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"I-I-I'm ve-ery sorry, sir," Zac stuttered. "I, uh, met Sharice at Walmart earlier today and she asked me to call her, so I was just-"

The voice cut him off. "Sharice is my daughter, and I love her very much. You might say that I'm a little...overprotective. So you better be careful with my daughter, you little freak."

"Yes, sir." Zac took a deep breath for courage. "Um, sir? Where is Sharice?"

"In the shower. I'll have her call you." Sharice's dad took the number and hung up.

Zac replaced the receiver on the cradle and tried to calm himself.

Then he decided to do what he always did when he was bored or nervous. He ate a gigantic bowl of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream with chocolate syrup, and came back to his room to organize Taylor's pen collection.

First he sorted them by type: ball point, gel pens, pencils, regular. Then he seperated them into subcategories based on brand. Finally, he grouped them into colors and carefully replaced them in the top desk drawer in order.

"You fag," Isaac teased when he came in the room and saw him. "I can't believe you're organizing Tay's pen collection again. What are you freaking over this time?"

Zac didn't look up. "Just bored."

"Oh." Isaac yawned. "Mom said to tell you dinner's ready. Then you might want to get fixed up for the fair. We're leaving in an hour."

"Food? Yes!" Zac followed Isaac down the stairs and to the table, where he ate even more than usual.

Then, it was time to get ready. "Oh my God, I have nothing to wear," he cried.



