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Sexy Beast Inc.

A gorgeous old pic!

Hey this is Missa and Mis. Welcome to our very own Nickolas Gene Carter shrine. We have nick pics, reasons we love BSB, nick pics, reasons we hate N*stink, nick pics, and lots more... check out the links for some high quality BSB/Nick stuff. Enjoy-- Lots of love (for our sexy beast),

Last Updated: December 8, 2000 It is quite possible that this site will never be updated...we have no free time to keep up with it anymore. I'm sorry, but enjoy what we have now!

Hey we have some concert pics up!!! Go check them out!!!! But please please don't steal them!

I Support Brian, Leighanne, Kristin and Kevin

This page strongly supports the girlfriends/wives. If you don't have the same opinion or would like to know the extent of mine, email me at the address below.

HEY YOU!! I'm sorry you were subjected to our website but since you're here why don't you sign our guestbook?? pretty please???? :-)

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Our pages

Nick Picsfrom the web

BSB Pics

Our Concert Pics

About the Webmistresses


Why we love nick

Yep, we're obsessed.

Cliques and Adoptions!!

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Hi! We're --Mis and Missa

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