You Do What You Have To Do: Chapter 2
by: Tina and Danielle
Rated: R (adult stuff, ya know?)
copyright: 1999
This part written by : Tina

"Feel better, babe?", Kevin's hot breath against my ear caused me to uncontrollably shudder with delight.

"I feel much better. Those hands of yours are miracle workers, Kev. Almost too good to be true."

Kevin held his hands up in front of him and looked at them. All though it seemed like a life time ago, it was only a few short months ago that he couldn't even move his hands.
His heart clutched remembering the fear he'd felt wondering if he'd be able to play the piano again and do something as simple as hold a pen in his hand. And then he'd felt guilty. Guilty for knowing he should have been thankful for being alive but knowing if he hadn't regained the use of his hands he would have been better off dead.

Of course, if he had died then Nick would be okay right now. He'd be safe and secure in his own home, not in some damn hotel room where he was scared of his own shadow practically and he was emotionally scarred for life.

Kevin had grown still and quiet. I rolled over to see what he was doing and I saw him just sitting there staring at his hands.

"Oh, Kev," I whispered, taking his hands into mine. I brought first one and then the other to my lips, gently kissing his palms and reassuringly squeezing them.

"But if you had died, Kevin, then my life would have been so empty. I would have never known what true love was like without you."

Kevin smiled, "This is really getting freaky that we know each other so well, Nickers."

I smirked, "Well, it's one thing being so in tune with one another that we can finish each other's sentences but if we start looking alike as we grow older together I'm gonna have to seriously rethink this relationship."

Kevin pretended to look hurt, "You should be proud to look like me. Especially with these eyebrows." He wiggled his eyebrows and I started giggling.

"Oh, you think my eyebrows are funny, do you, Nickers? I'm gonna have to teach you to respect your elders!"

He began tickling me and I began to squeal with laughter. I had always been ticklish and it just seemed to get worse as I had gotten older. That had left me the victim of many "tickle" assaults on the tour bus through the years at the hands of the guys to get me back for all the pranks I had played on them.

Remembering how young I had been when I started with the group, how was I to know AJ would not find it amusing to shave with Nair? Or that Howie didn't think waking up to find himself dolled up in make-up was funny since his sisters use to play dress-up with him when he was a kid?

But Kevin had always been the worst tickling me. Sometimes he had just done it for no reason at all. He'd seemed to just like hearing me laugh until I practically couldn't breathe anymore.

As was the case now. I gasped, "Ok, Ok. Your eyebrows are not funny, Bumpkin. They are beautiful and I would be honored to have big furry rugs on my face to be just like you."

Kevin smirked, "Ok, Nickers. I'm gonna let you off the hook easy this time. Only because I'm getting to old to be doing this. It use to be alot easier to tickle you when you were only 5 feet and weighed 100 pounds soaking wet."

I grinned, "Yeah but you gotta admit it's more fun doing it now."

Kevin stopped tickling me and we lay there in a tangled mass of limbs, gasping for air. Kevin lay with his head on my bear chest. My fingers stroked his broad back through his shirt, feeling the hard, tight muscles underneath.

Kevin sighed, "Yeah, it's a lot more fun now, Nick."

He raised his head up and our eyes met. Without another word, Kevin lowered mouth to mine - his lips so soft I thought I could cry from the way they made me feel. My tongue snaked out and trailed over those soft lips. Kevin sighed as I pulled him closer to me, his tongue meeting mine in a tango of sorts.

I moaned as Kevin's mouth burned my neck with his kisses and I felt his teeth nip at the skin as he went down my chest. His mouth covered a nipple and I shivered as I felt his tongue swirl around the sensative bud making it hard. By the time he moved over to pay it's mate the same amount of attention, I felt on fire. There seemed to be just pure heat flowing through my veins.

I began to tug on Kevin's shirt. I wanted it off of him. I wanted to feel his bare skin against mine. I wanted to kiss him and taste him.

Kevin took the hint and sat up for a moment. He pulled his shirt off and threw it aside. I was going to have to go to the doctor for this breathing problem I was developing. Looking at Bumpkin. Touching him. Kissing him. All caused my breath to catch. I couldn't remember to breathe until my chest began to ache and burn, begging for air.

The silence of the room was broken by the ringing of a telephone.

"Oh, someone has a lousey sense of timing", I muttered as I watched Kevin kept up off the bed and pick his cell phone up off the dresser.

"Um, hello," he said, hoping whoever it was didn't notice how out of breath he sounded.

"Kev, hey. It's Howie. Where are you and Nick? We've been trying to find you guys to make sure you were okay."

"Yeah, we're okay, Howie. Pretty shook up there for a bit but we've both calmed down now. Are you guys okay? I'm sure that wasn't an easy thing for you guys to witness as well."

"We're fine, Kev. Just feel like dog shit that we put you and Nick through that. We didn't think of the consequences. We're so sorry, Kevin. I can't begin to tell you how sorry we are."

"It's alright, Howie. Don't feel bad. It's just gonna take a lot of time to get over some of this stuff, you know?"

"Yeah, I know. So where are you and Nick at? We thought you'd be at Nick's but you're not."

"Um, we're over at the Sheraton on the Bay. I'm actually glad you called, Howie. Nick wants to sell his house. It's just not "livable" anymore. We want to get a small beach house together if we can find one. Nothing to fancy but something private. Think you can help us out?"

Howie was a little stunned there. Nick and Kevin buying a house together? What the hell was up with that? He could understand about Nick not wanting to live in his house anymore after "Satan" was there but he didn't understand him and Kevin getting a house together.

"I'm, um - yeah, I'm sure I can help you out, Kev. I'll call Kasey as soon as I hang up with you. She's the best real estate agent in all of Florida."

"Thanks, Howie. We can't tell you how much your help means to us. If you guys need us, just call my cell phone, ok? And I'm sure we'll see you sometime tommorrow."

"Yeah, ok, Kevin. You call us too if you guys need anything."

Howie hung up the phone and looked at the anxious faces of Brian and AJ looking at him waiting to hear what was going on.

Howie relayed his conversation with Kevin to them and he expressed his "concerns" over the fact that Kevin and Nick were in a hotel across town together instead of staying with one of them and the fact they were wanting to buy a house together.

Brian said, "Wait a minute. Howie, do you honestly think they are gay?"

Howie shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know, Bri. But something is not right with those two."

AJ said, "Of course, something is not right with them. They have been beaten and harassed by a crazy woman. Almost killed for God's sake. They have been through shit that we're never gonna understand. They honestly pulled each other through this mess."

Brian said, "You do have a point there, AJ."

AJ replied, "Of coruse, I do. But what if they are gay? Are we gonna kick them out to the curb if they are? Or are we gonna be their brothers and friends and be there for them like we always have?"

The room was eeirly silent.


I was sitting up on the side of the bed by the time Kevin hung up with Howie and turned back to me.

He said, "Howie is gonna call this lady named Kasey to help us out with selling your house and getting us one. She's apparently the best there is."

"Yeah, she is. I met her one time right after she came to work for Howie. She's a very nice lady."

Well, whatever "romantic" mood Kevin and I had earlier was gone now. That was for sure as we both struggled with what to say.

Kevin said, "Why don't you go take a long hot shower, Nick? And I'll call room service and rustle us up some grub. I didn't realize how hungry I was until now."

I didn't say anything. Just got up and headed towards the bathroom.


Before I could turn around Kevin was behind me. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me.

He whispered against my ear, "I love you."

I lay my head back against his shoulder and sighed, "I love you too."
