Chapter Twenty

We all got to the airport all of us dressed the same except the names on 
our shirts. The plane boarded in ten minutes and we were thinking of where we 
were gonna go to eat. "I wanna have some fun!" Audrey said. "I want some 
pizza!" Shawna said. I smiled. "Chuckie cheese!" Heather grinned. "Awesome 
idea!" Shawna's eyes lit up!  **The plane heading toward Colorado is now 
boarding** This is going to be the best 3 weeks ever! I said in my head, 
trying to forget about my mom.

    The plane ride there seemed like forever. I sat there so antsy. Shawna 
sat there staring out the window. "Hey your quiet." I said. She looked at me 
"Planes and me don't mix." She said her face pale. I laughed when she stood 
up and ran into the bathroom with her hand over her mouth. "What's up with 
her?" Audrey asked. I laughed. "She's airsick." Audrey smiled. "Oh Goodness." 
Shawna said coming out of the bathroom. "Just wait till we land!" I laughed. 
She rolled her eyes.

    Once we landed we went to pick up our bags, I was looking all over for 
Justin hoping maybe he was gonna surprise us. As we headed toward the front 
entrance people stared at us and laughed, but we kept our heads held high. We 
walked to the front and there sat a stretch limo the chauffeur must have 
recognized us cause he smile "Hello Ladies" He opened the trunk and we threw 
our suitcases in the back. "So Ladies where are we going for dinner." We all 
smiled. "Chuckie cheese!"

    Once we pulled into the drive, we had energy to burn. Heather had Chris's 
ATM card and pulled out $100. Heather laughed. "That won't even put a dent in 
his wallet." Audrey and me were jumping up and down arguing over who was 
cuter. "At least my man don't have to shampoo his hair three times cause he 
puts so much gel on it to make it stand." "Ugh!" Audrey gasped. "You did not 
just go there!" I laughed. "Oh yes I did!" "Hey now!" Heather interrupted. "I 
will tell you who's cuter!" We looked at her waiting for answer. "Chris!" she 
laughed and ran inside all of us chasing after her. 

       We walked in the place was crowded. We were all laughing like idiots. 
"Pizza!" Shawna laughed. "Games" Audrey moaned. We got a table, the waiter 
came and Audrey hushed us. "I will order." We all shut up. "We all want an 
extra large pizza with extra cheese. Then she whispered something in the 
waiter's ear. A smile appeared on his face as he looked at me and walked 
away. "What did you tell him?" Audrey smirked. All of a sudden all the lights 
in the restraunt went out. I tried to look at Audrey thought the darkness "Oh 
no you didn't" Then a man in an oversized rat suit came out with a big cake. 
Audrey, Shawna, and Heather were singing along. I shook my head. I heard 
Audrey whisper "At least we get some free pizza and cake." I sighed and went 
along with it. After we all pigged out on Pizza and cake, we all had even 
more energy to burn. "Ok now let's go play some games!" Heather gave us all 
our tokens and we all and we all went our separate ways. Audrey and I went to 
play air hockey. We started slamming it back and forth. "I've got an idea." 
Audrey said. "If I win you have to admit Lance is cuter than Justin and if 
you win I will admit your little Justy is hotter than Lance. First one to ten 
wins. I smile slyly. "Deal!" I put the puck on the table and hit it softly to 
her. She hit it the puck hard knocking it all over the table bouncing it back 
to her side. She hit it again knocking it into my barrier. To  "Ha, Ha" I 
laughed as it bounced off into her goal. The score was already 8 to 9. She 
was winning but my score tied it. "This is it!" Audrey said "Whoever gets 
this has a hotter guys." By this time, half of the restraunt was around us. 
Watching…waiting. You could feel the tension in the air. I let out a small 
laugh to relax. I felt like Justin was there watching. In the background, you 
could here people talking. "Isn't that Justin's girl?" "Didn't he cheat on 
her?" I blocked them out not wanting to put stress on my brain. "Ready?" she 
asked. I nodded. "Ok, one, two, three, GO!"

