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The next few days went by very slow for Ike and Tay! They were heading back to Tulsato see their women! Zac spent every minute on the phone with Sarah. They were closer then they every were!

They were only 2 hours away from Tulsa when they got a flat tire!“Oh, shit!” Ike yelled as he hopped off the bus!

“Whats wrong?” Ashley asked following.

Ike with a look of concern on her face! “We have a flat tire!” he said whipping out his cell phone! He punched in a few numbers. He was on it for like 5 minutes before it roughly pushed the end button!

“Who did you try to call?” Tay asked.

“Terri” Ike said!

“Well I’ll try Michelle, and if we don’t get a hold of her then we’ll call mom and dad.” Tay said pushing a few numbers in his cell phone! After about 5 rings Michelle picked up the phone

“Hello, this is Michelle!” the voice said.

“I know who you are!” Tay said!

“Hey baby!” she said “Where are you?”

Tay looked around “Um, bout 2hours away from Tulsa! Do you think you could come get us?” he asked.

“Sure I’ll be there in about 2 to 2 1/2 hours! Is that okay? she asked.

“Yeah! thats great thanks babe!” he said ending his conversation!

About 2 hours later a blue car came driving down the rode! There was a red car following it. It was Terri’s car. They stopped and said “Hi!” to one another.

“Well I’ll take Ike, Zac, and Ashley. With whatever they need to take with them!” Terri said!

“Okay I’ll take Tay, and the drivers! With whatever they need to bring with them!” Michelle said! She reallydidn’t have a choice!

When they got to Tulsa Ike called a place to bring the bus to Tulsa. The guy didn’t seem too friendly about it either! Thevoice was rough, and harsh sounding! Ike told then he’d be there in about 20 minutes. He took Terri’s car, Terri wanted to go with. Ike drove to the place and to where they had left the bus. When they got to where the bus was the guy who had to haul it back to Tulsa, was making it sound like it was gonna take forever, and that Ike better be paying him damn well to do this.

When they got back to Tulsa Ike and Terri went to Ike’s parents house. Mrs. Hanson opened the door and gave Ike a big hug and kissed his cheak! Ike’s father was a little more calm. Zac is down stairs on the phone with Sarah.

“What is the deal with them now?” Walker asked.

“Well they are together now! He just called it off with Jessica like a week ago. He really misses Sarah!” Ike was telling his Dad.

“What ever happened to Jessica and him?” Diana asked “She was such a sweet girl!”

Terri looked over at Ike and rolled her eyes and whispered in Ike’s ear “Yeah, if sweet is a self-centered bitch!” Ike kinda laughed! No one but Diana liked Jessica, and well Zac at the time, but now Diana is her only fan!

“Mom, Jessica was a snot! How could you like her? When she wasn’t aroundDad or you she was a bitch!” Ike said. He started to turn a little red, he usually didn’t use those kind of words around his mom!

Diana looked at Ike with a foul look and said “Son, please don’t use those kind of word when talking about another person! It’s rude!”

“Sorry, mom!” he said. Walker didn’t seem like there was anything wrong with his 24 year old son using those words! He was a grown man, and off on his own, and practicallymarried to Terri. Ike’s parents always liked Terri! They thought she was a well brought up girl!

“Terri can you come here and help me in the kitchen?” Diana asked.

“Sure!” Terri said standing up and heading toward the kitchen. Terri was a chef at a local restaurant so Diana thought she was very handy to have around when cooking for a lot of people.

As Diana and Terri were in the kitchen Ike and his father were talking. “So, when do you plan on marrying Terri?” Walker asked.

“I don’t know. When the time is right I guess!” Ike said.

“Oh, okay!” he said!

Just then Mackie came running down the stairs with Zac. “Dad Zac won again!” They had been playing a video game while Zac was talking with Sarah.

“Even while talking with Sarah?” Walker asked Mackie.

“Yeah! I need to start hangingwith you more Zac. My friends will be so surprised when I do some of the stuff you taught me!” Mackie said all wide eyed!

“Okay!” Zac said with a half laugh in there!

“So what did Sarah have to say?” asked Walker.

“Oh, nothing much, Just that she missed me and to tell everyone hi!” he said. Mackie was pulling at Zac to go back up stairs. “Well I’ll see ya later!” Zac said to his Dad and Ike has he was being pulled up the stairs! About 20minutes later Tay and Michelle walked through the door! Diana just stuck her head out the kitchen door to see who was here now.

“Hey, Tay!” she said.

“Hi, mom!” he said walking in there to see what they were up to! Diana never liked Michelle even though Tay and Michelle had been together for 5 years. Diana found Michelle useless when it came to helping in the kitchen, but Michelle always felt like asking. Diana just told her there was enough people in here and she should go sit with Tay!

Michelle pulled Tay aside when she got back out to the family room. “Tay, does your mom hate me?” She asked him lookingdown.

“No, why would you say that?” he asked her.

“Well she just always pushes me away. She seems to always have Terri in there with her! I guess I feel left out! I don’t know!” she said almost in tears. Tay took her upstairs so they were away from the family!

“Michelle! I don’t know why she pushes you away! I guess she...I don’t know! Don’t worry about it sweetheart.” he said as he placed one hand one her cheek and the other on her back and gentle kissed her.

“Tay what if one day we decide to get married? I’ll have a mother in law who hates me!” she said starting to cry!

“Don’t worry about it we’ll worry about it when the time comes. he said again as he kissed her. This kiss had a little more passion in it! Michelle stopped crying and they walked down stairs just in time for dinner. They all sat around the dinner table. They prayed thenate.



