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Cinder and Zac sat back to back, each lost in their own thoughts. Outside, the wind began blowing and streaks of lightning could be seen.

Cinder's eyes widened. "Shit, footsteps. Hide!"

Zac dove under the bed, making a loud thump. Cinder hurriedly dropped a pile of clothes beside the bed, shielding Zac from the rest of the room.

"Cinder? Honey, what was that noise?" Mrs. Manchester opened the door.

"Noise?" Cinder stood up and moved away from the bed. "Oh, did you mean the thunder? It's awfully loud tonight. And all that lightning." She trailed off nervously.

"No, I meant that thumping noise," Mrs. Manchester replied. She narrowed her eyes and peered toward the closet suspicously. "I don't suppose you've heard from that Zac boy?"

"Taytay, I just wanted to talk to you," Amanda cooed into the phone. "Didn't you miss me?"

Tay rolled his eyes. "I saw you this morning. Besides, it's storming and I have company, so I need to go. Bye." He hung up the phone, not caring if Amanda cried over him. Everyone else did, after all.

"Of course I can forgive you," Ike exclaimed. "If you can forgive me," he added hopefully.

"Come over tonight," Skye whispered in his ear.

Tay opened the front door and stepped out onto the porch. "What are you guys doing? It's freaking raining out here."

"Just clowning," Ike replied. He casually shifted away from Skye.

"Well," Tay began, but was cut off when a door slammed open.

Matt nearly pushed Tay out of the way as he ran out towards Skye's car. "We're leaving, Skye. Please take me home."

Jess threw open the door and actually hit Tay. "Get the fuck out of my way," she yelled. "Matt, don't leave. I'm sorry! Come back here, you pig-headed bastard."

"I break up." Matt slammed the car door behind him. Skye glanced at Jess's face and then at Matt, stood without a word, and went to her car.

Ike and Tay turned to stare at Jess. "Oh, fuck you," she cursed.

Cinder took a deep breath. "No, I haven't heard from him. I hope I never do. You're right, they screwed with my head."

Mrs. Manchester smiled sweetly. "That's right, honey. They did. Now, you'd better start packing."

She left, somehow not hearing the loud gasp from under the bed.


Chapter Index

