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May 1705


              He ran through the dusty street, trying to lose his pursier.  The darkness of an alleyway greeted him as a hiding place.  The footsteps passed by the hiding place.  He got up cautiously, his chocolate brown eyes surveying his surroundings.

              “ Thought you could escape?” a raspy voice whispered in his ear before pushing him against a stonewall.

              The dark haired man faced his attacker, a woman with blood red eyes and dripping fangs.

              “ I already fed, so you will spend eternity with me,” she sunk her fangs into his neck.

              He crumpled to the floor as she lifted her bleeding wrist to his mouth to complete the transformation.  Those chocolate brown eyes turned red once they opened again.  The woman helped him up and led him away under the light of a full moon.

Chapter 1