Chapter One

"But I needed to be on that flight!" I yelled. "I'm sorry miss you just 
missed it." The lady at the counter spoke in a soft tone but you could tell 
she was upset by the shouting. "Mandy calm down we'll just catch the next 
flight." Audrey said trying to comfort her frustrated friend. "What kind of 
plane leaves fifteen minutes early?!" I shouted. "The next flight to Florida 
leaves tomorrow at noon." The lady said ignoring my question.  "Noon?!" "Oh 
My Gosh, you don't understand my best friend is getting married Sunday!" I 
said holding back the fierce tears that stung my eyes. "Excuse me Miss." I 
turned around facing a tall curly haired blue eyed man. "I over heard what 
you said and my friends and I would be happy to take you to Florida, we were 
actually heading that way, we just got back from Europe." He said. "We don't 
need your charity." I said glaring at the man. "Mandy!" Audrey shouted as I 
ran off to the bathroom. "Sorry about her she's…Stressed…I'm Audrey." She 
stuck her hand out willingly. "I'm Justin." He excepted her hand. "Over there 
is Chris, Jc, Joey and…Justin's face turned puzzled. "I'm Lance." Justin 
turned around seeing Lance take Audrey's hand kissing it. Audrey smiled at 
the tall blonde man whose eyes had a nice shade of green. His smile made 
Audrey's heart jump. Justin laughed. "Come on guys!" Another man said 
standing on the other side of Justin. "I'm Jc" He introduced himself. Justin 
grinned. "Do you wanna come with us?" He asked. Audrey nodded, "I'm sure 
Mandy wouldn't mind and realize there isn't very many choices." She said. 
"Mandy?" "That's her name?" He said as his crest smile showed again. "Um…yeah 
I think that's what it is." She laughed at the man's sudden interest. "I'll 
be right back." She said going into the bathroom.

"Mandy?" Audrey said walking in the small bathroom seeing her sitting on the 
small couch. "Are you ok?" Audrey asked. "Yeah" I said. "I just needed to 
breathe." I said looking up at her. "Mandy, I think we should go with them 
guys…I mean we really need to get to Florida." Audrey said. "Audrey we Don't 
know them!" I said shaking my head at her. "Oh Come on they seem harmless." 
Audrey said sitting next to her friend on the couch. "Besides…that guy seemed 
VERY interested in you." Audrey giggled elbowing me in the arm. "yeah well he 
better keep his distance." I said standing up and walking out of the 
bathroom. "Oh, Mandy." Audrey sighed and followed her friend

"Here let me carry that for you." Justin offered taking the bag from Mandy's 
hand. "No, Thanks. I said pulling it away. They followed outside where a bus 
waited. "Is it yours?" Audrey asked. "Yeah, Have you ever heard of *Nsync?" 
Chris asked. I turned my head looking at Audrey. We knew who *Nsync was, my 
friend that was getting married, Nicole, loved them ever since the beginning. 
"Yeah I have heard of them." I said gazing up at the oversized bus. "You- 
But-" Audrey said amazed. "Whoa take it easy girl. Joey laughed. "come on 
guys let's go." Jc said. I got on the bus looking around. Justin followed. 
"Wow." Audrey said still amazed. I rolled my eyes. "Its not so big." I sat 
down on a nearby couch. "Whoa tough crowd." Chris joked. "Come on Audrey I'll 
show you the rest of it." Lance said taking her hand.

I yawned. We had been up since six in the morning. "You look tired…You can 
sleep on my bunk if you would like." Justin said. "no I'm fine." I said 
laying my head on the arm of the couch. "Geez, are you always this stubborn?" 
Justin said with annoyance. "Not Always." I closed my eyes drifting asleep.

Part 2

Justin smiled as the girl fell asleep. He took the soft comforter off his 
bunk and laid it on the sleeping girl. Jc walked out. Justin remained staring 
at the brown haired girl who slept peacefully. Jc spoke. "Get over it Curly, 
she's obviously not interested." Jc said. Justin's gaze turned to Jc. "Why do 
you care anyway?" Jc continued. "I don't know she's different." Justin said. 
The girl stirred her soft silken brown hair fell in her face.  Justin moved 
closer brushing it out. "J- Don't do anything stupid." Jc said leaving them 
alone. Justin smiled and removed the girls coat to make her more comfortable. 
He noticed on the inside of her arm all the way down were little scratches. 
He examined them. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Audrey said with  
everyone behind her, making him jump. "What?" he said turning around seeing 
Audrey. "Her dad gave her that jacket before…..he died." She said lowering 
her head. Justin frowned laying the coat on top of the girl. 

"That's why she is so upset, when her father died it seemed her world had 
stopped, she hasn't been happy since." Audrey said. "Poor Girl." Justin said. 
"She never smiles, her heart has been ripped out." Everyone in the room grew 
silent staring at the girl. Audrey looked at Justin. "She wasn't always like 
this…so mean and everything, her heart used to be carefree and the best girl 
you could know." Audrey said touching her friends face. "I've always been 
here for her and she's helped me through a lot." A tear found its way down 
Audrey's cheek. "But yet her fathers death has taken away her happiness." 
Audrey cried. "How did he…" Justin asked but was interrupted. "No one knows 
she kept it a secret to herself for two years now, she keeps it all inside." 
Audrey paused. "God, I can't even remember the last time she laughed, she 
just wears this jacket and every night, she doesn't think I hear her, but she 
cries" Audrey stopped speaking staring down at her friend. "That's really 
sad." Jc said. "Yeah, I try not to notice she's sad." Audrey said. 

Mandy stirred on the couch. "Come on let's go in the back and talk some 
more….let's let her sleep." Jc said leading them to the back. Justin remained 
in the place he stood. "Come on Justin…I'll give ya a treat!" Jc kidded. 
"I'll stay here for a little while." Justin said. "Suit Yourself." Jc 
Shrugged and walked to the back.

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