You Do What You Have To Do: Chapter 2
by: Tina and Danielle
Rated: R (adult stuff, ya know?)
copyright: 1999
This part written by : Danielle

Authors' Note:

We don't consider this story or the first one to be a "gay" story. We
consider it a story of love and friendship. Two things that are very hard to
find in this cruel, mean world today. We have talked about what would the
guys think if
they read Full of Grace. We honestly hope they would see what an amazing
story of love, hope, courage, and friendship that it really is about.* We
both feel that love in any shape or form is a rare and precious thing to
come by and love should be cherished and protected from forces that would
extinguish it simply because it's not in the package others expect.
Something to think about while you read.

I spent a lot of time in the shower, just letting the water run over me and
slowly washing away the last of the tension that Kevin had not kissed and
massaged away.

Just the thought of what we had been doing caused a whole new kind of
tension to overcome me and I groaned silently. I looked down and sure
enough, I had a slight problem. I squeezed my eyes shut and repeated what
was my mantra in situations like this. "Brian's mother naked, Brian's mother
naked, Brian's mother..." Whew, worked like a charm!

I finished washing and stepped out of the shower, grabbing one of the towels
and drying off before sliding into one of the hotel robes. I sighed at how
good it felt against my skin, like soft, soft velvet almost. I snuggled it
closer to me and smiled. I don't know what it is about him, but ever since
that first kiss we shared on that stupid attempt at fishing, my senses seem
like they've been on fire. Everything is the same, but different too. Colors
are brighter, the sky seems blue a lot more, hotel robes are softer and just
simple things like talking with him made my day more than a thousand new
Nintendo games. Hell, Kevin was worth more to me than all my Nintendo and
playstation games combined, which was saying a lot for me, since I would
only part with half of them to pay a ransom for Brian if he was ever
Backstreet-napped. Well, ok I would part with them all, but I would whine a

I ran a brush through my hair while I thought about Kevin waiting for me in
the other room. I smiled and kept yanking at the tangles in my hair. I
turned around and something caught my eye. It was a picture of some idiot
with a goofy assed smile on his face. What in the hell was that dude so
freaking happy about? Then I realized something. That wasn't a picture I
was looking at, I was looking in a mirror that hung on the wall in a frame.
I was the idiot with the goofy assed smile. I shook my head and rolled my
eyes, geez I looked like I was auditioning for the role of Dopey. But,
somehow, I didn't care. For the first time in a long, long time, I was
truly happy. I was loved and I was with the one I loved and right now
that's all I needed.

I put the brush down and opened the door, seeing Kevin standing there about
to knock. Before he could react, I grabbed his head with my hands and
pulled his lips to mine and kissed him, my tongue sliding in his mouth and
teasing him just enough to drive him nuts then I pulled away. I smiled at
him and patted the side of his face.

He looked at me like he was looking into having me committed, "Wha...what
was that for?"

I just smiled as I walked by and felt his eyes following me as I walked
away, "Well, it got rid of the awkwardness that was going on before I took
my shower, and two, I just realized that I love you more than my Nintendo."

I heard Kevin chuckle, "You are too twisted for color t.v., boy."

I made an injured noise and pointed at him, shaking my finger like a school
teacher, "Hey, none of those little southern sayings or I'm gonna git all
ghetto on ya!"

Kevin rolled his eyes and he came over to me, taking my shoulders, sitting
me down on the bed. "Nick, I'm only telling you this out of love. Baby,
this may be a shock, but it needs to be done. Nick...." He looked very
seriously in my eyes and for a second I started to get nervous butterflies
in my stomach, then he smiled, "You are white."

I put all my childhood acting skills to work and made best shocked face
this side of the Florida Regional Theatre and dropped my jaw, "W....what?!"
I scrambled to the mirror that hung over the dresser and touched the cool
glass like I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

That was it for Kevin, he had fallen back onto the bed laughing his fool
head off. We both knew I was pushing everything that had happened today to
the back of my mind and my acting crazy was the way I was making myself
forget about it for now, and bless Kevin, he wasn't pushing the issue, he
just rolled along with my craziness and I could see my influence was
lightening him up a little, it was only when he was alone with me, but it
was a start.

I watched him laugh for a minute and then screwed my face into a comical
pissed off face and in my best diva gestures I put my hands on my hips and
glared at him, "And you choose now to tell me??!!! Where is the love, Kev?
How could you keep something like this from me?!"

He looked worried for a second there, until I ran and jumped on the bed,
hopping around him like a crazy jackhammer, shaking the shit out of him. I
stopped and stood over him with one foot on either side of him and cracked
my fingers, flexing them like a piano virtuoso I wiggled them around in a
tickling motion, "Now you are going to pay!"

I noticed Kevin was a little pink and his hand grabbed my ankle and started
sliding upwards slowly, "I see London...I see France, I see Nicky's wearing

I realized where he was going with this and that I was standing over him and
he had an unobstructed view of London, France and the Netherlands, so to
speak. I jumped down from the bed and I swear my face was eight shades past
Heinz Catsup.

He sat up and was just about to say something when there was a knock at the
door. He got up and hugged my shoulders, "Don't be embarrassed, from what I
saw, I can't wait for the day that I can holiday in London and France, take
in the lay of the land and taste some of the local cuisine."

With that, he walked through the living area to the door, leaving me staring
after him. "Oh my god, he went there!" I was shocked all to hell, Kev
would never say something like that, or so I thought. The goofy assed grin
was back, knowing for him to say something like that he had to be very
comfortable with me and very in love.

I was brought out of my thoughts by his voice, "Hey Nickers, dinner is on!"

I hopped up and tightened the robe around me with big smile on my face,
