Chapter Twenty-Four

Audrey awoke after what seemed like forever. She slowly lifted her eyelids 
and let out a moan of sleepiness. She looked up at me slowly sitting by her 
on the bedside. I had a warm wash cloth and was wiping her head with it 

"Well, Looks like somebody decided to finally get up." I said with a grin.

"Ya, well don't expect me to be all energetic." Audrey replied with a slight 
shift of her head as she stared at me with a pale face. Suddenly feeling an 
urge of force, Audrey ran into the bathroom and forced the light switch on. I 
didn't have to ask what she was doing for I heard the sound of gagging and 
the thrush of the toilet flushing. I slowly walked in the bathroom to find 
Audrey leaning over the toilet with her hair all tangled. 

"Omg buddy you've got it bad." I said Audrey replied with a moan of pain as 
she leaned over the toilet once more. Audrey lay there so helpless I couldn't 
help but want to do everything I could to help her. 

"I'll go get you something for that stomach." I said as I turned away and 
walked into the kitchen. 

It was dark now as the stars shinned brightly in the endless sky above. I 
sighed as I thought of Justin and me sprawled outside wrapped in a blanket of 
warmth kissing passionately as the stars sparkled in the heavens and light 
softly glistened our faces just enough to see each other's eyes staring 
intently at one another. Justin stared at me deeply and brushed my face with 
the soft touch of his hand. He slowly kissed my cheek then my neck making me 
shiver with warmth finally looking up once more caressing my thoughts with 
his irresistible grin sprawled across his face. He slowly leaned in for a 
slow kiss our lips were about to meet closer...closer.... *Ding, Ding, Ding* 
I jumped as the grandfather clock chimed in a tone that said 'Mandy come back 
to earth' I walked quickly to the refrigerator and grabbed a 'Sprite' soda 
off of the white shelf. I filled a plastic cup with ice and poured the clear 
liquid as it fizzled as it touched the cool ice.

 "I hope this works." I said to myself. Hoping Audrey was ok, I walked back 
into the bedroom not surprised to find Audrey still over the toilet. I 
carefully brushed a piece of hair away from her face and looked in her eyes. 

"Here you are buddy drink up, this should settle your stomach. Audrey looked 
at it for a second and reached for the cup her hand trembling the whole way. 
She finally grabbed it and let out a suttle "Thanks."

 "You're welcome bud." I said as I rubbed her back. "Audrey, I really hate to 
see you like this." I said aloud to her softly, not wanting to cause her a 

 "I love him so much." Audrey suddenly spoke up and broke the tension I felt. 
"I know you may think I'm stupid, well I know you think I'm stupid, but Lance 
'is' worth all this whether anyone fails to agree with it." she said 

"This is NOT worth doing." I said 

"You shouldn't work yourself up to the point of emotional exhaustion." "Look 
at yourself you are wearing your body down to the point where you can't do 
anything." I answered "I'm begging you please don't do this to yourself." I 
softly whispered as I brushed my cheek against my best friend and a tear 
rolled down my eye. Audrey sat up and looked at me with sorrow in her eyes. 
She was so weak, so fragile I was so afraid to even hug her. 

"Mandy I can't take this." Audrey said as she collapsed in my arms sobbing 
away. I shushed her and rocked her back and forth. 

"It's ok, I understand." I said as another tear came down. The piercing 
silence was broken by a sharp knock on the door. We both shot up and looked 
at each other instantly. I got up and carried Audrey to the bed. "You rest 
you shouldn't be using your energy all at once." I said. Audrey agreed and 
gently lowered her head and laid down on the feathered pillow. I walked into 
the dark hall with as a rush of suspense shot up my spine. The clock ticked 
as my eyes focused to the awaited destiny before me. I slowly walked to the 
wooden door as my feet slowly stepped in front of my shaking body pulse by 
pulse. My heart raced with excitement and fear. Who could it be? I asked 
myself. Getting my courage, clearing my throat I nervously asked, "Who's 

Audrey suddenly awoke wondering who could be at the door. Realizing she was 
still in the bedroom, she slowly arose from the bed. I feel better. She 
surprisingly said to herself. The 'Sprite' must really work. She smiled at 
her sudden health that seemed to come from nowhere. She looked out into the 
hall not able to see very well, she decided to just stay in the room watching 
t.v. If it was Lance, She didn't know how she would react. She stared into 
the blank screen as her heart pounded with wonder and fear.
"Police!" the voice, shouted in a suspicious voice. 

"We've got you surrounded!", another voice chuckled.

I finally realized who the 'mystery' knocker was. 

I rolled my eyes and answered, 

"Cute guys. Really cute." I opened the small wooden door to see Shawna and 
Heather standing there with gleam in their eyes proud of their little scheme. 
I shot them 'the look' as I motioned for them to come in. I noticed Heather 
carrying something that sparkled as the light from the front porch hit it. 

