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All about us-Mis and Missa

Its us!!!---Missa, Mis and Jessy w/ our tickets for the concert at the BJC.

This page will be everything that you need to know about the two web mistresses of this site. Yes we do technically have the same name and we're best friends but there are differences, I swear. Each of us wrote up a little blurb about ourselves and why we love the BSB and our Sexy Beast Nicky Gene. Finally...

Heey this is webmistress number 1, Missa. I'm gonna write a little bit about myself, cause it wouldn't be any fun if I gave it all away. So here I go. I'm proud to be an older fan ("well, how old is she", you may ask. I will not tell. Look at the picture and figure it out.) Anyway as I was saying some people think I'm a bit on the obsessive side. Me?? nah. I do love all of the boys but I'd have to say that Nick is definately my favorite. Ever since I first saw them more than three years ago I loved his hair and blue eyes. The ALAYLM video did it for me. Well, the hair's gone (but he looks daaang fine with the short and spiky) but I still love him. I also like B-Rok, Kev, and AJ and Howie I suppose. I am a firm supporter of the girlfriends as you have probably already seen on the main page. I wrote into the MTV message board to set all of the ten year olds who thought they were going to marry Brian straight. Let's not get me started. Well I'm in high school in a small town in central PA; I'm a band nerd (and proud of it) and I enjoy playing softball. Oh and as a side note: the concert on Feb. 12 was the greatest exprerience of my life. I love those boys!!!

Well...heya...I guess since Missa is webmistress # 1;then i have to be webmistress # 2. Well I guess you are wondering who I am. I am also an older fan...really old as my friends put it. You are probably wondering why I love Nick soooo much. Its gotta by his hair, eyes, body, butt, I think you know what I mean. I love their music!!! Its the best!!! Ya want to know how much I love these boys??? I have 381 pictures of those boys on my walls. Is that nuts or what??? You must be thinking that I have no life...well I do. I have a wonderful life. Wonderful family (well not my brothers...I could live without them sometimes), great friends, and a great boyfriend. I just thought I would put that in there so you wouldn't think I had no life. Well I hope you enjoy our site and keep coming back...please. If you have any questions or anything just e-mail us. Please if you get a min. and you want sign our guestbook, do!! Thanks for dropping by!! Enjoy!!!

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