Chapter Nineteen

Everyone came over to Mandy's house as instructed by the guys. We were 
all sitting around in my living room. Justin was supposed to call with news. 
We were all excited. "Bet they're coming to get us." Shawna said. Heather 
shrugged. "I hope so." I just sat there with anticipation hoping they were 
coming to get us. I missed Justin so much. We all sat there chattering away 
when all of a sudden the phone rang. Everyone grew silent…I slowly stood. The 
phone rang two more times, before I answered it. "Hello?" It was Justin, he 
sounded upset. He told me to put him on speakerphone. I touched the soft gray 
button on the phone. "Hello?" I say my voice cracked. Justin must have put us 
on speaker phone too cause we heard all the guys say hello. "Ok, Mandy sit 
down next to Audrey." It was as if he knew exactly what I was doing. I walked 
over next to Audrey sitting on the couch. She put her arm around me for 
reassurance. Justin let out a long sigh. The smile on Shawna's face 
disappeared. "What's wrong Justin? I managed to choke out. Jc spoke up. 
"We're sorry girls." The smile on Heather's face faded. "They booked us from 
now until Christmas. I felt Audrey tremble. "So what are we supposed to do? 
Heather said. Chris spoke this time. "We are sending you guys plane tickets 
to the mountains." Lance spoke. "There will be a limo waiting it will take 
you out to eat then straight to the mountains." "You guys can pick your own 
cabin." Joey said. "Well are you gonna be home for Christmas?" I said in an 
angry voice. "It's hard to say." Lance said. "You were right Mandy." Justin 
said. "About what?" I said. "After we left you guys we were swamped we barely 
had time to see our parents. My mom was sitting there listening. "Oh honey I 
am so sorry." She said. "I miss you Mandy." I heard Justin say. I miss you 
too Justin…I miss your smile, your laugh, and your body next to mine." I 
cried. "I miss you too but my business…" "I know." I said at a soft whisper.

    All the girls were upset. After we hung up we, all decided to stay at my 
house. We ordered pizza and watched some Nsync movies, but that really didn't 
help. Everyone had fallen asleep, except Audrey and me. "You ok?" She nodded. 
"Are you?" I closed my eyes. "I miss Justin. "I'm so afraid he's gonna find 
someone prettier than me. Audrey just smiled. "Mandy, I think you are you are 
pretty for just the way you are, Justin does too." "You are so paranoid." 
Audrey laughed. I just smiled "Maybe I am but who can resist that man." 
Audrey laughed. "Lance is way hotter." "Oh no I'm sorry Justin is way hotter 
than Lance. Audrey let out a laugh and closed her eyes.

I awoke to a sudden pound at the door. I let out a cough. "Whose there?" I 
heard my mom say. I closed my eyes. My mom opened the door, I slightly opened 
my eyes to see who was standing there, but the sun light blinded me. I peered 
over at Audrey she was still asleep it seemed she was smiling. I closed my 
eyes again wanting to fall back asleep but I couldn't. I sat up. Mom had a 
manila envelope. "What's that?" I asked with sleep in my voice. My mom 
shrugged. "It's addressed to you guys." Mom handed it to me. I slowly opened 
it with curiosity. "What's that?" Audrey asked opening her eyes. I shrugged. 
I pulled out four airplane tickets, and set them down. I pulled out a stack 
of pictures when Audrey saw that she sat up. I looked at the first one it was 
Audrey and Lance dancing. She smiled and took the picture carefully out of 
the pile. The next one was Justin and me, I was whispering in his ear and he 
had his nose all crinkled up. I laughed as tears formed in my eyes. The next 
picture was Shawna and Joey. Shawna was on Joey's head. I smiled and looked 
over at Shawna. She had her eyes open. I handed it to her. The next one was 
Chris and Heather. Chris was on his knee and Heather was smiling. I set the 
picture next to Heather who still sleeping. The next one was Jc and I. I had 
a football and Jc had his arms wrapped around me trying to get it and I was 
laughing. The last one was everyone. We all had our arms wrapped around each 
other. I was in between Justin and Jc. We all had our tongues out. I 
remembered how Justin was my first kiss. My dream was interrupted by Audrey's 
gasp. "What?" I ask suddenly. "These tickets…what about them…they are for 
tomorrow!" My eyes bulged!

    When I screamed Heather opened her eyes. We all scampered around the 
house. "What time tomorrow?" Heather asked stretching her sleep. I picked up 
the ticket that laid on the coffee table. "5:00." I answered. "So then what 
are we worried about?" Heather said as she picked up her car keys. "You guys 
need a ride home?" Audrey nodded. "That would be great thank-ya!" Heather 
looked at me. She noticed I was staring at the picture of Justin and I. "You 
ok?" Audrey asked with concern. "Mandy?" she said again. "Huh?" I said coming 
back to reality. "Heather, Shawna and I are going home." She said. Still not 
totally, there I nodded. "Tomorrow I will pick y'all up and we will go 
shopping." Audrey's lit up. "Shopping is our specialty isn't it Mandy?" I 
smiled. "Yep, that's how we met…our men."

