle
Rated: R (adult stuff, ya know?)
copyright: 1999
This part written by : Danielle

Warning: This and some following chapters contain sexual material. Be warned and if you read, it is at your own risk and by reading you accept that we are not responsible for your reaction to it or the legalities in your city/state/country.


I was still reeling from what had just happened as I felt Kevin kissing up my stomach, dipping his tongue in my belly button on the way through. His reward was a sigh of complete happiness from me. He kept kissing upwards and traced his tongue over every one of my ribs, then it drew circles around my nipples, bringing a gasp from me. They seemed even more sensitive than usual and damn did it feel good. He kept journeying upwards and nuzzled his face in my neck, tickling me with his bristles again. I giggled and he took full advantage of it and nuzzled closer to me.

I wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders and tangled the fingers of one hand in his hair, the other running my fingertips over the nape of his neck. I knew this was his weakness, the shiver that ran up his spine only confirmed what I already knew. Any time I ever wanted to get Kev's attention, all I had to do was run my fingertips over the back of his neck and I would get all the attention I wanted because he would nearly attack me. It was my secret weapon. Although he had some of his own too.

I couldn't control the way my body stretched out like cat and then shuddered when Kevin's lips found a spot behind my ear that just about brought me to my knees every time. I moaned and tightened my hold on him, making him keep his lips right where they were at. God, he was trying to drive me out of my mind and it was working.

He was looking entirely to sane for my liking. If I was going to be driven crazy with need, then so was he. I took him by surprise and flipped us over so I was on top and chuckled at the surprised look on his face. "My turn to have some fun with you."

He smiled and reached a hand up to caress the side of my face, "Far be it for me to deny you."

I leaned down and kissed him deeply, my tongue playing with his, "I thought you would see it my way."

He raised an eyebrow, "Those are big words, Nicky. What are you planning on doing?"

I grinned a crazy little smile,"You'll just have to wait and see."

With that, I ran my fingers over the front of his robe, drawing my hands down to the sash that was knotted around his waist and quickly my fingers had it undone. I carefully peeled back each side of the robe, kissing the skin of his chest that was revealed inch by inch.

I didn't have to ask if he liked what I was doing. If he thought the noises I made were something, I should have let him hear himself. It took all I had not to attack him when he arched his back and this little sighing moan left his lips. It was adorable and sexy as hell.

I took his hands and put them in mine, then pulled him upwards until he was sitting. I took the edges of the robe and slowly slid it over his shoulders and down his arms. When I had it off his arms, he lifted his hips so I could pull it from beneath him and I pushed it to the side of the blanket, taking mine off as well.

He lay there in his pajama bottoms and I was naked. I gave him a mock severe look and raised an eyebrow, "You are still overdressed for this particular party, Bumpkin."

He smirked and ran his hand up my thigh, seeing me shiver, "Well then, Nickers, you are going to have to fix that huh?"

I raised an eyebrow and gave him an evil smile, "Oooh, I think I will!"

I straddled his legs and ran my fingertips down his stomach, stopping at the edge of the pajama pants, then found the knot holding them up and loosened it until it fell away like I had done the tie on the robe. Then I slid my fingertips under the edge of the silk on either hip and slowly ran my fingers over the skin until my fingertips met in the middle of his body right by his belly button. His skin was awash with goosebumps and with every breath, I could see his stomach contracting away from the material of the pajama pants. I tugged gently on the gathered material of the waist until it stretched and loosened around him. Then I slid my hands around his waist and under the material that covered his perfect little butt and cupped it, squeezing softly.

He took the hint I was giving him and with a small moan, he lifted his hips off the blanket and let me slide my hands down his cheeks, bringing the material with them. When it had slid down enough, he slowly lowered his hips back down and I slid my hands to the front and made sure to "accidentally" brush against him as many times as I could.

Soon I had the pajama pants down to his knees and I stopped. I leaned forward and took his lips with mine, slowly kissing him. I made sure to leave no part of his mouth wanting the touch of my tongue.

Just as I was about to withdraw, he tightened his fingers in my hair and deepened the kiss even more, curling his tongue around mine and sucking on it like it was candy. I moaned against his lips and let myself get lost in the kiss.

I could feel his legs moving and I knew he was kicking his pajama pants off the rest of the way. When his legs were still, I relaxed myself against him, our bodies pressed against each from shoulder to toe.

His hands started rubbing over my shoulders, then moved lower, tracing over each and every bump on my spine. I moaned against his mouth and almost bit his tongue off in surprise when his hands wrapped around my behind and pulled my hips tightly against him.

My eyes nearly rolled back in my head when I felt his hardness rubbing up against mine. Oh god, did I want him. I felt his hands grip my hips and start to move them against his, the friction between us nearly making me catch fire.

