Chapter Thirty-Nine

The funeral drained all of my energy. My brother was gone. My dad took me to 
Justin's house as I walked in and went to bed leaving Justin and my dad to 
talk. I laid down on the bed. I cried not just for my brother but for my mom. 
She really messed up. I don't know how's she's gonna be able to live with 
herself. I glanced over at the clock it was nine o clock.  I fell asleep. 

I woke up to Justin closing the door. It was midnight. He took off his pants 
leaving his boxers and laid down beside me. "You awake?" I stirred. "Yeah." I 
said at a slight whisper. "I love you baby." He said kissing my head. "Your 
prom is in tomorrow. (it was midnight so I still have the day ahead of me). I 
groaned. "You need to get out, Mandy." Justin said. "I just wanna fall asleep 
and never wake up." I said crying. "Don't say that!" Justin said angrily. "If 
I lost you I would die." Justin said. "You have to go with me, you promised." 
Justin begged. "I will go." I said falling asleep.

*The Prom*

We pulled into my school's parking lot, in a limo. Justin got out and helped 
me out. He kept staring at me. "Please smile for me." He said puckering out 
his small lip. I rolled my eyes and cracked a smile. We walked in to music 
blasting and many people in costumes. Justin held my hand.  Three girls 
walked up to us. "Can we dance with you?" Justin let out an annoyed sigh.  He 
looked down at me noticing I was staring at something. He traced my eyes to 
see that Brittany was there. She was wearing what Jennifer Lopez had wore to 
the Grammy's last year. The dress hung to the ground. His mouth dropped.  He 
turned back to the girls. "Maybe later." And dragged me out to the dance 
floor. It was the fast up beat song of Jessica Simpson's "I think I am in 
love with you." Some girl cut in between me and Justin. I looked up at him as 
he kinda glared. "I'm gonna go get some punch want some?" I asked still not 
being able to smile. Justin nodded. "While your over there put on a smile." I 
turned around. "Yeah right." I said to myself missing my brother.  I turned 
around to see one of my friends practically all over Justin. They started to 
disappear into the crowd as I moved over to see where they went. All of a 
sudden I heard RIP and I fell to the ground spilling punch behind me.  "OMG!" 
I heard behind me. I turned around to see half of Brittany's dress on the 
floor. (which wasn't much since she was practically naked.) and red punch 
spilled all the way down her. "You bitch!" She yelled. The room grew silent. 
She turned to storm out of the room looking at Justin as he walked over to my 
side. I just stared.  Justin helped me up. "You ok?" he asked brushing me 
off. I started laughing. Justin looked at my face and smiled. I started 
laughing harder. "There is my baby!" He said smiling looking at Brittany and 
started laughing. Soon the whole room was in an uproar. Brittany just growled 
and walked out of the room. Justin turned me to him. I was still laughing. He 
brushed his hand across my face and kissed me.  "I have missed that smile for 
days." He said. The music began again. "Come dance with me." He said taking 
my hand. "You go I am gonna go to the bathroom and freshen up." I said. 
Justin kissed my cheek again. "Hurry back my Juliet." He said as I walked 
into the bathroom.

After I got cleaned up I walked out to see my friend, Nicole, still all over 
him. I decided to stand back in watch as she brushed up against him and 
dancing. By the look of Justin's face he seemed to be rather enjoying it. She 
came closer and he backed away. She came so close to kiss him and he pushed 
her away as I read his lips. "What the hell are you doing?" "I love Mandy 
very much and I would never do that to her." He said. "Well she's not here 
right now is she?" Nicole said.  Justin shook his head. Turning to dance with 
someone else. Nicole took off to the bathroom and saw me standing there. 
"Mandy!" She burst out in a gasp. "It wasn't likeā€¦" she started but was cut 
off by my voice. "Oh no it didn't look like you were trying to put the moves 
on my boyfriend and he so totally rejected you." I said glaring. "Well i." 
She said. "You have always had a crush on him and you thought that maybe if 
you got close enough he would kiss you and run away with you." I said again. 
Nicole stormed pass me into the bathroom. Justin looked and saw me and 
smiled. He walked over to me. I hugged him and smiled. "Let's dance." I said 
pulling him onto the dance floor. He pulled me close as a slow song came on. 
"Thank you Justin." Justin looked at me and smiled. "For what?" he asked. 
"Being my best friend, lover, soulmate." He pulled me back so he can my face. 
"No, Thank you, and I love you so much." He said pulling me closer. 


Audrey pulled closer to Lance in the car as they stared at the stars and the 
only thing they could hear was each other breathing. Lance rubbed Audrey's 
arm, while she had her head on his shoulder. "You know I am always here for 
you." Lance said breaking the silence. Audrey smiled to herself. "Yes, and do 
you know I am always here for you?" She asked him. She felt his warm lips 
kiss her head. "Yes, always." He said.  Audrey looked over into Lance's soft 
emerald eyes. She rubbed her hand over his face. 'could this be any more 
perfect?' she asked herself.  He filled her heart with everything. She was in 
love and she never wanted it to stop. She rested her head back apon his 
shoulder as he laid his head apon hers. "I love you Audrey." "You complete 
me." He said. "I love you too Lance."


I was dancing close to Justin with my head on his chest breathing in his 
scent. I could have spent there forever. The song  'Where you are' came on. I 
started to cry. Justin kissed my head knowing what I was thinking. He would 
be leaving me soon. Going back to his job. I will be waiting here for him. I 
needed to spend every moment I could. I pulled Justin closer to me. No matter 
what I would love him forever. "Your not gonna lose me." Justin whispered 
softly.  I looked into Justin's twinkling eyes. "You're leaving me soon 
aren't you?" I said brushing my hand across his face. Justin nodded. 
"Tomorrow." He said. I pulled him to me again, as a single tear fell down my 
face. "I feel like I am losing someone again." I said to him. Justin looked 
at me this time. "You're not losing me." "Just close your eyes and I will be 
there." Justin said rubbing my cheek wiping the tear from my eyes and kissed 
me passionately. "I love you baby and I will forever." I just laid my head on 
his chest and listened to the song.

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