"What's that?" I said pointing towards the object. 

"Oh this? Just a little something. A Karaoke machine." she smiled as she 
watched the expression on my face fade from wonder to excitement.

 "A karaoke machine?" I questioned and laughed at the same time. "Wow. You do 
think of the most entertaining things to pack." I said smirking leading them 
into the living room. 

"Guys?" Audrey suddenly emerged from the bedroom with questionable eyes.

 "Hey! Audrey!" I said "Come on in and Join us." I smiled "A-A Karaoke 
machine?" Audrey said finally realizing what lie before her. 

"That's right!" Heather said in a friendly tone. 

"Glad to see you up and about." I said, "Are you feeling better?" I asked 
with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, actually I all of the sudden just woke up and felt like nothing had 
happened, weird huh?" 
"I guess it was a temporary falter." Audrey shrugged as she sat next to me.

 "Well, I'm glad to hear." Shawna smiled a warm smile across to her.

 "Thanks for all of your concern." Audrey nervously smiled. 
"I know it hasn't been real easy dealing with me being, well depressed, but 
tonight I'm going to loosen up and have some fun." Audrey grinned a sweet 
smirk but it was slightly suspicious considering her character.

"Hey, how about we get this thing up and working." I suddenly changed the 

"Yes, let's!" Heather cried, "I've been dying to check this thing out." 

"Hey, I'm going to go get something to drink would any of you care for a 
drink?" Audrey asked politely.

"Sure, I'd like anything with alcohol." Heather said. 

"My, aren't we the brave one this evening?" Audrey smiled
"In that case, I will as well." Shawna said 

"No thanks." I said.

"Ok, three rum cokes coming up." Audrey smiled at Shawna and Heather 
carefully looking over at Mandy who had a strange look on her face. Audrey 
quickly turned to ignore her gaze.

 Audrey turned the corner and walked into the kitchen. She walked and grabbed 
three cups and filled them half way with ice. She searched through the 
cabinets. Now where could the 'good stuff' be? Audrey! The voice popped in, 
What are you doing? You're going to get drunk? Oh that's REAL smart it 
lectured. It is not going to help any. Shut-up! Audrey thought as she grabbed 
the rum. It will help. She told herself. It's the only way I'm going to 
relax. I suddenly appeared in the kitchen and crossed my arms with anger in 
my eyes.

"Audrey, just what do you think you are doing?"

 Audrey hadn't noticed me come in, so she jumped at the sudden quickness of 
my presence. 

"Geez!" you scared me Audrey said as she tightly grasped the bottle.

"What are you planning to do, Audrey?" I glared. Audrey realizing what I was 
talking about stared at the bottle tightly grasped by her fingers,

"Oh, I need to loosen up and relax." Audrey smiled as she brought the cup 
upward towards her lips. I quickly pushed it away. 

"Don't you dare! Do you know what it did to my mother?" I furiously yelled. 
"It messed up her liver, bad! You don't want to have that happen to you?" "To 
become a depressed alcoholic who struggles to get through the day gulping 
down alcoholic beverages treating them as if it's 'the' answer to all your 
problems." I stormed towards the door "It's up to you." she sharply looked 
back at me with a tear running down my cheek.
Audrey nervously thought about what I had just said. She thought of how dumb 
she was acting. Listen to her the voice said. You need to be strong. It said. 
"I can't! Ok?!" Audrey yelled back at it ignoring it she tried to go back to 
her work without bursting out in another emotional episode.
She slowly poured in the rum carefully in each glass humming "Show Me the 
Meaning Of being Lonely" with feeling to herself. She walked into the garage 
and grabbed three cokes. They fizzled as it mixed in with the other 
ingredients. Audrey smirked awkwardly and made herself a glass. might as 
well.... She told herself as she stared at the black liquid before her as she 
swirled it around in her cup a few times. One drink she said that's all she 
told herself. She shrugged, Here's to a kick a** night Audrey slowly held up 
the glass as if to do a toast and stared at the mirror in front of her. She 
let out a sudden gasp as the reflection of Lance suddenly appeared behind her 
with his arms by his side with a lonely, depressed expression painted on his 
face. She quickly dropped her glass as it violently spilled on the tile floor 
and made a soft *thump* as the cup whirled around. Shi- Audrey mumbled as she 
quickly whipped around only to see an empty space behind her. She frantically 
looked around in search for Lance. A sigh of distress escaped her lips as she 
whirled around once more in a rush of panic. She looked back in the mirror in 
horrific shock only to find she breathing heavily and terror had seeped into 
her expression as her heart leaped uncontrollably.

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