You Do What You Have To Do:
by: Tina and Danielle
Rated: R (adult stuff, ya know?)
copyright: 1999

He was gone.

All I could see were the red tail lights heading in the direction of New York. I heaved a sigh and went in search for my gate.

Kevin turned away from the window when he couldn't see the lights of Orlando any more and sighed as he settled back into the seat with a sigh. He just sat quietly for a few minutes as he though over the past two weeks and realized that he had never been happier in his life and now that they were separated, he had never been so miserable.

He opened his eyes and grabbed his carry on from under the seat in front of him and pulled it out. Maybe some music would help. He opened the bag and immediately a smile filled his face and lit up his eyes. He put his hand in the bag and pulled out a pile of comic books with a note on top:


Don't read such serious stuff all the time. These are a few of my favorite comic books. Read them and remember to smile, for me.

I love you and miss you already and you haven't even left yet as I'm writing this.


Kevin looked around to make sure no one was watching him, then wiped the moisture that was welling in his eyes. He grabbed his cd player and popped it on, listening to the music as he started thumbing through the first comic book.

Across the aisle, AJ and Howie had moved to sit together, knowing Kevin needed his space and they looked over to see how he was doing. AJ looked at Howie wide eyed, "Is he reading what I think he's reading?"

Howie grinned, "He is. It's a comic book."

AJ chuckled, "Oh that is just too cute. As odd as this whole situation is, they love each other, there is not a doubt in my mind. I thought he was going to cry when he saw Nick standing in the airport at the window."

Howie nodded, "Hell, I almost cried at the look on Nick's face. I couldn't even look at Kevin or I was going to lose it and ask them to let me off and let Nick on in my place."

AJ sighed, "God help Brian if they ever find out what he did."

Howie nodded as they both watched Kevin lost in his own world.

I sat in the V.I.P lobby of airport, waiting for Brian to show up. I was bored and lonely and upset. Not a good combination. I people watched for a little while, making up stories for everyone that went by, but I got bored. I pulled my carry on onto my lap and rooted around for my pencil and sketch pad.

My forehead crinkled when my hand hit something solid. I put my hand around it and pulled it from where it had been wedged in my bag. My eyes lit up when I saw what it was and I could tell the dopey assed grin was back. It was Kevin's book. He had somehow snuck it in my bag when I wasn't looking.

I opened it to the page that was marked by a folded sheet of paper and realized he had put it on the exact page I was on like book mark. There was writing on the paper.


This should tide you over until we can see each other again. This is one of my favorite books and I hope when you are done, it will be one of yours too.

With every new page, think of me and know I'm going to be thinking about you too.

I love you,


I smiled and felt warmth spread through my body. It was truly scary how alike we thought. I wondered if he had found my comic books yet. I would have loved to see his face when he found them.

I settled down in my chair and started reading, getting caught up in the story again. In no way was it as comfortable as reading snuggled against Kevin, but it would have to do for now.

About a half hour later, I felt a smack on my head and knew it could only be one person, "Hey Brian." I didn't even lift my head from my book.

I heard a chuckle as a body flopped in a chair next to mine, "Mr. Comics reading an actual book? Doth mine eyes deceive me?"

I raised my face long enough to give him a playfully withering glance, "You sayin' I'm stupid, Brian?"

He grinned, "Stupid, no. Illiterate, maaayyyybeeeee."

I stuck Kevin's note in the book and shut it, being sure to tuck it in the bag safely, "Them there are fighting words, Brian."

At those words, Brian took off and made a break for it across the lobby, almost tripping over a business man. Sheepishly, he apologized.

I just stayed on my chair and smiled evilly, "That's what I thought. Scared. Of. Me. "

I made each word it's own taunt and Brian stopped dead. He glared at me and plopped in his chair across the room to pout. "Am not."

I pulled my book out again, "Are too."

He started moving back row by row, "Am not."

I glanced up at him, "Ok, you're right, you are."

Brian nodded, "That's right! I am....HEY!" He realized he had been tricked too late. I just gave him a shit eating grin and went back to my book.

He came back over to me and sat down, "What are you reading?"

I showed him the cover of the book and he nodded, "That's one of Kevin's fav....." He stopped when he saw my face fall out of it's smile. "That's a good book."

I nodded, "It is so far."

He smiled gently, "So is that why you came early? To read?"

I shook my head, "I went to see the other three off. I haven't seen much of Howie and AJ so I figured I'd go see them off." It was a bald faced lie, but it was better than saying, "Well Brian, I'm in love with your cousin and wanted to throw myself in his arms and beg him to take me with him." No, that would definitely make the next month a little awkward between the two of us. I could only hope he swallowed it.

