Chapter Four

 I pushed him away. Justin smiled. "You're not bad at all." He joked. I 
smiled feeling like I was flying on air. It was now seven Justin had to go 
while I waited for Logan. I heard Justin close the door downstairs. I fell on 
my bed. 'What was happening?" 'Was that just a friend helping a friend?' I 
asked myself. "Well, well can we say Deceitful?" A voice said making me rise 
out of bed. "Syd?!" I said startled to see her there. You could see the anger 
in her eyes.  

Justin tiptoed up the steps, he didn't leave he couldn't he heard Mandy and 
Sydney fighting. 

"What the hell Mandy?" Sydney said raising her arms. "Syd, let me explain!" I 
said. "What, that you and Justin are a 'thing' and you have been keeping it a 
secret?" She yelled. "Sydney, your overreacting, it was a harmless friendship 
kiss, he is nothing but a friend to me." I said. (Justin's heart sank) "You 
sure do have a strange way to show it!" She yelled. "Syd, I didn't know how 
to kiss and he taught me, that's all nothing, zero, zip!" I said. Sydney 
sighed. "Good, I'm sorry I blew up, you know I have had my heart set on that 
man since Nsync started." She said hugging me. I laughed. "Don't worry Syd, 
He's just a friend." But deep inside I wasn't sure anymore. 

Justin's heart sank. "Is that really what she thought?' He asked himself. The 
door bell rang. 'Logan' Justin thought and disappeared out back door.

I walked down the steps checking myself in the mirror one last time. I opened 
the door seeing Logan wearing a white wife beater with a turquoise shirt that 
complimented his sky blue eyes and a pair of blue jeans.  He was tall, 
skinny, not very muscular, his hair was brown spiked up with the tips blonde. 
I smiled as he handed me a single rose. "You look great." He said. I closed 
the door behind me.


Justin burst through his front door, running his fingers through his hair. He 
couldn't get Mandy out of his head. He brushed his fingers across his lips 
remembering the soft gentle kiss she laid on his lips. 'Ugh, what's' 
happening?' He thought. 'Every time I see her It's just…' He stopped himself. 
'and yet to her I am nothing but a friend.' Justin walked upstairs. He closed 
his eyes remembering last night.


Mandy had fallen asleep on his shoulder. He smiled as he watched her chest 
rise with each breath. She stirred laying down on his leg, which he had 
outstretched on the table in front of him. He wrapped his arm around her. He 
brushed her soft brown hair with his fingers.

The flashback was soon interrupted by Justin's phone ringing. It was Mandy, 
she was crying. "Mandy, Calm down, what's wrong?" He said. "He-, He-…and I 
just…but then he…I cried. "Breathe…Where are you?" He asked. I told him and 
he hung up.

*Somewhere in Florida*

I sat down on the corner on the abandoned street, terrified and alone. Justin 
zoomed up and stopped right in front of me. I couldn't get up. Justin walked 
out of the car and sat down next to me.  He wrapped his arms around me and 
turned me in his arms. "He kissed me…he wanted to go further and I yelled no, 
he still wouldn't stop so I pushed him off of me and told him to take me 
home, He punched my stomach and opened the door and pushed me out." I cried. 
Justin held me tighter. "I was so scared, I had flashbacks of that night, 
and…Oh Justin." "Its ok Mandy, I am here." He said. I pulled away and wiped 
my tears. "That guy better not show his face around here again." Justin said 
as he opened the door to let me in the car. "The night is still young do you 
want to go clubbing?" He asked smiling sweetly. "Sure." I said ready to have 
a blast knowing Justin will be sure of it. 

I walked into the hot club. The room seemed crowed with people wanting to get 
their grove on. I walked in the crowd taking Justin's hand leading him into a 
place where we could dance on our own. A few people recognized him and 
freaked out. Other people were so into what they were doing they didn't care 
who or what was going on around them. It was my first time being in the club 
since the 'incident' but I knew with my best friend close to me everything 
will be ok.

Sydney noticed a group of people gathered around to one side of the club 
clapping and cheering. She walked over to see what was happening. She caught 
a glimpse of Justin. Excitement rose inside of her, but who was he with? She 
tried to see over a bunch of people finally she pushed her way through and 
saw. 'MANDY?' she screamed in her head. Mandy brushed up against Justin. 
Sydney sat there shocked and glared.  The DJ came over the music. "Ok, now 
lets slow this down." A familiar tune Of Nsync's That's When I'll Stop Loving 
you. Sydney gasped. She told Mandy she would dance with Justin at this song 
one day…she wouldn't dance with him to this would she?

The song drifted to my ears. Justin looked at me a little uneasy. "Do you…" 
But before I could finish my sentence he pulled me close to him. I could 
smell his Happy for Men cologne, he knew it was my fave. I looked into his 
eyes, I started to tingle and my knees seemed to go weak. Justin held me to 
keep me balanced. "You ok?" he smiled. I smiled "yeah its just…I dunno." I 
said. "I know what you mean." He said. "What's happening here Justin?" I 
asked. "I don't know but it feels so right." He said. "Yeah." I said closing 
my eyes as his lips met mine and the song ended.

Sydney's eyes widen in shock. She knew that, that wasn't a friendship kiss. 
She stared in shock as Justin's hand raised to Mandy's face as the kiss 
deepened. Sydney couldn't hold back the tears as they hit her face she ran 
out of there crying.

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