Chapter Three

 With those simple words, he stepped back. My eyes traveled up his body and 
stopped at his eyes. I quickly turned my head to the window. "That guy must 
have really hurt you." Justin said returning to the couch across the room. 
"Since you must know the last guy that cheated on me was with my best friend 
Courtney." I said snapping at him. "Wow I'm really sorry…if you ever wanna 
talk I'm here." So I decided to open up a little and tell him. Well it 
started when…


I walked in the front door of my home. I wasn't supposed to be home for 
another day, but I decided to surprise my boyfriend, Billy, I sat my suit 
case down and went upstairs to surprise him. It was only seven in the 
morning, Billy should still be Asleep. I heard noises coming from my room. I 
thought maybe he was having a nightmare so I ran in the room and I 
saw….(pauses)… they were just doing it right there on my bed!….""Billy!" I 
screamed at the top of my lungs making him jump out of bed. I had to see the 
whore hiding beneath the blankets. I pulled them off and there laid my best 
friend. I stood there shocked and hurt. I turned to run but my legs wouldn't 
let me. Tears stung my eyes.

*End Flashback*

"Oh, wow that is really sad. I can't believe that loser didn't see what a 
great girl he had." Justin smiled. "Did you love him?" Justin asked. I 
nodded. "See, But that's not all."


About a month after the incident, I moved on and got on with my life. I was 
at my dad's helping him make dinner. The doorbell rang, I had cookies in the 
oven so my dad went to answer it. A few seconds later he came back in and 
told me it was for me.  I didn't have a coat for that chilly night so I 
grabbed my dad's and walked outside, seeing Billy with a single rose. His 
eyes were trying to apologize to me. I was over him I him I had moved on and 
found a new person in my life. I closed the door behind me stepping outside. 
We automatically started arguing. "Come on Mandy I'm sorry…I can't get you 
out of my head…I see you with other guys and it hurts me." Billy said. "Billy 
its over, I don't love you anymore, just leave me alone." I said turning my 
head from him. 

All of a sudden Billy pulled out a gun. "If I can't have you no-man in the 
world can." Terror filled my heart. I heard the clicking of the gun loading. 
I pleaded Billy for my life with my eyes. All of a sudden the gun shot and I 
screamed. My dad had jumped in the way of the bullet.

*End Flashback*

I remember me laying with my dad holding pressure on the wound and begging 
him not to leave me. 

*Flash Back*

"Dad don't you dare leave me, your all I have." I begged him holding his 
hand. "Mand…take care of yourself…I love you very much….and I will always 
watch you from heaven and I am always with you in your heart. No more tears." 
He said.

*End Flashback*

"And he died right there in my arms." I said to Justin letting the tears fall 
down my face. "I couldn't do anything." What happened to that guy?" Justin 
asked. "He got life in prison, before they took him away, he looked me in the 
eyes and said I'll be back for you." I broke down crying in my hands. "If I 
would have just told him I would still go out with him, my dad would still be 
alive." Justin stood up and wrapped his arms around my shoulder. "It's not 
your fault." I stood up and hugged him. He held me tightly and let me cry on 
his shoulder. After about a few minutes, I looked at Justin. "I got to go to 
the bathroom, Thanks for listening." I said kissing him softly on the cheek 
and went into the bathroom.

Part 2

I laid in the bunk staring up. The sun was out and everyone was awake. I 
heard a conversation in a nearby room with Justin and Jc. 

"Man forget about her." Jc said. "We'll be dropping her off soon and you will 
be nothing but a memory to her." Jc said. "No Jc, She's different Justin 
said. "Really? I think your in denial cause one girl in the world doesn't 
like Justin Timberlake, and she seems like a loner and not interested." Jc 
said. "No, actually there is a sweet side to her. I saw it trying to peek 
out." Justin explained. "We stayed up for hours talking last night." Jc 
rolled his eyes. "I don't think she's interested." Jc persisted. A determined 
look fell over Justin's face.  "Jc, let me deal with this. Justin said 
walking out of the room and entering the bunk area. I closed my eyes 
pretending to be asleep. His fingers brushed my hair and he whispered. "I 
wish I could lay a kiss on your warm lips, you're so peaceful when you 

Audrey walked in the bunk area, seeing Justin staring at Mandy. She smiled 
slightly and in a whisper says hi. Justin turned his gaze back to Mandy and 
was joined by Audrey. "So how long have you two been friends?" Justin said 
keeping his voice in a low tone not to wake Mandy. "About five years now." 
She said looking at Mandy. "Very best friend I have ever had." She smiled. " 
I hate seeing her so sad like this…I miss her happy cheerful self." Audrey 
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