Chapter One

It's Saturday afternoon, I am sitting at home with nothing to do. It is raining outside. After much thinking on how to spend the day, I call my friend Audrey to see if she wants to cruise the mall in search of hot guys (and of course cool clothes).

I pick her up at her house. As soon as she hops in we start to talk about *N'sync, their new CD, their concert (which we have tickets to) and… NO Girlfriends! WOO-HOO! Also I like Justin and she likes Lance so it all works out! Whatever like we would meet them anyway. But, hey that is why we dream.

As we pull up to the mall, there is a huge crowd of girls hanging outside Sears. I look at Audrey and say "pretty big sale" we laugh.

Sticking with the normal routine, we went looking for hot guys!

Then after that… "Shop till u drop". First staring with Sears our favorite store. Just another mall day, or so we thought.

Walking around checking out the scenery we can't help but notice girls running in all directions repeating..."I can't believe they are here". Curious as to what was going on I try to stop to girls running in opposite directions as they pass me they shout "Justin Timberlake and Lance Bass is here!"

"What?!" Audrey says in shock. "That's impossible *N'sync at our mall in Ohio?!" "Whatever!" These girls are crazy, they have lost their minds!" "Not in a million years!" "Rumors" we scream!

We go into Sears and look around. Two guys come up to us, both wearing hats. One of them say &qeautiful just how you are plus you're not fat" I could feel my face turning red.

The limo ride that we went on was awesome. Justin and me were hanging from the sunroof, while Lance and Audrey clown around down below.

That after noon was filled with the most fun conversation, and looking into Justin's eyes, I knew there was a lil chemistry happing I knew Audrey felt the same way about Lance.

As they paid the checks like gentleman, I suggested we go clubbin! It came to no surprise when the said 'yes' simultaniously. "But first…Justin says…let's play some b-ball!" I kinda grin. "What?" Justin asks. "I am slow plus I have asthma" "Ok" Justin says, "we will be easy on you." I just laugh.

"Audrey you block Lance." "Mandy you block me" Justin says "piece of cake"…I laugh. "Yeah easy as pie" Audrey smiles. We got the ball first; Justin checked it to me. Audrey was trien to get past lance but he was too big. I was trien to pass it to her but Justin was also too big. So I just threw it over Justin's head, I don't know how but Audrey caught it. She threw it in. 'SCORE!' we yell. Justin's face dropped he couldn't believe it. "Lucky shot" he said to Audrey. "Yeah yeah" I say. This time I checked it to Justin. I tried to block him but he ran past me, I tried to grab the bottom of his shirt, but went lower and grabbed his butt. He stopped dead in his tracks…."OOPS!" I yell, laughing so hard. Audrey and Lance are clueless as to what just happened. Justin's face was totally red! Finally, I catch my breath and sigh. Justin was lookin at me funny. "What?" I say. "You are so cute when u laugh," he says. I laugh, then I say well u have a cute butt,"Buns of steel!"

Audrey smiles and looks at Lance "what was that all about?" she asks. Lance shrugs. "But I guess that is it for the game". "Nah Mandy will be ok." She says. Lance smiles. "I think you are cute Audrey." Lance says. Audrey becomes shy. However, blurts out 'Teddy bear'. Puzzled but understanding he smiles and thanks her.

"Ok" Justin, says let's finish this. "It is 2 and 0, girls, C'mon Lance lets play some b-ball! So I checked the ball to him, he starts running toward the hoop as I chase him. All of a sudden he shoots. He barley misses. Audrey runs to get the ball she grabs it but here comes Lance (grabbing her waist) She throws it to me I am right under the basket "here comes Justin!" Audrey yells. "Oh no!" I shoot and miss. I grab the ball again and shoot. "NO!" Justin laughs. "YEA!!!" We cheer. "C'mon lance we can't let a couple of girls beat us!" "I got a plan" lance says. They huddle.

Once they come out of huddle, Audrey checks the ball to Lance, Lance dribbles straight to the basket where Justin and me stand while I block him. Lance shoots and misses. The ball is rolling right to Audrey she grabs it. I run to Audrey and we run to the basket all of a sudden we hear, ITS tearin up my heart when I'm with you

We stop and turn around there is Lance and Justin dancing and singing with NO SHIRTS! Audrey and me are laughing and staring. However, Audrey isn't stupid! She shot! We scored! We won! All of a sudden Justin stops dancing. "I can't believe we lost to girls! Audrey and me cheer…YEA!

