Chapter Ten

Justin walked into hotel suite with a smile on his face.  In his hands, he 
held champagne and a small bowl of strawberries, and I felt my stomach go 
weak.  I couldn't believe all that he'd done for me on this night.  My senses 
were soaring, and I'd surely never felt this way before.

    "Hey there, beautiful," he smiled, sitting down on the bed beside me.  My 
heart rate raced, because I just knew.  Something was in the air, something 
was in his eyes, and my love for him never quite ran this strong.

    "Hi gorgeous,"  I giggled as his hand graced the side of my face.  His 
lips teased mine, just brushing them gently before his tongue slid into my 
mouth.  I felt everything in my body let go and surrender to his touch, and 
that scared me.

    "What is it?"  Justin asked, tilting his head to the side, looking into 
my eyes.  He sensed my nervousness, and I knew he'd understand.

    "Nothing,"  I smiled softly, shaking my head and looking down as he 
poured two glasses of champagne.

    "Here."  Justin's hand moved over mine as I took the glass and he smiled 
at me, a wink followed.  "Now take a sip," he grinned.

    "I know how to drink, Justin.  That is not what I'm nervous about,"  I 
giggled, taking a sip of the champagne as I watched Justin reach for a 
strawberry.  I no sooner pulled the glass from my lips and he brushed the 
strawberry along my lips.

    "Take a bite," he whispered, his voice, sending chills down my spine.  As 
nervous as I was suddenly at the events of the night,  I wanted his touch, to 
feel his hands on my body.  I slowly bit into the strawberry and savored the 
taste,  another signature grin spreading across his face.

    Taking the champagne flute from my hand, he placed it on the end table, 
and slowly eased me back onto the bed.  I felt the silken sheets underneath 
my body, and the heat inside of me was about to take me over.  As his lips 
ravished mine, I breathed against him, "Justin?"

    "Hmm?"  He pulled back, licking his lips, as I went with my instincts.  
My fingers traced under his shirt, and lifted it up.  He sat back, bringing 
his shirt over his head and my eyes fell upon his perfectly toned chest.  My 
hands graced over his shoulders and down further, and he let out an 
anticipated sigh.

    He leaned back down, kissing me tenderly, as I felt his fingertips move 
under the spaghetti straps of my gown.  Goosebumps covered my body, and he 
immediately let his lips touch to my shoulders...desperate to take the chill 
from my body with his kisses.  He leaned upward, pulling the dress down 
further, and I felt my body blush.  His lips covered each inch of newly 
exposed skin, and he glanced up to my eyes.

    "You're so gorgeous, Mandy.  Do you know that?"  He asked softly with 
meaning as he continued to kiss down my body.  I now lay before him in 
nothing more than my underwear, and he waited to expose my body to him fully. 
 Keeping my gaze, he removed his pants and tossed them to the floor, and as 
he snaked his way up to kiss my lips, I felt his hardness on my leg.

    His tongue roamed my mouth, and he reached a hand down to my hot center, 
feeling me over my panties.  I couldn't help but moan into his mouth.  I'd 
never felt anything like this before.  I moved underneath him, and as he felt 
my body rub against his, he took a sharp breath in, and kissed onto my neck 
to release the tension he felt.  He was all about me on this night, doing 
everything to make me feel special, making me comfortable.

    "Justin?"  I whispered breathlessly into his ear.

    "What baby?"  He asked as his lips continued to move over my neck, making 
their way to my lips before I could answer.  He pulled back for a moment, 
looking sincerely into my eyes.  He was silently praying that I wouldn't ask 
him to stop.

    "Make love to me,"  I whispered, sure of my heart, but still nervous.

    He held my gaze, reaching down to push my underwear from my hips.  He 
kissed me softly over and over, as I reluctantly reached down to remove his 

    "It's gonna hurt a bit, sweetheart, but you've gotta trust me, okay?"  He 
asked, staring straight into my heart.

    I nodded as he moved over my center, teasing me a bit, still feeling 
nothing but pleasure.  He slowly eased himself into me, my eyes quickly 
shutting tight. He initially gasped at the warm of me, taken with the 
pleasure of the feel of me, but he was still careful. The pain was nearly 
unbearable, and once inside me, he waited to move so I could get used to the 
feel of him.  He kissed a lone tear that slipped from my eyes.

    Whispering, he said, "Just trust me, Mandy.  I love you."  With that, I 
tried to ignore the pain as he slowly began to move inside of me.  After a 
couple of minutes, the pain began to subside as he carefully began to move in 
and out.

    "Ooh,"  I gasped.  My body all of a sudden felt high, he felt so good 
inside of me, and I opened my eyes to see sweat forming on his brow.  Our 
breathing patterns were lost, and he fought to place kisses on my lips, hot 
open kisses.

    "Mmm, baby," he moaned as he continued to move in and out, my hips 
finally meeting his groove.  I'd never felt anything so right, so perfect.  I 
never wanted the euphoric feeling to end.  His moans grew louder as he moved 
just a bit faster inside of me, and I knew that I was reaching my release.

    He stared deep into my eyes as he worked to bring me to my point of 
ecstasy.  My body began to shake beneath his as he released himself into me, 
and I felt all sense of reality drift from my body.  His body fell onto mine, 
both of us fighting to catch our breathing.

    He looked to me with tears in his eyes, "I love you."

    "Sweetie,"  I breathed out, "I love you, too...with all of my heart."   
With that, he slowly pulled out of me and rolled over onto his side.  
Instinctually, he took me into his arms.

    "That was so beautiful...." Justin spoke. "I don't want to sleep." I said 
gazing into his eyes. "I don't want this day to end." I said. Justin smiled. 
"Sleep, tomorrow we can make another one."  He kissed my lips and wrapped me 
tightly in his arms. I closed my eyes finally feeling loved and cared for. "I 
love you." He whispered as we fell asleep in each others arms.

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