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As they were eating the phone rang. Diana got up and picked it up and said “Hello?”.

“Hey! Mom it’s me Jessie! I’m here at the airport. Do you think maybe you could pick me up?” Sure, I didn’t know you were coming home.” Diana said.

“Well it was on of thosespur of the moment things!” she said

“Okay sure!” Jessie was in college in Mass. Diana looked at the crowd looking at her not moving.

“Honeywho was it?” asked Walker!

“That was Jessie. She is at the airport and asked us to go pick her up.” she said smiling!

“Mom, let Terri and I do it!” Ike said jumping up.

“Okay!” Diana said sitting down.

At the airport Jessie hung up the phone and looked at her boyfriend Alex. “I hope they like me.” he said giving Jessie a very passionate kiss.

“I’m sure they will. If they don’t one of my brothers will have to like you!” she said.

“You have brothers?” he asked with is eyes growing wide.

“Yes, I have four of them, then I have two sisters!” she said smiling.

“Holy shit!” he said.

“Oh, honey....don’t use those words around my rents okay!” she said kissing him.

“Okay sweetheart!” he said kissing her neck! About half hour later Ike and Terri walked up to Jessie and Alex. Ike looked at Alex and greeted him warm heartedly

“Hey, and you are?” he asked expanding his hand out to the guy who was holding his littlesisters hand.

“My name is Alex, I’m Jessie’s boyfriend!” he shook Ikes hand with great strength. Ike looked at Jessie and gave a half smile! She had a HUGE smile on her face.

“Well lets get home I wanna see Mom, Dad, Tay, Zac, Avary, Mackie, and Zoe.” she saidpicking up two of her bags. Ike and Terri were carrying some of them too. The drive was 25 minutes. They got to the house and walked in. Everyone kept asking who the guy was.

Finally Jessie told everyone more about Alex. “Alex is from Oregon. He is 20. He ismajoring in the medical field!” she said. Jessie was 17! She was very smart and went to College earlier, than most of her friends! Walker didn’t like the idea of some horny 20 year old kissing up to his little girl! Tay was a little upset, he knew he didn’t like Alex when he first saw him. Diana didn’t like that her daughter was dating someone older than her older brother!

Zac thought fast and pulled Jessie aside from the dinning room. “Jessie what are you trying to do?” Zac asked.

“What do you mean?” she asked inasently.

“You know that the hell your doing! Your bringing Alex here to keep Mom and Dad all freaked out. They are already worried enough about you! With Issac, Taylor ,and I out of the house all they have left is you, Avary, Mackie, and Zoe. They want to keep you away from all that shitas long as they can! just....stop hanging on him around Mom and Dad! They don’t have a good first impression already, don’t make it worse!”

He walked off and sat down at the table with the rest of the family! Jessie ran off crying.

Alex looked at Zac and yelled “What the hell did you say to her?” he got up and ran toward Jessie. Walker got up and ran after Alex. All they could hear for the next five minutes was Walker yelling at Alex telling him he wasn’t welcome in his house if that is the way he was gonna talk to his family! Ten minutes after Walker got back they heard a door slam shut! Diana went up to talk to Jessie and realized she left too! Diana stormed down and started yelling at Walker. Then she ran off crying! Ike went up to his mother to comfort her!

“Mom?” he asked as he walked into her room “It’s okay she'll come back!” he said sitting by her on her bed rubbing her back.

“I know I’m not worried about’s just that I though your father and I did a good job on teaching you kids on chooseing the right people to spend your time with.” she said

“You did, you and Dad have raised us kids so well. We couldn’t be any better! It’s just that Jessie is young and age is gonna make mistakes! she’s 17 give her a chance!” hewalked off.



