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"Zac, Zac please listen to me"! Jessica said almost out of breath.

"What the hell do you want?" Zac said whipping around so fast, his hair whipped her in the face hard.

"Well I just wanna know if there is anything I could do to get our realationship back the way it was." she said trying to sound sweet.

"Hell, no!" he said "You blew it when you stood up in front of everyone and yelled what about the baby! No, actually you blew it when you kept slamming Sarah! You've known I've cared for her for along time. She's my best friend and now my lover, you just have to get use to that." he walked off and got in the cab.

The cabby looked back, at Zac and said "Hey, didn't I just drop you off here son?"

"Yeah, isn't life funny sometimes." Zac said with a laugh in his voice.

"So she dumped you huh?" the cabby asked.

"No, I dumped her! But she stood in front of the whole resterant and yelled what about the baby!" Zac told him the whole story. Finally he got back to the Hotel.

"Hey, son!" the cabby yelled.

"Yaeh." Zac said sticking his head back in the window.

"Can I have your autogragh for my daughter?" the cabby asked.

"Sure!" Zac said signing a piece of paper, and handing to the man, along with another $10.00 tip.

"Thanks!" said the cabby.

"Welcome!" said Zac. Zac walked in the Hotel and knocked on Ikes Hotel room door. No one answered so he went down to his room to call Sarah.

Sarah answered the phone almost imediatly. "Hello?" she said.

"Hey! Sarah." Zac said.

"Hi, did you do it?" she asked.

"Yeah, it didn't go well. She stood up in front of everyone there and yelled "What about the baby!" I was so mad at her." he said. He told her all about it. It was almost 11:45 when they got off the phone. "Well, baby I gotta get off we've been talking long enough." he said

"What did you call me?" Sarah asked.

"I called you baby!" Zac said puzzled that she even cared "Is there something wrong with calling you that?" he asked.

"No, you just have never called me that before. I don't mind." she said with a HUGE smile on her face.

"Okay, well I love you Sarah." he said.

"I love you too Zac." she said. Zac went dow to Ikes room to see if they were back yet, but they weren't.

"Damn, they must be having fun." Zac said to himself. He walked back down to his room and took a shower andwent to bed.

The next morning Zac woke up to a loud knock on the door. He stubbled across the room to see who it was. it was Tay. "Hey, man I though maybe you would want some breakfast or something." Tay said.

"Oh, where you going?" Zac asked half awake.

"Well McDonalds is what Ike wants so...." he said.

"Yeah get me my usual, and maybe a paper so I have something to read." Zac said.

"Okay, man sure will." Tay said walking out of the room. Zac got dressed and went down to Ikes room.

Ike answered the door, in his green boxers (OH LALA)!

Zac told Ike all about the story, and Ike laughed his ass off. Tya happened to walk in when Ike was laughing so hard.

"Hey guys I have something really funny to show you!" Tay said digging at the newspaper under his arm. "Look, at the headline." Tay said. The haedline said "ZAC HANSON LEAVES HIS PREGNANT GIRLFRIEND!"

"Oh, I'm gonna kick Jessica's........never mind."

Zac jumped up and called Jessica. "Is Jessica there?" He asked.

"This is she!" she said.

"Jessica you have some mental problems you need help with, and I'll pay for them!" he said.

"What do you mean HONEY?" she asked.

"Don't call me that!" he said in a harsh voice.

"What the hell are you talking about Zac?" she asked.

"Well look at the cover of the newspaper and you'll see!" he said.

She looked, and she said "So! What bout it?" she said.

"It's not true! Thats whats wrong with it. I want you to get your rich white ass down there and tell them that!" he said. He then hung up. Ike, and Tay were looking at Zac in amazment. "What?" he asked taking a bit of his breakfast. Tay just looked at him and smiled and shook his head.

Nine hours later they did the concert came back, went to sleep, then the next morning left to head to NewMexico.



