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Chapter 1

December 2001


              A pretty light brown haired girl swung her hair back as she typed furiously at a computer.

              “ Christy, are you still alive?” a dark haired girl stuck her curly head inside the office.

              “ Yeah, I just finished this article,” Christy turned her aquamarine eyes upward from the computer screen.

              “ Good, Boss wants to see you,” the girl replied.

Christy sighed as she stood up and walked out of her office.

              She walked into a luxurious office not far from hers.

              “ Miss Robinson, I have a new assignment for you.  It’s not the usual type you write, but Serenity, our entertainment journalist is sick.  You’re the best we can come up with at the moment.  Tomorrow at 9, you’re interviewing a boyband,” the man known as Boss said.

              “ A boyband?  You want to interviewing a boyband?” Christy looked disgusted.

              “ Serenity already wrote the questions.  All you have to do is ask them.  If the article’s good, there could be a bonus,” Boss handed her a piece of paper.

              “ It’ll be good alright,” Christy assured him before walking out of the room.

              “ Oh, this will be good alright,” the boss whispered, then picked up his phone, “ She’ll be there guys.  Find it out.”

              Christy pulled her baby blue BMW convertible in front of a luxurious house.  Journalism had been good to her over the few years.  Being one of the youngest journalists at age 18 had its benefits.

              “ I’m home,” Christy yelled to no one in particular as she entered the house.

              She threw her purse and keys haphazardly on the table before throwing off her high heels.  She fell on the couch for some much needed sleep after a 32-hour workday.  A burning sensation on her uncovered wrist woke her minutes later.

              “ Ow,” she pulled off the bracelets from her tiny wrist.

The outline of a crude cross had been formed from the cuts.  Christy shrugged, knowing they’d fade before heading up to her room to sleep.

              The next morning, Christy parked her BMW, and then walked towards the Regal Hotel.  A big African-American man stopped her as well as many screaming girls.

              “ Hi, I’m Christy Robinson.  I have an interview with,” Christy paused to looked at the sheet, “ *N Sync.”

              “ This way, Miss Robinson.  We’ve been waiting for you,” the man let her inside and led her towards 5 guys.

              Wordlessly, they entered the conference room.

              “ I’m Christy, filling in for Serenity.  You 5 are?” Christy asked, trying to break the silent tension.

              “ I’m Joey.  That’s Chris, Lance, JC and Justin,” a dyed blonde with his dark roots showing answered.

              “ Well, let’s get on with the interview,” Christy said hurriedly.

Something wasn’t right here and she could sense it.

              An hour later, Christy felt that she had enough.

              “ Thanks a lot,” Christy began to walk out.

              “ Wait, won’t you join us for lunch?” the one called JD, or JB (Christy couldn’t remember his name) stopped her.

              “ Actually, I have a deadline,” Christy lied.

              “ Your boss told us you would join us for lunch like Serenity always does,” Chris replied.

              “ Well, I guess if the boss ok’s it, then it will be fine.  Let me go freshen up, then I’ll met you in the lobby,” Christy walked over to the front desk.

              “ We’ll be waiting,” Lance assured her.

Christy walked away quickly.  Her instincts screamed for her to bolt, but her stiff, tired body kept her from doing so.

              The 5 men sat talking quietly amongst themselves.

              “ Her boss was right.  She does have something in her,” Lance whispered, “ That’s why they’re after her.”

              “ Yeah, we have to find out during lunch or “accidentally” run into her,” JC empathized the accidentally with his hands, “ No mess-ups, guys.”

              “ I’m back,” Christy plastered a smile on her face.

              “ Let’s go then,” Justin stood up, not towering much over her tall frame.

              Christy tried to hide her nervousness during the lunch, but the 5 guys sensed it.

              “ If you don’t want to be here, nothings keeping you from leaving.  We won’t tattle on you,” Justin said simply.

              “ No, I never get the chance to communicate with stars,” Christy lied.

She caught the 5 exchange an unreadable glance.

              “ Can I see your wrist?” Lance asked.

              “ Yeah, my bracelets cut into my skin yesterday,” Christy answered, lifting her delicate wrist for him to inspect.

              “ Did you?” Lance’s green eyes seemed to read her soul.

              “ Yes,” Christy repeated shakily.

              “ Lance, do we have something going on today?” Joey asked.

              “ Yeah, we have a photo shoot.  Let’s go,” Lance checked his watch.

              “ Bye,” Christy got up with them and started to her car.

              Christy was halfway to her car when a woman with black hair stopped her.

              “ Christy Robinson?” she asked.

              “ Yes, that’s me,” Christy answered, “ Do I know you?”

              “ No, but please come with me.  I have to warn you before its too late,” she said.

              “ Tell me who you are and I’ll go,” Christy replied.

              “ Candy, so nice to see you again.  How long has it been?” a male voice interrupted.

              Christy turned to see JC and Justin standing there.

              “ You stay out of this, Joshua and Justin,” Candy hissed.

              “ What’s going on?” Christy asked.

              “ Go home, Christy,” JC ordered.

              “ Not until I know the truth,” Christy planted her hands firmly on her hips.

              “ Your journalistic nature is going to get you in trouble, Christy.  Take her home, Justin,” somehow Christy’s car keys were in his hands and thrown to the tall curly haired blonde.

              “ I can drive myself,” Christy snatched the keys away and got in her car.

              3 pairs of eyes watched her leave.

              “ She’s ours, Candy.  You can’t beat us,” JC growled.

              “ Watch me,” Candy turned and stalked off.

              “ Go get Lance and tell him to get rid of Candy.  She can’t ruin this,” JC ordered.

              “ It’s done,” Lance stayed in the shadows, following the retreating girl.

              Christy pulled back into the restaurant parking lot and walked towards a dark alley she’d seen Lance go in earlier.  She pulled off her heels and carried them to sneak up on her prey.  A short scream sent her running towards it.  The girl called Cindy had crumpled to the ground as a man released her.  The familiar face of Lance, though marred by red eyes and bloody fangs, shone through the hideous mask.

              “ Oh my god,” Christy turned to run and found JC right behind her.

              “ What’s wrong?” JC asked.

              “ He…” Christy turned to see a normal Lance and no body.

              “ All you saw was my girlfriend faint.  I took her inside.  She’s been working too hard,” Lance assured her.

              “ That’s not what I saw,” Christy replied.

              “ Well, that’s the truth,” Lance stared deep into her unearthly aqua eyes.

              “ Go home, Christy,” JC repeated his earlier words softly.

              “ I think I will,” Christy walked back to her car and drove off.

JC shoved Lance lightly and glared at him before they both walked towards a waiting limo.

Chapter 2