Chapter Three

I woke up to hear quietness. I sat up feeling much better stretching and 
letting out a soft yawn. Justin walked in the room and smiled. "Hey, How long 
have you been here?" I asked. "Just a couple minutes." He said. I glanced 
over at the clock, it was ten o' clock at night. I stood up and walked 
downstairs. "So what movie are we watching tonight?" I asked sitting down on 
the couch in front of the TV. 'What Dreams May Come.' Justin said. "Hmm." I 
said. "Sounds ok." I said sitting Indian style. Justin sat down next to me 
and started the movie.


About half way through the movie Justin laid his head apon my shoulder and I 
rested mine apon his. The movie became emotional and I started to cry. Justin 
raised his head and handed me a tissue. I laughed. "I'm such a baby." I said. 
"Aww no your not. He said taking the tissue and wiping my tears. I stared at 
his soft blue eyes and bit my lip, I wanted to kiss him. 'What are you 
doing?' I asked myself. 'He's your best friend, and you don't know how to 
kiss!' I turned back to the movie.


Justin wiped the tears from Mandy's eyes as she stared into his. He wanted to 
just kiss her once, but did Mandy even have them kinds of feelings for him? 
Justin pushed the thoughts out of his head and laid his head back down on her 
shoulder and breathed in her scent as she rested her head on his.

I woke up to hear birds and sunlight peering through the patio door. I sat up 
and realized I was laying on Justin's leg with a blanket wrapped around us. I 
sat up and stretched as Justin stirred and opened his eyes smiling sweetly. I 
looked at the blank screen on the TV. "You had fallen asleep and I didn't 
want to disturb you, you looked so peaceful, so I wrapped the blanket around 
us and fell asleep." He said. I smiled. "I am sorry you should have gotten up 
and left." I said standing up and walking into the kitchen. Justin followed. 
"I didn't want to, it was….kinda nice." He hesitated looking at me as I 
searched the fridge for food. I smiled. "Yeah just a couple of friends 
hanging out." I said making me a bowl of cereal.  Justin frowned. "Yeah." The 
phone rang. "Hello?" I said picking up the phone. "Hey Syd…sure come on 
over…ok….bye." I said hanging up the phone. "Sydney is coming over." I said 
laughing as Justin rolled his eyes. "So, what are you gonna do today?" Justin 
asked making him a bowl of cereal and sitting down next to me at the bar. 
"Oh, I gotta a date tonight with Logan." I said. Justin nearly choked on his 
food. I laughed. "You ok there?" I asked. "You a date?" He asked. "Um, yeah 
is that a crime?" I said staring at him. "No I never really pictured you as 
date material." He said. "Oh thanks." I said punching him in his arm. Syd 
burst through the front door. "Oh hey Justin what a surprise!" Sydney said 
wrapping her arms around him. "Oh Palease!" I said. She laughed. I stood up 
taking the bowl to the counter, she took the place of where I sat. I knew 
Justin like the attention Sydney gave him, I still haven't figured out why 
Justin never asked her out. I stared at Justin as he made me laugh and I 
spilt water all over the front of me. "Oh, Shit!" I cursed outloud. 


Justin stood up and stared at Mandy she had water dripping down the front of 
her. Justin laughed at this sight. Mandy looked up at him. "This is not funny 
Timberlake!" she shouted looking like she was ready to charge at him. Sydney 
stared from the stool. Justin straitened up. 'She is so cute when she's mad' 
he thought to himself.  Mandy stormed off upstairs to change leaving Justin 
and Sydney to talk. "So Justin." Sydney said sexily. 'Uh oh.' Justin thought. 
He turned to her. She had a grin on her face. She sat down on Justin's lap on 
 the stool.  Justin sat there. Sydney took Justin's hands and wrapped them 
around her to hold her up. Justin became mesmerized. The phone rang. She 
became closer to him. The phone rang again. "Can someone get that?!" Mandy 
yelled down the steps. Justin snapped out of it and answered the phone. It 
was Jc and he needed him.