Justin just laughs. "Lets go dancin!" " I gotta change, I am so sweaty. I smile "will you take me home?" Justin looks at Lance…Lance gives him the go I wanna be alone with Audrey look. "Sure" Justin says with a big smile on his face. "Is that ok with you Audrey?" I ask. Her face glowed…"Oh yeah that is perfectly fine with me." Audrey answers.

I get into the limo, and make myself comfortable. Justin jumps in (literally). I tell the driver where I live and Justin puts the window up between the limo and us. I sit there being a lil shy. Wanna listen to some music? He asks. "Sure" I say with a smile. He turned the radio on. Limp bizket came on…"I did it all for the nookie" I start singing and bouncin my head to it. Justin smiles. He puts his arm around me and pulls me close. Then 5 min. later...HEY! I got an idea. Justin pulls out his cell phone and dials…"JC...I've got some fun for u tonite…yeah…yeah…ok…bye." Jc and the other guys are commin" he announces.

Do you have any friends that might wanna come? He asks. "You mean like dates for them? I ask "Yeah…well not Chris he is bringing Heather his date." He says "Ok I guess I do" he hands me his phone. I dial…"Is Shawna there?"…Yeah Shawna…this is Mandy…yeah me and Justin want to know if you wanna go dancing…UM…Timberlake."

I take the phone off my ear…"WHAT?!" "NO WAY!" Justin and me laugh. "Well we will pick you up later ok?" "Call Jaci and ask her if she wants to come!" "Ok" "Chris is bringing his girlfriend"…ok…bye. I say as we pull into the driveway.

As we walk inside my mommy greets us. "Mom this is Justin, Justin…mom." I introduce. "Hi mom" Justin says. "Mom the guys, *N'sync and me are going to the grind and I am just gonna stay the night at there private club house since it is gonna be late ok?" "Sure" mom answers. "Cool" Justin says. I go upstairs to take a shower leaving my mom and Justin to talk. I looked in my closet a new babyblue dress was waiting for me in my closet. On the tag it said, 'LOVE, MOM'

"Aww" I say. I try it on…perfect fit…I put my hair up into a big clip and left lil strands of hair hanging. Put a lil makeup on and I looked so adorable. I walked down the steps and I could've sworn Justin's mouth was on the floor. Mom just smiled when I mouthed 'Thank-you'.

Justin smiles "you look beautiful!" "Especially in BabyBlue" and we get in the limo and drive off.

"STOP Lance STOP" Audrey laughs "STOP STOP!" Lance laughs as he grabs he ticklish spot. 'BEEP' "BEEP' "They are here! Audrey tells Lance. As Audrey walks out the door, Lance grabs her pulls her back inside and kisses her softly.

"Next stop!" I yell "Shawna's house, I look over at Justin and he is starin at me, "what are you looking at?" I ask. "Did I tell you, you looked beautiful?" "Yes about a million times" I answer. As we pull into Shawana's house.' She is dressed in a black skirt and a baby-tee. She jumped in and gave me a hug. I look at Justin and he is still starin. Shna, this is Justin, she smiles "HI!" "Hi" Justin says…"any friend of Mandy's is a friend of mine. Audrey couldn't stop smilin, she liked Mandy's friends, but she couldn't stop thinking about the kiss.

"What about Jaci?" I ask. "She has to work" Shawna answers "Aww…well who is gonna date JC? Justin asks. "Well hang on…I reach into Justin's pocket and pull out the cell… I know the owner let me call her…I dial…"Is Rusty there?" "Hey Rusty it's Mandy…yeah…hi…I was wonderin if Jaci could have the day off?" "We are sitting in the parking the limo…yeah…uh-huh…lol…yeah ok thanks bye.

A couple minutes later Jaci comes hopping outside. Then her mouth drops. We open the door, and motion her to get in. Still a little confused, she smiles "HEY!" "HEY!" we all say back. Ok last stop JC, Joey, and Chris.

It was about 15 miles away, Justin went inside about 10 minutes later four hott lookin guys and one girl came running out. Justin had changed his clothes he was wearing BabyBlue too. Justin got in first and was looking at me. JC got in... He looked at me and smiled. Justin glared and said "JC this is Jaci." "Well nice to meet you" he says to Jaci. Then Joey he knew exactly who Shawna was because Justin told her she had reddish brown hair. Then Chris and Heather jumped in with Busta and said hi to everyone. "Next stop," I yell. Everybody yells… THE GRIND!!!

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