When I felt like I was about to spontaneously combust, I pulled away, breathing hard. "Holy.....damn. I need a drink."

Kevin whooped in surprise when I took my wine glass and held it over his chest, drizzling the liquid over his chest and abs.

I smiled devilishly and straddled his legs again, leaning down to his chest and licking the trails of wine from his chest and then moved down to his abs. Some of the wine had pooled in the hollows between the muscles, so I had to lick very carefully down each ridge, wouldn't want to miss any, would I?

Kevin was nearly hollering with desire as he tried to keep still It was torture. He was so far gone with what Nick was doing that all he could do was moan and ball his hands into fists trying to keep from coming right then.

I finished licking his abs clean and kissed my way to his belly button, seeing wine pooled in the indent. I smiled and ran the tip of my nose around his belly button in a circle, then lapped the wine from him like a cat with long dipping strokes of my tongue.

When I had licked up the last of the wine, I felt his hand tangle in my hair and gently urge me upwards to meet his lips. He kissed me deeply and then his lips kissed to my ear, "What do you say we skip dinner and go right to dessert?"

I looked him right in the eyes and kissed the end of his nose, "As long as dessert involves you inside of me and making love until the sun comes up, I say hell yah."

He looked at me and cupped my face in his hands, looking in my eyes to make absolutely certain that I was sure. I looked right back in his eyes and nodded. That seemed to make up his mind and he kissed me long and deep before pulling away and standing up.

His hand reached out for me and pulled me to my feet, my eyes enjoying the view on the way up. When we were both standing, he led me out of the room and through the candle strewn hallway. Then up the stairs that were dotted with a candle every few steps and down the hallway towards the room we had claimed as our own the night before. As we got closer, Kevin's hand slid over my eyes. "I have one last surprise for you."

I nodded, curious now. We kept walking forward, with Kevin behind me, sending me in the right direction. I felt us step over the threshold of the room and slowly my eyes were uncovered. I blinked to get them used to the light level of the candles spread around the room and my mouth dropped open. There in the middle of the room was the most gorgeous bed I had ever seen. It was wrought iron and looked like something out of medieval times. It was draped in satin sheets blue on the bottom and green on the top, the combination of our favorite colors looked striking together.

Kevin wrapped his arms around my waist from behind, "Do you like it?"

I nodded, unable to speak. Instead I turned around in his arms and kissed him, conveying without words how much I loved it.

When I pulled away, he was breathless, smiling a goofy smile. "Note to self: Buy Nick new bed every week to get kissed like that."

I laughed and kissed him again, nibbling his lower lip before pulling away, "You don't have to buy me a new bed, you just have to pull me into your arms and I'll kiss you like that any time."

He tightened his arms around me, "How is now for you?"

I leaned closer to him until when I was speaking my lips brushed against his, "Now works for me." I leaned in more and our lips met fully, our tongues trying to out do each other and drive the other insane.

I felt us moving as Kevin shuffled backwards toward the bed while still kissing me and brought me with him. After a few long moments of stopping along the way to kiss and caress, we came to the bed.

I turned us around so the backs of my legs were resting against the bed and leaned backwards until we both fell across the bed, Kevin on top of me.

The impact our two bodies made with each other wringing moans from both of us. I wrapped my arms more tightly around him and he rolled us over so I was pressed against him from shoulder to toe and his hands had free reign over the back of my body.

I sighed against his lips as his hands slid over my cheeks again and then one finger slid up my side, over my shoulder, up my neck and into mouth. I lavished my attention on it, treating it as if it was another part of his body. My tongue and lips worked steadily on it, making Kevin whimper a little as he started to thrust his finger in and out of my mouth slowly. I nipped it with my teeth and he smiled as he withdrew it totally.

"Nick, are you sure?"

I nodded, "I've never been more sure, Kevin."

He caressed the side of my face, "If I hurt you, you tell me and we stop right away, ok?"

I nodded, "You could never hurt me. I'm more concerned for you. Are you ok with this?"

He took a deep breath, "I am. I did a lot of thinking this afternoon and I would like nothing better than to make love to you and then, when I'm ready, I want you to make love to me."

I smiled and kissed him softly, "You aren't ready now for me to make love to you now, it's too fresh in your mind, but that's ok. We'll save that for a special occasion, like being back together after a fucking month apart." I couldn't stop the bitterness creeping into my voice at the thought of the month of hell we had coming only too soon.

He put a finger to my lips, "Don't think about that now. Tonight it's only you and me. Nothing else."

I nodded and slipped his finger back into my mouth, nibbling on it and running my tongue over the surface of it until I was able to wring a moan from his lips. He pulled his finger out and replaced it with his tongue, his lips soft and warm against mine.

