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Someone was bouncing on Skye's bed. She fought to open her eyes just enough to see the numbers on her clock. '7:42'.

"Whoever you are," she groaned sleepily, "go away before I seriously hurt you. It's far too early for this shit."

"It's never too early for TAYLOR!" he yelled loudly.

"Tay?" Skye sat upright in her bed. "Oh my God! I didn't think your tour was over for another week. What are you doing in my house?" Tay interrupted by kissing her. It was hard for her to remember what she was going to say.

"Our last shows got canceled." They kissed again. "I missed you so much. Have I told you lately, I love you more than anything?"

"Last night on the phone," she giggled. "But feel free to tell me again. 'Coz I know I love you more than anything."

"IIIII llloooovve yooou moooorrrrre thhhhaaaaan aaaaannnnnyyyyytttthhhiiiiinnnng," he sang offkey, sounding very different from the heavenly voice he reserved for studios and concerts. "Now, get up and take a shower. You stink."

Skye put on her poutiest look. "You're mean, Tay-tay."

"You know I'm just joshing with you, baby. But everybody's downstairs waiting for us. We're going to spend the whole day together. Your mom said okay and she'll be at work if you need anything. She seems a lot better since when I left."

"I told you that, dumdum." Skye stood in front of the closet, trying to pick some clothes. "Help me find something to wear. Who's we, anyway?"

"Try this." Tay tossed her a silky blue thong and a matching bra. "We would be me, you, Matt, Jess, Zac, Cinder, Ike and Veronica."

Zac and Cinder had been going out for almost six months now, since right before the tour. Cinder was 16, Matt's age, and Skye's best friend. Matt and Jess were still together, despite their many rough patches. The age thing was still a big deal. Skye and Tay, of course, were still as in love as ever. And, miraculously, Ike and Veronica somehow put up with each other. Possibly because they hadn't seen each other in half a year.

"Funny!" Skye threw the lingerie back onto her bed and picked up some black board shorts and a white tank top. "I'll be down in twenty minutes. Otay?" He swung her over his shoulder and walked into the bathroom, depositing her on the floor.

"Mind if I join you?" he asked, peeling off his tee shirt.

"Umm..." Skye hesitated, forcing herself to resist the urge. "Normally, I wouldn't dream of complaining, but if you get in there with me, we won't be down for a very long time."

"Yeah," he sighed. "I know. But I missed you so much and I want a little time to show you how much." He gave her a cute little grin. "You know, absence makes the heart grow fonder, and it also makes the sex grow better."

"So you've told me many times. But I don't think it could get too much better." She moved closer to him. He pulled off her shirt. "Tay, we have to stop. Everybody's waiting. Besides, don't you want to save this for tonight? You can stay over." She added in a husky voice, "You can do anything you want."


"Yes, anything." Skye pushed him out the door. "But you're going downstairs now."

"I know, I know," he mumbled. "You're a tease. You get me all worked up, then drop the bomb."

"You love it," she laughed.

"Sure do," he replied. "I'll leave you alone. But if you're not down in five minutes, I'll have to send in my little friend to come and get you."

"Pervert," she said, closing the door in his face. "I'll be out soon. Keep your little friend where he belongs."

Ike sat in the living room, uneasy at being in her house again. Full of jealousy, he watched as his little brother came down the stairs with a big smile and something even bigger in his pants.

He sighed as Tay plopped down next to him. He had to tell Skye everything. About his feelings for her, about Tay's unfaithfulness, but most importantly, about the baby.

Skye smiled as she dried her hair. After a long tour, Taylor was back and she wanted him more than ever. Pulling on her clothes, she winked at her mirror image. Then she skipped down the stairs and hugged Zac, who was now more like a brother, and Jess, who was a sister and a best friend.

"Ike, Veronica," she mumbled, not looking Ike in the eye. She couldn't because she knew that there was still something between them. Something stronger than her lust for Taylor, stronger than her anger at him, stronger than her.

Ike stared at Skye, wondering how it was that she got more beautiful every time he saw her. As she walked out of the room and into the kitchen, his eyes followed her, remembering what had happened in the very spot where she now stood. They had proclaimed their love for each other there, almost a year ago, and he had claimed her as his woman. What had gone wrong?

He got up, ignoring Veronica's questioning stare. "Skye, I have to tell you something," he whispered. She turned around, surprised, and looked into his eyes. "Damn," he muttered, and crossed the room in two steps. He pulled her out of their friends' sight and toward himself roughly and kissed her hard.

In his mind, he pictured her reaction. "Ike, that was...amazing." A single tear rolled down her face. "I still love you."

He opened his eyes, prepared to see her face lit up with joy.

Instead, she glared up at him. "Damn it, why can't you stay away from me?"


Chapter Index

