You Do What You Have To Do: Chapter 2
by: Tina and Danielle
Rated: R (adult stuff, ya know?)
copyright: 1999
This part written by : Danielle

Brian, Howie and AJ all sat on the stage, looking at each other in wonder.
Brian cleared his throat and the other two looked at him, "Well, I feel like

AJ nodded, "I know, man. We should have known that fire idea was bad. I
mean, he almost was burned alive....we shoulda known."

Howie shuddered, "I've never seen anyone freak like that. He thought he was
going to die. And Kevin....nothing throws Kevin and he was crying. Shit,
we are just....there aren't even words for us."

They all nodded and stared down at the stage in shame.


Kevin pulled up to the Sheraton on the Bay and looked over at Nick, who was
once again lost in thought. He turned the car off and turned his body
towards the younger man sitting beside him and tenderly reached out a hand,
softly caressing the side of his face, "Nick? Nick, we're here."

I heard his voice and was slowly brought out of the thoughts that were
tumbling in my mind and blinked a few times before they cleared and I was
looking into Kevin's green eyes, "What? Oh..we're here."

Kevin nodded and squeezed my hand, "Are you going to be ok, Nickers?"

I had to smile a little, I loved the way he said that gawd awful nickname.
"Yeah, Bumpkin, I'm just still a little shaken, that's all."

He got out of the car and went to my side, opening the door and holding out
a hand for me to grab. I undid my seatbelt and put my hand in his, letting
him pull me from the car and leading me up to he hotel.

After a five second freak out by the hotel clerk, she pulled herself
together and managed to get us a room with suite with two bedrooms and a
shared living area. We both knew one of the rooms wouldn't get used, but we
had to keep up illusions at all times.

In a few more minutes, we were both dragging our tired and stressed bodies
to our room, collapsing on the sofa when we got in. I don't know how long
we just sat there, leaning against one another, just not moving, not
thinking, not doing anything but breathing.

I was lost in some world inside my head when I felt Kevin's hands rubbing
over my shoulders. Oh god, they felt good. He seemed to know just the
right amount of pressure to use and just where to rub. My head rolled back
as a sigh left my lips.

He kissed my forehead and kept kneading my shoulders, "My God, Nick. I'm
surprised you haven't gotten ear marks in your shoulders. I don't think
I've ever seen anyone's shoulders so tense. Just close your eyes and

I took his advice and let his hands work at my tense muscles. A few minutes
later, he pulled away and I opened my eyes, seeing his hand in front of me,
"Come on, I need you to lie down to do this right."

I didn't argue and just put my hand in his and allowed him to lead me to one
of the bedrooms. He lifted my arms over my head and slipped my shirt off,
feeling how drenched with sweat from the whole fire incident it was. He
took a pillow and laid it on the foot of the bed and then got me to lay down
on my stomach and he walked to the bathroom, returning a second later with a
bottle in his hands. He dribbled something gooey on my back and then
started to spread it around with his hands.

I couldn't help it, a small groan left my lips on the edge of a sigh, it
felt so good. I never wanted it to end. He worked slowly and methodically,
inch by inch, muscle by muscle until I was nearly catatonic from the bliss.
