Chapter Twenty-Five

"I wonder what's taking Audrey so long." Shawna said as she looked at me. 

I just sat there and looked away not wanting to answer any questions. Shawna 
and Heather looked at each other and shrugged not knowing what was wrong with 
me from the way I expressed my face.

"I'll go check on her." Heather said nervously as she immediately got up and 
rushed into the kitchen.

Heather walked into the kitchen to find Audrey with a look of emotional panic 
in her eyes. She mumbled something softly as she swayed back and forth 
against the refrigerator door looking intently at the mirror that lie 
directly in front of her. Her eyes moved back in forth in sharp movements as 
if it was alive and was going to attach her at any given moment. Heather 
suddenly noticed the one cup that lay on the floor emptied of it's contents 
as the liquid slowly oozed making a large puddle all across the kitchen 
floor. Her eyes darted back and forth from the cup and Audrey before she 
finally spoke up.

"Omg! Audrey! What happened to you?" Heather asked. 

Audrey began swaying even faster but not speaking a word. Heather quickly 
rushed to Audrey's side looking her in the eyes. Audrey truly looked like she 
was possessed and very pale. She looked as if she had seen something so 
terrible, that she couldn't speak a word or move. Her eyes were still 
strongly glued to the mirror. Heather looked at the reflection of the mirror, 
nothing was there. 

"Audrey! What happened?!" Heather asked again shaking Audrey intensely. 
Audrey suddenly snapped out of her possession and looked at Heather she spoke 
in a sudden loudness of terror. 

"L-L-Lance." she muttered as she pointed towards the mirror. She screamed 
this time "Lance! H-He was in the mirror!" Audrey began screaming as she 
backed away from the mirror with even more fear in her flooded eyes. 

"Audrey! Audrey! Calm Down," Heather said as she tried to grab Audrey. Audrey 
violently shook her off.

 "He is in there!" Audrey yelled as she pointed towards the mirror and began 
to burst out crying leaning against the refrigerator as she slowly slid her 
back down to the floor wrapping herself in her arms, crying violently. 
Heather managed to get up and sat next to Audrey. Audrey quickly fell into 
Heather's arms crying yet once more. 

"Audrey!" a voice came from the entrance to the kitchen. Shawna and I stood 
there with our eyes wide open in shock and worry. 

"What happened?!" Shawna and I wailed as we ran to Audrey's side. 

"She's having a break down, she claims that she saw Lance in the mirror." 
Heather explained still swaying Audrey. 

"Omg." I said as I lifted Audrey's face to see her staring back at me with 
frightened eyes and shaking as tears came from her bloody eyes. 
"Audrey, I'm so sorry." I said feeling guilty thinking of what I said 
probably upset her to the point of this violent outburst. "Calm down." I said 
as I transferred her from Heather's shoulder to mine. 

"Oh. Mandy," she wailed. 
"I'm losing it, I'm going psychotic." Audrey sobbed.
 "I don't know what's become of me." Audrey said as she stared at the 
alcoholic liquid that lay before them.

 What am I doing? She asked herself embarrassed. You are making a complete 
fool of yourself! She dominantly yelled in her mind. You need to straighten 
up; your mind is playing tricks on you, nothing more and nothing less. It's 
testing your strength. You need to prove it wrong. Audrey suddenly 
straightened up and gave an uneasy look. 
"It was my imagination, you're right, simply an illusion of the mind." 
" I shouldn't be getting myself worked up about it, I apologize." Audrey said 
as she slowly wiped away a tear from her sad eyes.

 "It's ok," I said as I gave Audrey a friendly smile.
"Are you sure that you're ok?" I asked Audrey worried.

"I think." She slowly looked up at me, "I just need to get myself calm that's 
all," Audrey replied.

"Come on we can clean this up later, for now lets just go have fun WITHOUT 
the alcohol," I said eyeing it disgusted and revolted. I quickly turned away 
with a 'flashback' of my mother.

 "Sounds like a plan," Audrey agreed. 

"Sure does," said Heather.

 We all walked back into the living room giving the kitchen one last look as 
we confidently entered the awaited living room.