After they left I sat down next to my mom. "So mommy what do u wanna do 
today?" I asked excitedly. "Mandy, will you get me some tea?" my mom asked. 
"Sure" I said reaching for her cup sitting on the table. She grabbed it 
quickly away from me and said…"Oh, not this glass." I suspiciously grabbed 
the cup and looked inside. A nasty smell arose from the cup. The smell was so 
familiar tears welded my eyes with total shock. I looked at her. She stared 
at me waiting for me to say something.  I slowly stood up and walked into the 
kitchen. So many scary thoughts were running through my head. I sat down at 
the kitchen table; tears streamed down my face like two little rivers. I 
picked up my phone and dialed a number. "Hello?" I heard on the other end. 
"Audrey!" I let out a gasp. "Mandy?!" "What's wrong?" I couldn't speak it was 
as if someone was stopping me. "Don't move I'm coming over." She hung up and 
I heard the buzz of an open line on the other end. I hung up the phone and 
walked slowly into my room. There had been my suitcase where I had started to 
pack, but I had a lot to do. I laid down next to my suitcase, reached in, and 
pulled out the picture of Justin and me.  It looked like a big blur cause I 
was crying so hard. "I need you Justin…where are you…things are falling 
apart." I said aloud to myself. I took the picture and put it up to my heart. 
I closed my eyes thinking of Justin's warm smile and I slowly slipped out of 
my mind and fell asleep.

    "Mandy?" "Mandy!" I woke up to Audrey shaking me violently. I forced my 
eyes open. My eyes were so dry and red. "What happened?" Audrey said still 
shaking me. I pushed her away. "Nothing!"  I said. Audrey puzzled shook her 
head. "Th…that was you on the phone…wasn't it?" I nodded sitting up. I put 
my hand on my head seeing what time it was. Audrey picked up the picture and 
set it neatly in my suitcase. "So…your ok?" she said. "Yeah." I said picking 
the picture up again.

    Lance was sitting on the couch of the recording studio. He was thinking 
about Audrey. "Hey man!" his thoughts were interrupted by Justin. "Hey" Lance 
said softly. "You miss her?" Justin said. "Yeah, you?" Justin nodded. "Can't 
stop thinking about her." Justin sighed. "Me too." Lance said. "I wonder what 
she's doing right now." Justin laughed as he imagined Mandy chasing him 
around the lake. Lance imagined Audrey in the Jazuzzi. The guys longed for 
the girls by their side, there bodies next to theirs  "Ok guys back to work!" 
They heard Johnny say. "Soon" Justin said. "Soon she will be in my arms 
again." Lance nodded.

    My suitcase was packed as I set it next to the door. I looked at the 
clock that sat atop my T. V. it was 10 o' clock. I let out a long sigh and 
walked down the steps. I looked over the wooden banister at my mom. She lay 
motionless on the couch. I walked quietly over to her. She had fallen asleep 
with her glasses lying on the tip of her nose. I took my Nsync throw and 
covered her with it; she stirred as I took her glasses off her nose. There on 
the table sat a glass of tea. I stood up and walked into the kitchen the bare 
floor made me shiver. On the counter sat three empty bottles of wine. I 
looked at the bottles as if they were my worst enemy. My body started to 
shake. "WHY?" I said aloud. "Why are you ruining my life?" I said raising my 
voice. "Why are you ruining her life?" I said shaking my hand toward my mom 
in the living room. I felt a sudden rush in my stomach and I ran over to the 
trash can gagging. My whole body was shaking. I turned on my back porch light 
and there sat my cat in the window. I smiled. I grabbed the three bottles and 
slipped my shoes on. I ran out to the trashcan and smashed them into them. My 
cat was rubbing against my leg. I picked him up and cried. "I'm so glad I'm 
leaving tomorrow." I said cradling the cat like it was a baby. I put him down 
and went back inside to my room. I laid down, wrapped the blankets tightly 
around me, and hugged the pillow next to me. "I love you!" I said to myself 
and fell asleep.

    When I woke up Heather was there. I smile. "What are you doing here?" 
"Well, Audrey called me after she left here and she told me you called her 
crying and then when she came over you were fine." I shook my head. "There's 
nothing wrong." Heather stared at me. "Yeah, well I thought maybe we could 
hang out together." "Like sisters." I nodded. "Okay!" "What about Shawna and 
Audrey?" "I already took them." I soon became puzzled. "What time is it?" 
"1:00" I laughed. "Omg! I slept long!" I got up and got ready and headed 
toward the mall.
"Oh Audrey will love this!" I said picking up the gold chain. It was a little 
heart locket and on the back, it said 'To my sister I love you lots.' The man 
at the counter smiled. "Good choice." Heather looked at it. "Phew…$200!" I 
shrugged. "Oh…she is totally worth it." "I'll take it." Heather looked at me. 
"Where are you gonna get the money for it?" The man looked at me. The smile 
melted off my face. I shook my head toward the man. "Nevermind." I said 
softly. We finished our shopping and went home.

    I laid the bags on the bed and pulled out the outfit for the night. A 
pair of Khaki's and a baby tee that said PROPERTY OF JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE. 
Heather bought the same thing only hers said Chris KirkPatrick. We bought all 
the girls one for each of them. I had one shirt left for Jc's girl. I folded 
it up and set it on top on my suitcase. My mom walked in. Heather looked at 
the clock "We gotta leave soon but I will wait downstairs." I nodded. My mom 
sat down on my bed and I stood up to act like I was cleaning, but I didn't 
want her to see that she was hurting me. "Mandy, it's not like I get drunk." 
"SO!" I threw my hands up in the air. "You obviously don't understand!" I 
yelled. "Shh!" my mom said pointing down stairs to where Heather sat. "I love 
you mom I am so afraid you are gonna die!" My mom shook her head. "I will be 
ok." I shook my head this time. "Have a good time ok?" "I will try to stop 
and your brother is gonna spend Christmas here with me. (My brother lived 
with my dad in Ohio.) I nodded. "Mandy let's go!" Heather screamed from the 
bottom of the steps. I wiped my tears and kissed my mom. "I love you and send 
Bubba (my brother) my love." I said picking up my suitcase. Mom smiled "I 
love you too call me when you get there." "I will!" I said as I turned to 
leave. "Hey…I turned…Have fun."

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