Chapter Forty

I barely slept last night. I was losing my love he was gonna be gone for a 
long while. What if he found someone else? What if this was the last time I 
saw him? I wonder how Audrey's taking this. Justin wrapped his arm around me 
and noticed I was awake. "What's wrong?" he asked me. I shook my head. He 
flipped on the light.  "You ok?" I shook my head. "How can I be ok, when I 
know you are leaving me in six hours." I said. Justin smiled. "Is that what 
you are worried about?" He asked kinda in relief. He laughed. "You are so 
beautiful when you are worried." I stared at him and hit him in the head with 
the pillow. He laughed. "Shut up Timberlake, I am supposed to be sad not 
laughing. " He tickled my side. "Stop!" I laughed. Justin climbed on top of 
me. "Why should I?" he asked. "Please." I begged.  Justin fell off of me.  I 
laughed. "You are so easy." I said. Justin's face  turned to surprise. "Oh 
now your gonna be sorry!" He said climbing up on top of me. "Oh Justin I'm 
sorry no please no!" I laughed as he climbed back on top of me tickling me.  
I brushed my hand across his bare chest. "growl." He blurted out. I laughed 
again. He bent down to kiss me. I pushed him off of me before he could reach 
my lips. I climbed up this time, raising his arms over his head. I ran my 
hands down his arms and tickled him, his face turned into surprise. He 
grabbed my arms and pulled me close to his lips, I could feel the heat from 
his breath. I closed my eyes and kissed him. He let go of my arms raising his 
hands to my face, holding each side of my face. I pulled away staring in his 
deep blue eyes. I ran my fingers through his curly hair and smiled. "You are 
so perfect." I said. "I love you." Falling asleep on his chest one last time 
before he left me.


We all got up around ten. We decided to go out to eat then go to the mall. We 
all went to Bob Evens. After Breakfast was over we hit the mall. We all 
decided to split up so we wouldn't get noticed and meet at the cars in an 
hour. Justin and I headed to the video arcade along with Shawna and Joey. 
Justin played for tickets. "What are you winning tickets for?" I asked. "See 
that large stuffed teddy bear over there?" He asked. "Yeah, what about it?" I 
said. "It's as good as yours." He said kissing me going off to play the games.

Lance took Audrey to the Jewelry shop. Audrey looked at everything in the 
store as Lance talked to the clerk. "Audrey, what do u think of this ring?" 
Lance asked making Audrey walk over to him. "Oh that's beautiful." She said 
taking the ring and examined it. It was a soft green sapphire ring. Lance 
smiled. "I'll take it!" He said. Audrey turned around in shock. "Oh no its 
ok." She said. Lance put his finger over Audrey's mouth to hush her and 
replaced his finger with his lips. 

We walked out of the mall. Justin carrying the overstuffed teddy bear. I 
laughed at this site, but yet my heart is sunk they are leaving us. The taxi 
is taking us to their tour bus and they are gone. 


Once we reached the tour bus Justin and I went inside to be alone and say our 
good-bye's. Justin and I walked in. I sat on the couch crossing my legs. 
Justin smiled. "Oh, by the way I took a shirt from the suit case from your 
house." He said. "Why?" I asked. "It smells like you and I wanted the closest 
thing to it." "Aww." I said. He sat down next to me laying his head in my 
lap. "All this is gonna be gone." I said. Justin took my hand that had the 
promise ring on it. "I love you and here is proof, close your eyes and I will 
be there to dance with you, talk to you, or even wipe the tears from your 
eyes." "I will be back for you, I promise." He said I kissed Justin with 
passion. "I love you too." I said. We walked out of the bus back into the 
sunlight where everyone was. Audrey was hugging Lance and crying. This was 
harder than I thought. I said getting choked up. Justin wrapped his arm 
tightly around me as James, the bus driver, started the bus. "Before we go, 
we have a song." Joey said. They all started singing. And I will take you in 
my arms and hold you right where you belong till the day my life is through 
this I promise you…oo I Promise youu. James honked the horn making everyone 
jump….I jumped up out of bed arising from underneath my covers. 'wha-?' I 
asked myself. I was in my room. I felt my face. 'A dream?' 'was it all a 
dream?' 'was I dreaming all of this?' 

*Across the world*

Justin jumped up out of bed, and realized he was on his bus. 'What's going 
on?' he asks himself. He opens the curtain of his bunk and realizes Lance is 
still asleep. 'Is she a dream?' 'But it seemed so real' 'She was everything I 
wanted and more.' 'It couldn't have been a dream.' He said tracing his lips 
imagining the kiss apon his lips.  'If that was a dream let me fall back 
asleep to be in her arms again.'


My heart sank. As I heard the soft music of This I promise you. On my CD 
player that had been playing all night. I was sad but yet excited maybe that 
was just a silly dream dreamt by a fan or maybe it was Just the beginning of 
My dreams coming true.

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