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The next morning Terri woke up to Ike’s arms around her. She loved that feeling and wanted to stay that way forever. Suddenly Ike woke up and passionately kissed Terri!

“Oh, I missed that when you were away.” she covered herself up more “I missed waking up to you in the morning......I just missed you!” she said laying her head on his chest.

Ike lifted her head and looked her in the eyes “Um, Terri I was gonna wait for a more special occasion, but I guess this is a better time!” he said sweetly. He got up and ran out in theliving room.

“Terri......**he took a deep breathe.....Will you marry me? Will you have my children? Will you take care of me when I’m gray and old?” smiling he looked at her.

“Oh, Ike YES! YES! YES!” Terri said crying. Here they were in their pj’s and Ike asked her tomarry him! This was the best day of her life!

At the Hanson house Zac was was (yes you guessed it) talking on the phone with Sarah.“So how are your parents and siblings?”

“Fine! I miss you!”

“Oh, thats so sweet Zachary Walker Hanson! I miss you too! So has it been fun since Italked to you last?”

“Yeah. Jessie came home yesterday. She has a new boyfriend! He is 20 and his name isAlex! He is an asshole.”

“Oh, where was your sister anyway?”

“Oh, didn’t I tell you? I guess not.....anyway she is in College up in Mass.! Thats were shemet the dick head!”

“Now Zac be nice! I’m sure he can’t be that bad! Maybe your just over protective of yourlittle sister!”

“Yeah, maybe your right! I just don’t want to see hermake stupid mistakes!”

“Thats sweet Zac! I wish I had some brothers to be that way with me! Maybe they couldperfect me from such assholes as Brett!”

“Who’s Brett?”

“Oh, just an ex-boyfriend who was a complete ass!”

“Anything I should be concerned about?”

“No! He now lives somewhere in Canada! He is a pro Hockey player! Very buff, with amajor attitude! I’d hate to piss him off!”


“What was that ‘Oh’ for Zac?”

“Nothing I just thought you were insisting that I wasn’t buff enough for you?”

“Where did you get that from?”

“Well.....**she cut him off**

“Zac..he was just this asshole I dated when I moved here. I always talked about you...he hated it! He was very controlling! He told me what I could and couldn’t wear and do! I remember this one time I was at a party and my good guy friend Nick had his arm around me....oh, did Brett beat the shit out of his face! Nick was one of those pretty boys! He has never looked the same after that night! That was the night I dumped Brett. He cried! He was such a cry baby! A momma’s boy you could say!”

“Oh, what an asshole!”

“Well Zac honey! I better go, I’d hate to make your parents phone bill run sky high! Iwant them to like me!”

“Oh, okay! Well I love you and I’ll talk to youlater!”

“I love you too, and I’ll call you!” After they got off the phone Zac hopped in the shower.

When Zac got out of the shower he got dressed and went down stairs. To his surprise Ike and Terri were there. “Hey! whats going on? Whats with the hugging?” questioned Zac.

“Well Terri and I are getting married!” Ike exclaimed!

“Wow, thats great I’m happy for both of you! Zac said picking off a piece of lent thatwas on his shirt.

Back at Tay and Michelle’s apartment. “Tay I need to talk to you.” Michelle said walking into the living room where Tay was watching TV.

“Yeah, babe what is it?” he asked.




