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Aight Manwhores. Listen up. This is where we tell you when we've updated.

[August 15] Sorry I haven't updated lately but I was helping Diaz with her Anti-PYT site and we decided to make it both of ours. So check it out Here*whisper*you can still send her hate mail at if ya want. Keep it on the DL. I made another section called All Three which has humor that features *NSYNC,Backstreet Boys, and Eminem together. Isn't that cool!!! (sarcasm)And I updated *NSYNC News Please sign the guestbook. Hope ya have fun on your last days of summer.

[August 8]Hey manwhores..The whore that lives down the street keeps breaking into our site and fucking with it. But we changed our password so there.*sticks out tounge* I told Kim to change it by obviously that was to "high tech" for her. So....It's JC's 24th Birthday!! He's all like......old.....and stuff. But in honor of him I made a little sectionJC's Birthday! I might update some more later....if your lucky. Peace out manwhores!

[August 7] Hey manwhores. How's it going? I'm aight. I just had to go to Diaz's site and fuck it up a bit. If ya wanna see gohere I added a new section called *NSYNC NewsPlease sign the guestbook. Or e-mail us. Thanks!

[August 3] Well's finally August. The month I have to go back to school*shiver* Didn't update much today. I've been busy. I added another pic of JC touching himself :D I have just one thing to say about the whole Joey's 4 year old daughter thing...didn't see that one coming.

[July 29] Hey manwhores....Wassupppp?!. Well I added a section called "Other Stuff" It's stuff. I'll update more later. But remember manwhores,You can't say die on Disney.
[July 28] Well mawhores,I've been updating a lot for ya. I know I haven't put much BSB humor. That's mostly because I hate BSB and I don't wanna spend time looking for things to put there. So that'll be Kim's job. Speaking of Kim.You'll finally get to hear what she thinks. I know,it's a surprise. I was shocked to manwhores. Kim will write a review of the *NSYNC HBO concert. Aight. I added a section called And You Thought It Couldn't Be Done. Also a section called Joey+Justin=True Loveit's kinda under consturction. I'm working on the Eminem section trying to get some more humor for ya there. And a review of *NSYNC on the "Today Show" soon. I'm still in shock someone from Yuba City was there. Have a good weekend manwhores.
[July 27] Hey Manwhores.What's up with all the *NSYNC humor websites either not being updated or being shut down?This makes me angry manwhores.Well as promised a added the *NSYNC All access review.I'll be nice and give you a link. *NSYNC Reviews Shout out to Liliput for signing out guestbook.
[July 26] What's up with Angelfire? I can't sign in when I want. Anyways. I know you manwhores don't want to be bothered with my problems. I added a new section called "Eminem Reviews" and a review for his appearance on FarmClub.The *NSYNC All Access Review should be up on Thursday. Enjoy Manwhores.
[July 22] Way..I like totally updated the site and stuff. I added a new page called "What's Joey Trying To Say?" I ain't giving you a link! Find it yourself you lazy manwhore. Also someone signed our guest book! Yay! Much props to "The Fozz",your all cool and stuff. Also I added another page called JC And X-men. It might freak you out but oh well. Plus a page for the Justin Timberlake Foundation. Coming soon will be a review for "All Access *NSYNC".