I walked down the steps wearing a white button up shirt and shorts. My hair 
was pulled out of my face. I saw Sydney sitting at the bar with her head in 
her hands. "Where's Justin?" I asked. She looked at me. "Jace needed him, but 
Audrey and Nikki are coming over." She sighed. "I'm gonna go home." She said 
grabbing her purse and headed toward the door. "Um, ok did you only come over 
for Justin?" I asked a little upset. She turned around. "No, my mom needs 
me." And she walked out the door.

I sat down on my bed and laid back letting out a long sigh. "Hey Mandy!" 
Audrey said walking in the door. "Hey chick!" Nikki said following her. "Hey 
guys." I said sitting up. "You seemed stress bud what's wrong?" Audrey asked. 
"Nothing." I said walking over to my vanity and sitting down letting Nicole 
and Audrey sit on the bed. "So What did ya do last night Mand?" Nikki asked. 
I smiled to myself remembering me sleeping on Justin with his arm wrapped 
around me. "Mandy?" Audrey said breaking my thoughts. "Huh...Oh Nothing 
really, just hung out." I said nodding my head toward them.  "So where's your 
best buddy Justy?" Nikki asked. "Oh, He left Jace needed him." I said. He 
wanted to take Justin out to eat. "What are you doing tonight?" Audrey asked. 
"I have a date with Logan." I said feeling kinda nervous about that. "Can we 
go swimming?" Audrey asked, finally after a moments silence. I smiled. "Sure, 
just let me get changed I will meet you down there." I said as they left and 
closed the door behind them.  As I was about to walk out the door to swim the 
phone rang.  It was Chris and Joey. I invited them over for a swim with us.

*Moments Later*

Chris and Joey walked through the back gate in swim trunks and cannoned 
balled right in. Audrey, Nikki, and I were playing volleyball. The guys 
decided to make it us against them. "Prepare to get your butts kicked!" I 
laughed. "Riight!" Chris said throwing me the ball as it hit my head and 
bounced back to him. "Oof." I laughed. Chris laughed. "Someone has a rubber 

"We won AGAIN!" I laughed as Joey dived under the water. I started to get out 
climbing the latter. Chris came behind me and pulled me in the water head 
first. "Chris!" I yelled before I hit the water. Once I surfaced I grabbed 
his head pushing him in the water. He slipped under me putting me on his 
shoulders. "CHRIS!!" I yelled as he did a back smack knocking me into the 
water. I surfaced again. "Well, Its good to see you're having fun." Justin 
said as I wiped my eyes to clear my eyes. I smiled. "What time is it?" I 
asked. "About five thirty." I gasped.  I climbed the ladder. Justin grabbed 
the towel and opened it for me to get in. "Thank-ya." I said letting him wrap 
around my shoulders as small goose-bumps appeared. Justin rubbed my arms over 
the towel to warm me up. "I'm gonna go take a shower." I said pulling from 
Justin's grasp leaving him alone with the guys.


I was dressed in my tight black shirt and a pair of cargo's putting my 
make-up on. Someone knocked on my door. "C'min." I said fixing up my 
lipstick. Justin walked in. "Maybe this date was a bad idea." I said sitting 
on my bed. Justin joined me. "Why?" he asked. "What if he tries to kiss me?" 
I said. "I can't kiss I will probably be terrible at it." I whined. Justin 
laughed. "Its not so bad." He said. "Well that's easy for you Mister two 
girlfriends in a week." I laughed pushing him. "Well I can teach you." Justin 
blurted out. 'Stupid, Stupid.' He though to himself.  "What?" I asked. "Well 
we are best friends it wouldn't mean anything." He said trying to cover his 
tracks. "Well I… But before I could finish my sentence he kissed me, putting 
his hand to my face, but what I wasn't aware of was Sydney had walked in the 
room and saw everything.

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