    She hit the puck and it bounced around on the table. I tried to block it 
in every direction. I wanted to win so badly. The puck went halfway into my 
goal. I pulled it out laughing a sigh of relief. She just stared waiting for 
me to hit it. I tried to do my bounce off the wall, but she blocked it. So I 
did my I'm gonna go this way, but not really move, or in other words a phyic 
out. She must not have saw it coming cause she bl0ocked the wrong side. 
"SCORE!" I shrieked at my victory. Audrey's mouth dropped. "Ha, Ha Audrey, 
now tell me who's cuter Justin or Lance?" Audrey moped at her lose and 
mumbled Justin's name. The whole restraunt grew quiet. "What's that Audrey?" 
I laughed. "I don't think they heard you in the back." Audrey sighed and 
stood up on the air hockey table. "Justin Timberlake is cuter than Lance 
Bass." Everyone in the room cheered and laughed as Audrey's face turned red. 
Audrey got down. "Let's go home I have had enough embarrassment for the 
night." We found Heather and Shawna and headed toward the cabins.

    Once we got there, there were five log cabins about a yard apart. They 
were all lit up. "I want that one!" I blurted out pointing to the one with a 
big Christmas tree and the fireplace with a bear skin rug. Heather nodded. 
"Ok it's yours." I smiled happily. Heather spoke again. "I want that one!" 
She pointed to the tiny cabin at the far end. "It looks cozy." Audrey stood 
there for a while then smiled "I think I want…she was silent. Shawna grew 
impatient "Well I want that cabin." Audrey looked. It was the next biggest 
one. Audrey sighed and took the one next to mine. I excitedly went up to my 
cabin and opened the door. There on the side table were the keys. I walked 
around the kitchen it was big and in the middle sat a small island. I walked 
into the back and there sat a king-sized bed and on the other side sat a big 
brown dresser with a T. V. on top. Right next to the bedroom was the 
bathroom. I walked back into the living room and threw another log in. I 
walked into the kitchen and started to boil some water. I opened the cupboard 
looking for some tea. I started humming promises. I caught myself. "Hmm…now 
where's the tea?" "Ah, ha!" I smiled pulling out a single tea bag. I walked 
over to the fridge. They're sat a box of chocolate covered strawberries. I 
slightly smile and pull out the box. The water whistled so I poured the water 
into the cup and let it sit. I sat back down at the table staring at the 
small box of chocolates. I remembered the limo and how we just…I love him so 
much…I miss him. The phone rang. It scared me as I came back to reality. I 
stood up and picked up the phone. "Hello?" I said softly. "Hey honey!" It was 
Justin. "Oh, hi I was just thinking about you." I said glancing over at the 
chocolates. "Same here, I really miss you." I sighed. "I miss your kiss." I 
said. You like your cabin?" He asked. "Yep its kewl!" I smile taking the 
phone over to the cup of tea. I stirred it clinging it to the side of the 
cup. "Whatcha making?" "Tea, to help me sleep." I said, "well, I need you 
here to help me sleep." Justin said romantically. "Awe." I smile. I heard 
mumbling in the background. "Shut up lance!" "I'm busy!" So have you done any 
Christmas shopping?" he asked. "Yeah!" I said telling him about the present I 
wanted to get Audrey. "Now remember we promised no presents for each other." 
I said. "Yeah, Yeah. He said. "Yeah, I'm serious Justin!" He laughed. "Ok" 
You heard Lance in the background again. "Well, hey Lance is gonna bite my 
head off. "Ok," I smile.  "Love you" he said. "Love ya too cutie. I smiled. 
You cold tell he was hesitant at hanging up the phone but he did. I got my 
tea and a blanket and sat on the couch.  There sat two remotes. I picked up 
the one for the CD player. It was Nsync Christmas. I sat there and closed my 
eyes. Thank you god for putting me on this earth to be with Justin…I love you 
I spoke slowly drifting to sleep.  I woke up to a Thud…Thump…POW. "Whoa must 
have drifted." I said to myself. The noises were freaking me out. I ran to 
the phone and dialed Audrey. "Hello?" she said as if I just woke her up. 
"Audrey can I spend the night, this house is making noises." "Yeah sure come 
over." She said. I grabbed the keys and ran to Audrey's house. She greeted me 
at the door. I was wide-awake but you could tell Audrey was tired. So we went 
into her room. She laid down. I laid down next to her but didn't cover up.  
"I miss Lance… she mumbled and fell asleep. "We all miss them." 
I said

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