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Yep, we're obsessed

Top 10 ways you could tell we're obsessed with the Backstreet boys, and mostly, NICK CARTER.

1.Mis has a crapload of pictures on her walls. (a final count will soon be posted)
2.Millennium never leaves Melissa's CD player. NEVER.
3.Melissa's wears her concert tee as she types this.
4.Ummmm...we have a website devoted to nick
5.We made him a cute name...SEXYBEAST
6.We have countless video tapes of tv appearances and like all of the actual released videos
7.Between the two of us we took 6 and a half rolls of pictures at one concert.
8.When we don't get the channel the boys are appearing on we bribe friends to record them for us. We love you Jenny & Jessy!!
~****(We here at SEXYBEAST INC. do not condone or agree with Jenny's views on N*suck **cough** I mean sync.)****~

9.We go into the early stages of hyperventilation (sp??) when we see: nick's new hair, nick in leather, nick doing the big pelvic thrust, nick in a music video, nick in a concert on TV, nick's name printed anywhere... you get the picture.
10.We have dreams that we don't care to mention.

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