I lost myself so completely in the kiss that I was taken by surprise when I felt the finger that had been slickened my mouth slide slowly inside me. Before I could stop it, a cry of surprise left my lips and he froze.

"Am I hurting you?"

I shook my head, unable to speak. The surprise had faded and my muscles unclenched, the feeling of his finger was now driving me completely out of my mind. I pushed myself back onto his finger more, "Mmmm, don't stop."

The fingers of his free hand tangled in my hair and pulled me close again, Kevin sweeping me up in kissing him once again.

In the back of my mind, I could feel another finger entering me, then another and the feeling was almost unbearable with how good it felt. They worked in and out of me, finding every sensitive inch inside of me that hey could, leaving me gasping for air and moaning louder and louder as my hips rocked in a rhythm with his fingers.

Suddenly, my body was being ripped by an orgasm like nothing I had ever known. I could only cry out as a warning before my body clenched around his fingers and my cum rocketed between our two bodies.

Kevin watched Nick as his body was rocked by his orgasm and memorized every facial expression and the wild look in his eyes the moment he knew he could hold back no longer. Nick looked so unbelievably raw and animalistic in that second that it nearly sent Kevin over the edge.

My head dropped onto Kevin's chest as I tried to catch my breath. My body was on fire, every nerve was ablaze and I swear I could feel each and every hair on my body. Never, in all my life, had I expected anything to feel that good. But I wanted more, I wanted him inside of me. I wanted him to fill me and take me more places I had never even dreamed were out there.

I felt his fingers leave me and I suddenly felt so empty, almost to the point of tears pricking the back of my eyes.

He rolled us both over and kissed my eyelids as he loomed above me. "Are you still sure?"

I nodded, "Kevin, you are not him. You could never hurt me."

That seemed to settle something in his mind and he reached over my shoulder to grab something. I looked and saw a condom and some k-y jelly in his hand. I had to smile, he was always watching out for me.

He turned away for a second and when he turned back around, he was sheathed and took my hand in his.

He flipped my hand and spread some of the jelly over my fingers and I knew what he wanted me to do. I closed my fingers around him and slid my hand up and down, spreading the moisture over him completely. I looked at him as my fingers traveled his length and smiled inwardly, was there a place on this man that was not chiseled to perfection? I didn't think so.

I was so caught up in my thoughts, that Kevin moaning and grabbing my hand startled me back to reality. He smiled a little, "If you keep that up, it will be over before we even start."

I smiled sheepishly and kissed him softly, "It's easy to get caught up just looking at you."

He nuzzled my neck and laid me back onto the pillows he had arranged on the bed, spreading my legs apart so he could stand between them and lifted my ankles so they were resting on his shoulders. He opened his mouth to ask one more time or my sureness, but I cut him off. "Yes. Please! Oh please, I want this so bad." I was practically whining but I didn't care. I needed him so badly, I felt like I was going to explode if I didn't have him.

He looked down into my eyes and held my gaze as I felt him pressing against me. He slowly started to move forward and I winced at the size of him. He froze and I grabbed his hand, tangling my fingers with his, "It's ok. I hear it's going to hurt for a second at first. I'll be ok. Please, Kevin."

He resumed his forward trek and I bit my lip to keep from crying out at how much it burned. Kevin moved slowly and gently, that helped a lot. I felt my body give around him and cried out as his swollen head slipped inside. He stopped and let me become accustomed to him, knowing I was ready when I started to rock my hips against him.

He moaned and fell into the rhythm, slowly working himself forward and back until I was used to the sensation and begging him to go faster, deeper. I couldn't believe how much sensation was running through me. Every time he brushed against my prostate, I cried out, clutching his arms as he leaned over me, digging my nails in his flesh.

We started out slow and easy, but as the ecstasy we were both feeling took over, our rhythm became faster and more frenzied. I nearly screamed when Kevin's hand slid over my waist and came into contact with the throbbing bundle of nerves that lay between us. His hand worked over me in time with each stroke of his body and soon I was writhing beneath him and biting my lip to keep from screaming it felt so good. With a fingernail he scraped gently up my underside and that was what pushed me right over the edge. My body completely left my control and bucked up against Kevin's as I writhed and twisted beneath him, crying out over and over again as stream after stream of cum left me.

The spasming of my muscles around Kevin was enough to send him screaming over the edge as well, my name echoing through the house as he straightened upright and grabbed my hips, pulling me down on him as he thrust forward, going as deep as he possibly could and released himself, whimpering from the intensity of it.

When we both came down from the high that we had brought each other to, we were a shaking, sweaty pile of limbs. We both looked at each other and held our gaze, the same sentence leaving our lips, "I love you."
