You Do What You Have To Do: Chapter 2
by: Tina and Danielle
Rated: R (adult stuff, ya know?)
copyright: 1999
This part written by : Danielle

This part written by: Tina

I don't even remember us leaving the arena.

I don't remember Kevin leading me to his car, putting me in the seat, and buckling me in.

I don't remember us driving out of Orlando.

I don't remember the 30 minute drive to Tampa.

One minute we were at the arena and the next we were sitting in the drive way in front of my house.


I turned to find Kevin staring at me with concern etched all over his face, "What happened, Kevin? Why are we here?"

"You don't remember, Nick?"

I turned and stared at the front window of the car. It all came back to me. Watching AJ, Howie, and Brian "surfing" over the arena. Then there was fire all over the front of the stage. Fire every where. I was burning in the fire.

I closed my eyes and groaned.

"There won't be an fireworks or explosions at any of the concerts, Nick. They're already working on getting a laser light show together to take the place of the fire."

I numbly nodded my head. I scanned my house. It wasn't home any more. It could never be home again. That bitch had been here. She'd walked the floors of my home, going from one room to another, her evilness seeping into the walls. She'd probably lay in my bed and touched all my personal things. I shuddered at the thought.

When Kevin touched my shoulder I jumped but then I realized it was him.

"Nick, we're gonna be free of her. I promise you we are. We can't spend the rest of our lives living in fear of her. If we do, then she wins."

I snapped, "Dammit, I know that, Bumpkin. Tell me something I don't know."

Kevin looked surprised at my tone of voice and I felt worse than I had before. I reached over and took his hand in mine, bringing it to my lips and kissed it.

"I'm sorry, Kevin. You're right. But we can't stay here. I can't go in that house, Kev. Knowing she was there makes me sick to my stomach. Let's me and you get a house together. A house on the beach - a private beach. It'll be a fresh start. A start to putting the badness behind us."

Kevin sat quietly for a moment. I knew he was thinking. The left corner of his mouth twitched when he was really thinking about something.

His eyes lifted and met mine, "Yeah, we can do that. I like the sound of that. A place of our own to feel safe and secure in. I'll call Howie and see if he can get someone from his real estate company to help us find a place. With any luck we can get set up somewhere before we leave on tour. But until then, where do we stay? Seeing as how that bitch burned my house down, I'm homeless here."

"I hear the Shearton over on the Bay is really a nice hotel to stay in."

Kevin started the car back up and said, "Well, let's go find out, Nickers."

"Hey, watch it with that Nickers bit. You know I hate that."

"Yeah, well, you get to call me Bumpkin so it only seems fair I can call you Nickers."

Kevin had a playful smile tugging at the corners of this mouth and I started laughing, "Ok, Bumpkin, you can call me Nickers. But only you. Any of the other guys do it and I'm gonna kick their ass."

Kevin laughed and we sat off for the Sheraton.
