Chapter Two

As we pull into the drive like a million girls surrounded the limo screaming for the guys. I look at Justin and ask "Can I make them jealous?" He smiled and said "Why not?" Joey and Shawna were the first to get out. Then Chris and Heather (they left Busta in the car NO pets allowed). JC and Jaci were next, that is when the crowd got quiet. Some girls even started crying. Lance and Audrey came out next. Audrey felt so happy. They held hands. He looked down on her and smiled. Then she whispered "I'd never thought this would happen to me" He just smiled with a twinkle in his eye. Next all the girls new it was Justin, the crowd grew silent. When Justin stepped out of the car, alone half the girls started to cheer. They got silent when they saw my hand come out of the car. Justin grabbed it and walked me up to the door, In that time I heard girls whispering "fat…skank…slut…and ewwwww. Justin just looked at me. "Did I tell you looked great tonite?" "Yes" I say with a smile.

When we walked inside, they put us in a 'special booth'. There were many people there. When we sat down, they gave us a complementary pizza. I wasn't hungry, so I didn't eat. Justin tried to get me to eat but I wouldn't budge. Then some guy came up to me and whispered something in my ear. I smiled and said "sure". Justin puzzled saw me stand up, walk out on the dance floor and start dancing.

"I don't feel so good," Justin says as he stands to go to the bathroom. Lance stood up and followed Justin.

Lance walked into the bathroom; Justin was washing his face. "You ok Juto the bathroom.

"BRAT!" I yell. "GOSH DARN YOU!" "About 5 millimeters away and I would have kissed him and you ruined it!" "Good" Brittany said "Soon he will like me and hate you!" she crackled. I gasped and ran into the bathroom crying.

"I was this close to kissing her!" Justin said. "This close!" Justin yelled. "Calm down." JC said. "No!"…That, that girl…Brittany…I am really beginning to hate that name…GOSH! Justin yelled. "Calm down Curly calm down." JC begged. Justin took a deep breath. "JC, I think I love her." "WHA?" JC said, "You haven't known her 24 hours!" "Why do care anyway?" Justin said curiously. "JC, I've seen the way you've looked at her!" JC was quiet. "Well you got Jaci so back off!" Justin stormed out of the bathroom. Brittany greeted him.

He gave her a dirty look. "Where is Mandy?" he asked. "Right here." I say as I come out of the bathroom. My face stained with tears. Audrey followed giving Brittany a nasty look and saying, "stay away from me and Mandy I don't like you at all" Justin puzzled asks, "what's wrong?" I just shrug. "Do you wanna go for a quick drive?" he asks. "Sure but what about the guys?" I ask. "I called my friend he brought my car the guys can get a ride back in the limo." "Ok" I say. "Can I come?" Brittany asks. "NO!" we both yell. Audrey laughs, I give her a hug and tell her to be good and we left.

He lets me in the car I still a lil steamed. He got in and starts the car, looked at me and smiled. "I got a secret place…its on the beach." he says.

As we pull up, I smile. We get out. He takes my hand and pulls me on the sand (we took our shoes off in the car) "Now tell me why were you crying?" "Brittany" I said with a snarl. "Oh" Justin said not surprised. "What did she do?" "She said that soon you will love...I mean like her not me. "He squeezed my hand and took the other and said "I would never like or love her." I grinned. "Do you wanna dance?" he asked. "Sure but a lil music wouldn't hurt," I say clueing him in. "Ok…so what do you wanna hear?" he said. I drive myself crazy thinking of youu I sang. "ok he said I can do that. I was such a fool I couldn't see it just how good you were to me he sang. (We rocked back and forth.) Then when he was done we just kept rocking (I love you Justin) I thought…(I wish you knew how much I loved you)…he thought We stopped rocking. I looked up at him. He smiled. Our mouths grew closer I could feel his breath, I was gonna kiss him this time. (This is it I thought my first kiss) Then I felt his lips against mine as we kissed I just knew I really did love him.

On our way, home we snuggled. I lay on his lap. We got to his house (the private club) everyone was asleep. We went up to his room. I laid on his shoulder while he brushed the hair out of my face. He must have thought I fell asleep, but I wasn't he said, "I love you" I raised my head. He was surprised I was awake, but he was waiting for an answer. "I love you too." I hugged and kissed him. I fell asleep.

She is pretty when she sleeps. Justin thought. Then a thought occurred...what happens when I go back on tour. Oh my goodness! Well I have two more days to think about it.

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