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Chapter 2


              Christy entered the news building to find most off to lunch.  Christy signed onto her computer.

              “ Vampires,” she said softly as she typed.

              A sign-on screen popped up and Christy clicked on it absentmindedly, not bothering to read what it was for.  An instant messenger screen popped up.

Angelus: Hey Chrissy

Dreamlvr (Christy): Hey, Angel.  I’ve got a question.

Angelus: Shoot

Dreamlvr: give me basic info on vampires

Angelus: oh no, the slayerette is back J/K

Dreamlvr:  not funny Angel

Angelus:  they’re night creatures, feed on blood, can’t be in sunlight or become flaming torch unless a daywalker.  What do you want to know?

Dreamlvr:  Characteristics and how to keep them away


              Christy typed another message, trying to get her friend back online.

              “ What the heck, Angel,” Christy pounded the keyboard.

She stared at the page it brought up and began reading quickly until another message popped up.

JRTizme:  hey, Christy, its Justin from the interview

Dreamlvr:  creative screen name.  How’d you get mine?

JRTizme:  I pulled some strings.  How are you coming along on the article?

Dreamlvr:  I haven’t started writing yet.  I’m doing something else.

JRTizme:  what?

Dreamlvr:  researching something

JRTizme:  o, vampires, huh?

              Christy stared at her screen.  How’d he know?  She quickly signed off and walked to the door of her office.

              “ Christy, boss wants to see you,” a girl called.

              “ Sure one sec,” Christy picked up her ringing phone, “ Christy Robinson.”

              “ Why’d you sign off?” Justin’s voice came over the line.

              “ How’d you know what I was researching?” Christy asked.

              “ JC told me you thought you saw Lance as a vampire,” Justin answered.

Christy hung up the phone.

              She ran to the other office.  She hadn’t told JC what she saw; yet he knew.

              “ How’d the interview go?” Boss asked.

              “ Let’s just say interesting,” Christy answered truthfully.

              “ Good because I need someone to rate their show tonight.  You’re on the backstage list.  Be there at 7,” he handed her a piece of paper.

              “ I don’t want to do it,” Christy stammered.

              “ Big bonus,” he offered.

              “ Ok, I’ll be there,” Christy finally agreed and walked out, but didn’t go far.

              The boss picked up his phone and dialed a number.

              “ Yeah,” a voice said on the other side.

              “ You guys are scaring her.  No mess-ups tonight.  Eat now and act normal for god’s sake,” Boss ordered.

              “ Sure, but it’s a full moon, so we had to cancel the appearance,” the voice replied.

              “ She doesn’t know that, so please try and get her tonight,” Boss hung up abruptly.

              He saw Christy’s golden hair as she moved away.  He groaned inwardly as he picked up the phone again.  Christy knew something was up.

              Christy walked away from the office building.  She took a deep breath.  Maybe she was just parnoid, but she believed otherwise.  A passerbyer ran into her and helped her up.

              “ Sorry, Christy?” a male voice asked.

              “ What do you want?” Christy’s bottom lip trembled as she stared at Justin.

              “ You hung up on me, so I wanted to talk to you in person,” Justin answered, “ Come on.  Something’s been bothering you.”

              He took her arm and directed her towards a park.

              “ Who are you?” Christy asked.

              “ Justin Timberlake of *N Sync,” Justin answered.

              “ No, you aren’t a normal person.  None of *N Sync is.  What are you?” Christy asked.

              “ I can’t tell you,” Justin answered, keeping his eyes away from hers, “ You’re a reporter.  Only one knows about us, but he joined our ranks long ago.”

              “ Why are you stalking me?” Christy asked, “ I heard Boss talking to someone after I left his office.  He was telling someone to get a girl.  I’m so afraid I’m that girl.  Why would anyone want me?”

              Christy was so close to tears as Justin seated her on a bench.

              “ Look, it’s 6:30.  Come with me to the stadium and we’ll explain it all,” Justin offered.

              “ Ok, I have to go anyways,” Christy answered.

She followed him into the limo.

              They arrived at the stadium with no fans around it screaming.  It was dead silent except for the howl of a lone wolf, not strange for the territory away from the city.

              “ Well, everyone’s here,” Justin commented.

              “ What do you mean?” Christy asked.

              “ You’ll see,” Justin answered.

              They walked by the guards and into the backstage area.

              “ Where are all the fans?  I thought there was a show tonight,” Christy asked.

              “ The show was cancelled.  It’s a full moon tonight,” Justin answered.

              “ So?” Christy suddenly realized what he meant, “ One of you is a werewolf?”

              Justin merely led her into a room labeled game room.  3 sat there, but 1 was missing.

              “ Wait, there’s 5 of you,” Christy said, “ Where’s JD or JB, whatever his name is?”

              “ Outside,” Lance answered.

              “ And why am I here?” Christy asked again.

              “ Because we need to talk,” a familiar voice answered.

              Her boss walked out of the shadows.

              “ Uh, why are you here?” Christy asked.

              “ Because we need to tell you why you’re here,” Boss answered.

              “ Ok, go right ahead,” Christy sat down on a chair Justin provided and crossed her arms.

              “ About 300 years ago, you were 1.  Your father is here right now, but your mother is supposedly dead,” Boss began.

              “ I know my mother’s dead.  My Dad was supposedly in the looney bin, so I got to go to an orphange for god knows how long,” Christy interrupted, “ And I am not almost 300 years old.”

              “ Listen to me and don’t speak,” Boss held up his hand, “ You were 1 300 years ago.  Your mother was part fairy, part mortal.  She died because she couldn’t control the powers she had.  Your father was changed into a vampire after you were born.  You must become the fairy you are, or you’ll die within 48 hours.”

              Christy stared at them before standing up.

              “ I’m sorry, but I think that your age is starting to catch up with you,” Christy turned to run out.

              “ The first sign of the changes are black outs,” Boss yelled after her retreating form.

Christy continued running, until she was far from the place.  She collapsed and began crying.  A furry hand touched her shoulder and pulled her close as she cried.  Christy was sobbing so hard she didn’t care who it was.  She finally looked up through her tears.  Before darkness overcame her, she saw a mask of fur overlying a human like face.  It’s gentle arms picked her up as she fell unconscious.

Chapter 3