The JC/Lance Chronicles
version 4.0 : uh...late night graphic ideas!

no more confusion! pretty-ness! use your imagination! don't deny it! oh! he wrote THAT! OTHER cool places! oh! add me! add me! the original main page yo!
(i think you can see the links this time)

Last Updated:
not too much updated. two new names in the combo page. i uploaded like 30 journal icons. that's a lot of coding to do. i you wanna see them all now you can check them out here. i also added a fre more links. check um out. :)
Ok. i really updated this earlier, i just forgot to say so. i re-vamped the fiction page. i hope it looks better now. i have a new story that i might put up soon, we'll see.
WOOO!!! I updated my fiction! second part of It All Started With Some Pizza was finally found and posted, and a new story, Invasion, was also put up. woo! Check 'um out!
uh. HAPPY NEW YEAR!! yeah. added another jc/lance combo name. :D thinking about expanding the list...should i?
WOO! re-doing the layout! fun fun! isn't the image map just the cutest? (kinda) grr...i'm almost mad at myself though! i forgot to save the last layout! AHHHH!!!! oh well...WOO RE-DONE!!
re-vamped the pairing combos page. now you can jump right to the paring of your choice! WOO-HA! oh's the PAIRING combos page now. i think just combos was kinda confusing. so yeah. have fun. :D
new rec. Sound Of Silence by Lara. go check it out yo! ~drool~
it is all now about the :(|) NESS!!(monkey-ness) for an explanation, check out the COMBOS page! wee! :D

Past Updates(starting 11-5-02)

Zero Tolerance

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