Brian looked at Nick and knew there was more to the story than he was letting on, but decided to let it drop when he saw the scared expression flitter across Nick's face.

Thankfully our flight was called and a flight attendant came and got us saying the plane was already boarded and we could go on now.

Once we were boarded and sitting in our seats, I popped on my headphones and closed my eyes, my book held tightly against me. I just didn't want to talk right now.

Brian looked at Nick's sad face as he listened to music with Kevin's book held against his chest and sighed. More and more he was feeling like what he thought was the right thing, really wasn't. It was going to be a long flight.

Kevin stumbled into his room at the Plaza in New York. Even though the flight was short, it seemed to take forever for them to touch ground again. It was almost three now, after getting baggage and the ride from the airport into the city. Sleep. That's all Kevin could think about right now. He needed sleep. There he could be with Nick again and that's all that mattered to him.

He threw his jeans and shirt off and let out a sigh of relief as he slipped in between the sheets, falling asleep the second his head hit the pillow.

Kevin was jolted awake when he felt a pair of warm lips on his. His eyes opened to see Nick's blue ones looking into his. Shock would be an understatement of what he was feeling, "Ni..Nick, what are you doing here?"

Nick didn't say anything, he just kept kissing Kevin until Kevin felt like he was going to explode into flames. Finally Nick spoke, "I caught a flight to New York instead of LA, I just needed to kiss you, to touch you."

Kevin didn't care how or why, he just knew that Nicks' lips and hands were driving him out of his mind. He groaned as Nick's lips kissed down his pecs and across his abs, making the heat in his body rise even more.

Kevin couldn't lie still, Nicks' hands and lips seemed to be everywhere. It was too much to take. He dove a hand into Nick's hair and gently pulled him upwards until his lips were at kissing level.

Their lips met as the rest of their bodies laid pressed up against each other tightly. Kevin's hands sliding over Nick's hips and bringing him closer, grinding their bodies together. That little whimpering moan that was coming out of Nick's mouth let him know he was doing everything right.

Nick bit on his lip and chewed it softly before looking up Kevin, his blue eyes shining, "Kevin, make love to me. Please."

Kevin smiled and shook his head softly. He put a finger over Nick's lips when he went to argue. "No, I want you to make love to me."

Nick's eyes shone, "Are you sure?"

Kevin nodded, "I've never been more sure of anything."

Nick smiled and settled himself between Kevin's opened legs, leaning down to kiss him before going any further.

Nick's lips never reached Kevin's. Kevin saw a hand clamp around Nick's throat, pulling him backwards and off of his body. Kevin reached out and tried to grab Nick, but he missed as he saw him tossed across the room like a rag doll.

A cry of horror left Kevin's lips as a new face filled his view, it was Stefanie. Kevin had to turn away as he felt the bile rising in his throat. She truly looked like the devil she was. Her skin was a mottled blue color and her blonde hair hung limply around her blue face. Three large, dripping wounds were in her chest. The shots that had killed her, or so he had thought.

Kevin's felt a cold hand on his chin and recoiled away from it instinctively. Stefanie stared hard at him, "Well, well, Kevvy. We meet again."

Kevin winced at the rancid stink of death that was coming off of her, "What do you want? You are dead. Aren't you supposed to be in hell where you belong?"

She laughed, a cold grating sound, "I told you I would see you there, Kevin. I'm waiting for you." She smiled maliciously, "But in the mean time, I need something to keep me amused." She glanced in the direction that Nick had been thrown to, "You and your boy toy will amuse me nicely."

She scraped a fingernail over Kevin's jawline, almost making Kevin throw up right there. "It was a pity I had to kill Frank before he was done playing with Nick. Oh well, now he gets his chance."

Kevin heard a scream like nothing he had ever heard before, it was Nick. He looked around frantically for him and saw Nick being held by a pair of strong arms, the same mottled blue color as Stefanie's skin. Nick's eyes were wide with terror and a the hand to one of the arms was clamped over his mouth, muffling the screams that were coming from him. Over Nick's shoulder Kevin saw a face emerge from the shadows, a gaping wound in the middle of his forehead. It was Frank.

Nick's body seemed to be jolting forward along with Frank's. Pain was etched in Nick's eyes as a muffled scream of Kevin's name escaped Frank's hand.

A cry left Kevin's lips as he saw a trail of red snaking down the inside of Nick's leg. He was raping him! Kevin leapt from the bed as he tried to claw past Stefanie to get to Nick. "Why are you doing this to him?! WHY?!"

Stefanie smiled coldly, "Well Frank figures dick from him must be something else. He wants to see if he can make Nick like dick from him better than dick from you. I think he can do it, after all Kevin, he managed to make you like dick didn't he?"