Heather sat up the  Karoke machine by the fireplace. She turned around and 
smiled. "Let's order pizza!" "Good idea!" Shawna jumped up. "I'll go get the 
phone book." Audrey looked around the room. "Where's Mandy?" Heather's face 
turned puzzled. "I dunno." "I'll go find her." "No!" Audrey said at a sudden 
outburst. "No, I will get her." (She's probably mad at you.) A voice said in 
Audrey's head. Audrey stood up to leave.(I know) She walked into her bedroom. 
She saw a bump in her blanket, she slowly walked up to it and noticed it was 
just a figment of her imagination. She heard crying from into the small 
bathroom. "Mandy?" She slowly walked into the bathroom. She saw her friend 
all pale sitting next to the toilet. She had been throwing up. "Aww buddy are 
you ok?" I looked at her with bloodshot eyes. I was crying and throwing up. 
She was puzzled. "Justin?" she said. I stared for a minute. "Yes and no." She 
sat down next to me. "Do you remember when I called you crying?" Audrey 
nodded. "My mom went back to drinking." Audrey felt a sudden rush of 
sickness. "Oh Mandy I'm so sorry."   I sat up getting ready to throw up 
again. "I miss Justin too…but I am trying to stay strong for you though." I 
shook my head with a sudden urge in my stomach. Audrey stood "I will go get 
you some sprite." She left entering the kitchen There sat the alcohol on the 
floor forgotten. Audrey became teary as she remembered the pain in Mandy's 
eyes. She picked up the glass and cleaned the mess. She walked back into the 
bedroom. I was laying on her bed. I was humming and singing 'Promises'. 
Audrey liked Mandy's soft voice as she slowly thought of Lance. I stopped 
humming bringing Audrey back to earth. "Oh god look at me!" I said out loud 
to myself unaware of Audrey standing there.  "I miss Justin and Audrey misses 
Lance, but god please send Lance back to her, as long as my buddy's happy I 
don't care what happens to me." Tears streamed down Audrey's face at the kind 
words Mandy had just spoken. I started humming again. Audrey walked beside 
me, I didn't see her though because my eyes was closed. "Here ya are" she 
said handing me the cup of Sprite. I sat up and slowly drank the cold drink. 
"Thank-you." I said feeling much better. Audrey smiled and hugged me. "what 
was that for?" I asked. "Cause I love ya buddy."

*Knock, Knock* "PIZZA!" you heard Shawna yell from in the other room. I let 
out a small laugh. Audrey smiled "Hey, for tonight, lets forget our problems 
and have fun." Audrey said. I laughed at Audrey's idea and nodded. Audrey ran 
into the living room after the smell of pizza. I sat there for a moment and 
sang the last line.

*This I Promise you* 
and went into the living room 
*Hit me baby one more time* Heather said in a twang voice making fun of 
Britney Spears. We were all cracking up. "Bravo!" I laughed. Audrey stood up 
and took the microphone. "Thank-you Heather for that marvelous introduction 
of Slutty Spears. Now for our next song it will be all of us singing AND 
dancing to  Nsync's 'I want you back' We all stood up and Audrey started the 
tape. I glanced over at the clock it was ten. We were all impersonating our 
men, so I had to stand in the front. "Ugh, I can't dance!" They all laughed 
neither can we. So I shrugged my shoulders as the music started.

*Your all I ever wanted your all I ever needed yeah so tell me what to do now 
when I want you back*
We were all singing and trying to copy the dance moves, with a laugh in 
between. We were making fools of ourselves. Then Jc's part came up and we all 
stood there not knowing what to do. All of a sudden the Front door of 
Audrey's cabin flew open and there stood Jc singing and dancing.  I swear all 
of our hearts skipped a beat as all of the guys came running in mocking us. 
Justin's eyes glowed as he saw the delight on my face. I looked over at 
Audrey as tears of Joy streamed down her face.

    The music ended as I ran to Justin's arms. I felt a big relief off my 
shoulders. I kissed his warm lips and ran my fingers through his hair while I 
stared in his eyes. It seemed for that brief moment my world had 

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