Chapter Two

 The bus hit a high bump and rolled my off the couch. I sat up looking around. 
"You ok?" I looked up to see Justin eating a bowl of Apple Jacks. "Yeah" I 
said standing up slightly embarrassed. I folded the blanket. "What time is 
it?" I asked as Justin raised the bowl to his mouth gulping down the milk. 
"About two." He said. I laid the blanket up on the couch, putting may jacket 
back on me. I walked to the sink filling up a glass of water. I raised the 
glass to my lips feeling Justin's presence behind me he brushed up against me 
putting the bowl in the sink. His body dangerously close to mine. He moved 
away, my lips still to the glass.  The bus made a sudden stop making me fall 
into Justin's arms. I looked up into his eyes and pushed him away "Your 
welcome." He said getting annoyed. I just rolled my eyes going to see why the 
bus made a sudden stop. Jc walked behind me. "It's our pit stop." And he ran 
inside the gas station.

I walked off the bus leaning up against the bus. Audrey stepped off the bus 
breathing in the fresh air. She headed inside with Lance following close 
behind her. A soft breeze hit my face as I closed my eyes. Memories of my dad 
flooded my head. His bear hugs, his kisses, his tickling, his corny jokes. 
They all stood in my head, How I wished I could see him again.  A single tear 
fell down my face. 

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I opened my eyes to see Justin's face. "What 
are you talking about?" I said wiping my face. "your crying." Justin said. 
"Do you wanna talk?" He asked. "I wasn't crying, a piece of dust hit my eye 
that's all." I said. Justin stared at me in an uncomfortable gaze. "Besides, 
it's none of your business." I took off to the bathroom. Justin grabbed my 
arm, sliding the jacket off as it fell to my side. "What are these?" He 
pointed to my upper arm. "Scratches, Audrey and I got a new kitten, and he 
likes to play." I said yanking my arm away from his tightening grasp. I ran 
to the bathroom.

Audrey walked into the bathroom. I was washing my hands. "Hey bud." She 
smiled warmly. I shrugged. "You and Lance hit it off great." I said. "Saying 
hello to each other is hardly what I call hitting it off." She said washing 
her hands too. I just stared. "Well we're leaving soon so don't miss the 
bus." She said turning and leaving. I glanced at myself in the mirror. I 
looked down at a freshly new cut on my arm. I rolled my jacket over it and 

Part 2

Audrey walked out of the bathroom. Justin grabbed her and pulled her to the 
side. "Your hiding something about Mandy…Please tell me why she won't let 
anyone get close to her" he asked with begging eyes.  Audrey shook her head. 
"Justin, no please." Audrey turned her head not wanting to look at him in the 
eye. "Please Audrey." Justin pleaded,. Audrey let out a long sigh seeing 
Justin's pleading eyes.  

Audrey sat Justin down on a nearby bench. "She's afraid of getting close to 
someone because every time she does the person dies or hurts her to the point 
of heart ache. We used to be really close  but after her father died, she's 
been so….distant from me."  She spoke with a crack in her voice. "She's 
afraid I'm gonna die." "I miss her terribly."  Audrey lowered her eyes. Mandy 
walked out of the bathroom and joined Audrey and Justin.  Justin's eyes 
stared into hers. "Come on!" Jc yelled getting on the bus We all followed.
We all Went  in the back and sat down. Audrey sat next to me on the couch and 
the guys sat on the floor. Chris flipped on the TV and the guys got into the 
show. A soft yawn escaped my lips and I glanced over at Audrey. Her elbow 
rested on the arm of the leather couch with her pinky finger against her 
lips.  I rested my head on her lap. At first Audrey was Surprised but she 
brushed my hair out of my face. I closed my eyes letting my tiredness take 
over me as I drifted to sleep.

Part 3

I woke up on a bunk. I heard faint breathing around me. I opened the curtain 
seeing a faint red glow of an alarm clock that read: 2:30 in the morning. I 
turned trying to go back to sleep again. The over whelming scent of Tommy 
Hilfigure swept up my nose. I smiled to myself breathing it in deep.  I 
couldn't sleep so I wrapped the blanket tightly around me. 

I went into the kitchen getting a glass of water. I walked into the back 
where I had fallen asleep. There on the leather couch laid Justin, huddled 
into a ball trying to keep himself warm. I unwrapped the blanket around me 
and covered him. Smiling at him, scooting a curl that hung on his face back 
into place on his head.

 I sat  down on a chair across the room. I stared at the road whizzing by.  
My life was wasted. My dad…my friends…my heartache. I brought my knees up to 
my chin and rested my head on the back of the chair. "Life isn't all that 
bad." A voice interrupted my thoughts. I glanced over at Justin. "How would 
you know?" I asked. "Well I do know about a million girls that would love to 
be in the place your in right now." Justin said. I rolled my eyes. "Someone's 
full of themselves." Justin stood up and walked over to me. "Some girls would 
give anything for me to have a crush on them." He spoke softly sending chills 
through my body. His body pushed against the chair, I shivered. He drew close 
to my face and I could smell his cologne. "Justin No." I said closing my 
eyes. "Tell me no again and I won't." He touched the side of my arms sending 
tingles through it. "Justin…I took a breath in. "No"
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