You Do What You Have To Do:
by: Tina and Danielle
Rated: R (adult stuff, ya know?)
copyright: 1999
This part written by : Tina

I couldn't explain how I felt at that moment if I tried. But I finally got
it, I finally understood what all the big fuss was about. I understood why
AJ was so obsessed with sex. But this was beyond sex, this was...hell, I
didn't even know, but sex sounded too everyday for what we had just done.

Kevin had managed to crawl into the bed after cleaning himself up a bit and
ran a towel over my stomach and his after the big mess I had made between
us. We just held on to each other for a long time, not saying a word, but
knowing it was a totally comfortable silence. A little while later, he
disappeared downstairs for a minute and came back holding a candle so he
could see his way back to our room. "I figured that maybe the candles
should be blown out because I knew if I crawled in that bed beside you
before I did that, then I would never get back out."

I smiled and patted the bed beside me, "Then get in here now!"

He mock saluted and pulled the picnic basket out from behind him, "I figured
you would be hungry too. I know I certainly worked up an appetite." The
smirk on his face was just adorable.

He crawled in the bed and set the basket in the floor, "First things first."
He wrapped his arms around me and held me close to him.

I wrapped my arms around him too and snuggled my face in his chest. He
smelled all sweaty, but it smelled good. We just lay there in each other's
arms until a very distinct growl was heard. I raised an eyebrow and looked
at Kevin, "Hungry?"

He tried to shake his head, but another growl sounded, this one louder than
the first one. I couldn't help it, I started laughing. He shot me a look
and rolled his eyes, starting to laugh too. I reached over his lap to grab
the basket and when I went to get back up, I found myself trapped on his

I looked over my shoulder and saw him grinning innocently, his hands keeping
me stretched across his legs. Then he started to trail his fingers over my
back, very lightly. I sighed and stretched myself out, enjoying his touch.
He lifted the hair off the back of my neck and gently blew on it, sending a
shiver through me. Kevin smiled and let me up, grabbing the basket with his
hand over mine and bringing it on the bed. He opened it and handed me the
bottle of wine and the glasses, sending me a smoldering look, "Never again
am I going to look at wine in quite the same way after what you did

I grinned as innocently as he had when he'd been holding me across his lap,
"What? I was thirsty and the glass looked a little dirty."

He rolled his eyes, "Whatever."

I chuckled and poured us both some wine in our glasses as he pulled out some
containers and opened them. I sniffed and my stomach immediately growled
too. He had gotten pesto chicken over linguine. My favorite. Oh this man
was good. He took a piece of the chicken on his fork and put it to my lips,
"It's still hot, that insulated bag they put everything worked very well.
They must of known it was not going to get eaten right away."

I closed my lips around the chicken and chewed it slowly, savoring the
taste. I moaned lowly, "Oh man, this is better than an orgasm."

Kevin poked me in an unbruised area of my arm, "Hey!"

I smiled sheepishly, "Not one from sex, no I meant a hand induced one! It's
better than a hand induced orgasm."

He raised an eyebrow like he didn't quite believe me, then smiled, "Good
save, Nick.

I smiled, "I try."

Kevin popped a piece of the chicken in his mouth and sighed happily, "But
you're right. It is damn good."

We both went to work on the dish with our forks battling for pieces of the
chicken. We both didn't realize how hungry we were until we started eating.

We talked during our late, late dinner about the new album, the Into The
Millennium tour and about nothing in general. We didn't talk about the
promo tour though, in the back of our minds I think we figured if we didn't
acknowledge it was looming over us, it didn't really exist. Just for
tonight I didn't want to face the real world. I knew it would be waiting
there for me when I stepped out of the house to go to the airport and away
from Kevin.

My face must have been a mirror of my thoughts, because I came out of them
with Kevin cradling my face in his hands and looking into my eyes, a
concerned expression on his face, "Nick? Hey, welcome back. Where did you

I smiled a little, touched by his concern, "Thinking how much I just want
the real world to go away, if only for tonight."

Kevin held me close, stroking my hair as I laid my head on his shoulder.
"Then we'll make it go away, Nick." He pulled back and looked me in the
eyes, "This is our place and nothing can come in without us giving it
permission to be here. And right now we don't want the real world here, so
it's not. There is no tomorrow, no managers, no press, nobody else but you
and I." He leaned closer, kissing me softly. "Nobody but you and me."

I nodded, completely under his spell.

He gathered me into his arms and sat me between his legs, my back pressed
tightly against his chest. He rubbed his hand over my tummy, "Are you still

I shook my head, "No. I'm ok."

He kept rubbing my tummy with one hand while he closed the container with
the other and threw it back in the basket. I stretched and snuggled closer
into Kevin, him rubbing my tummy was making me sleepy. I couldn't stop the
yawn that worked it's way to the surface. I heard a long sighing noise from
behind me too and knew Kevin was yawning too. I looked up at him and kissed
the underside of his chin, "I think we wore each other out."

Kevin smiled and nodded, "Us old folk can't keep up with you

I rolled my eyes, "Yah all of 27 huh? Practically ancient."

Kevin smiled, "Oh hush."

I giggled, "Ooh a bumpkinism! Do another one! Say reckon! Say y'all!"

He groaned and rolled his eyes, "Listen here, boy. Don't force me to tickle
the hell out of you. I'm too tired."

I smiled, "Me too, and naked tickling may not be a good idea. Cause they
I'm going to be forced to tickle back and we'll never get any sleep."

He chuckled and kissed over the side of my neck, nipping on my ear lobe,
"Good Night, Baby."

I sighed happily and sat up to turn around to face him. I leaned closer,
"Good Night, Bumpkin"

We both laid down and got ourselves all cuddled together before I blew out
the last lit candle and the moonlight was the only part of the real world we
were going to let in tonight.
