Chapter Eleven

I woke up the next morning wrapped in Justin's loving arms to hear the soft 
sound of his breathing next to me. He spoke the truth last night that he made 
this a beautiful day for the both of us. The sun was shining, the birds 
whistling, and happiness surrounding everything. I got up out of bed and put 
my robe on. I walked downstairs and poured  a cup of coffee. As I was sipping 
I turned on the TV and caught MTV news. There was an  interview with my baby 
on TV as well as a follow up talking about....ME!! wait I turned it up to 
Brian McFaden saying, "And more to do with Justin Timberlake…that he was seen 
kissing with a beautifully mysterious girl the other night. Catch more on 
this exclusive couple on MTV's 1515 coming up next hour." I had to watch this 
to make sure I was not a negative icon but somehow for now I was relieved 
until I was scared to death when Justin snuck up behind me and put his nose 
to my hair and kissed my neck. I playfully slapped him "Almost giving someone 
a heart attack is not sexy at all." I laughed He backed off and held a pouty 
face "I was just kidding." I said. Justin wrapped his arm around my waist 
pulling me close to him.

"Hi I'm Kurt Loder and welcome tot his special edition of MTV's 1515. On this 
episode we will discuss the new highly found interesting relationship 
concerning that of Justin Timberlake and his mystery girlfriend. Last time we 
spoke with Mr. Timberlake he was currently not dating and told up this... 
(Justin), "It's hard to find that special someone when you're not in a 
particular area from every long but if I did have the chance I know the 
perfect girl is out here somewhere." "Justin has been on a long break from 
touring with his group NSYNC for a month now, and will be doing an interview 
later this week to discuss more on his life and relationship. As for his fair 
maiden, she has been seen on the Orlando scene  She's studying to be a 
fashion designer at a local college in Orlando. What do the fans have to say 
about this?  I think its cool It's about time he's found someone. I support 
him all the way.' One fan said. Other girls couldn't even talk from crying so 
hard. I'm Kurt Loader and this is MTV 1515."

I flipped off the TV and let out a long sigh. Justin laughed. "What's so 
funny?" I asked. "They thought I was dating Britney Spears and then Christina 
Aguilera." Now finally the truth is out I am in love with you and no one can 
stop that." I smiled. "I love you too." I kissed him deeply. Justin's cell 
phone rang.  "Ugh." I wined letting him answer it. "Hello?…What?…Whoa Audrey 
slow down." My ears perked up at this. "Oh My Goodness…are you sure?…Yeah 
we're on our way." Justin hung up the phone. "Someone attacked Sydney. She's 
in intensive care….he hesitated. "Tell me Justin." I said trying to search 
his eyes for an answer. "She was raped."  With those word I grabbed Justin's 
keys and ran out the door Justin following.

*The Hospital*

I ran to Sydney' side. Machines hooked up to her. Her eye swollen and her lip 
huge. The nurse told me she had a severe concussion to her head. I grabbed 
Sydney's stiff hand and I felt a light squeeze. "Mandy." Sydney moaned. "Syd, 
I'm here for you." I said trying to get her to open her eyes.  "My head…oh 
god my head." She moaned. I remembered the night he pounded my head into the 
ground. "Sydney, was it….him?" I said. Sydney tried to nod but it hurt her 
head too much. "Yeah." She said above a whisper.  "Ma'am visiting hours are 
over." A nurse said. I gave Sydney one last squeeze on the hand and left. As 
soon as I hit the hall I fell onto my knees crying. Justin fell with me. 
"Mandy what's wrong?" Rivers of tears fell down my face. "He's back and he's 
gonna stop at nothing to get me." I fell into Justin's chest crying. While he 
tried to comfort me.


Justin drove me home in silence. Thoughts about that night entered my voice. 
The mans dark cold voice. His pushing to remove my pants. I closed my eyes 
tightly letting the tears of fear run down my face. As we pulled in the drive 
Justin grabbed my hand. "I'm gonna head back to my place and pick up a few 
things, are you gonna be ok?" he asked. I stared slowly nodding. I got out of 
the car and Justin backed out of the drive. I went to the back door opening 
the door a small envelope fell to the floor. No name, no address. I examined 
the envelope bore opening it and finding the most frightening words I could 
STARTED IN THE ALLEY MARK MY WORDS." Tears streamed my eyes with fear.  I 
felt a hand touch my shoulder.  I screamed. "Baby calm down…Its just me." 
Justin said.  I turned into his shoulder. "Oh God Justin he's coming for me." 
I cried. "What? What are you talking about? I handed Justin the note. "Don't 
you see? He wants me and he will tear me down limb by limb if he has to, he's 
taking my friends and hurting them…he knows they are what's precious to me." 
Justin wrapped his arm around me. "We'll catch him…before he hurts anyone 
else." Justin said. 

I didn't sleep well last night. Justin fell asleep and I sat downstairs in 
the kitchen. Tears fell from fear, fear for my friends, fear for Justin, fear 
for my life. Every little noise in the house made me jump. I laid my head 
down on the table.


"Mandy?" "Oh Mandy, did you stay up all night?" Justin said. I opened my 
eyes. "Wha-?" I looked around. A glowing smile appeared on his face. "Don't 
let him have this power over you Mandy…and I promise I won't let anyone hurt 
you, now that I have you I won't let you go." He wrapped his arm around my 
shoulder. I laid my head back down on the table…drifting out of my mind. 'Be 
a good girl, This will feel good I Promise.' "NO!" I screamed sitting 
straight up. The phone rang.  "Mandy, What happened?" Justin said reaching 
for the phone. I rested my head in my hands.  Justin answered the phone.
"Hey Man its Jc."
Hey, What's up?"
You hear about Syd?
How's Mandy taking it?
Not Very well
Oh well have you seen Nikki?
No Man why?
Well I caught her cheating on me and I kinda wanted to get her to let me into 
the apartment
Oh no sorry if I hear from her I will tell her.
Ok Thanks Man.

Justin hung up the phone. "That was Jc he hasn't seen Nikki have you seen 
her?" Justin asked. My head shot up. "No, you don't think…he…has her?" I 
asked. Justin's eyes tried to comfort me. "No I'm sure she's just upset." The 
phone rang again.
"Yeah hang on." Justin handed the phone to me.
"Scared?" A deep dark familiar voice said.
Fear ran through my veins as I trembled. "Who is this?"
"You know who it is and don't worry your time is coming very soon!"
I dropped the phone to the floor. "Mandy…What's wrong?" Justin asked. 
"Its...him." I said crying. Justin picked up the phone. "Hello?" There was 
silence except for a faint breathing. "Stay the hell away from her!" Justin 
shouted. The phone clicked and Justin heard a buzz of an open phone line.

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